Updating records in a Continuous Form


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:39
May 5, 2012
So i'm trying various things that I usually don't bother with, to try and gain some knowledge. The thing i'm messing with now is Continuous Forms which pull their data from Queries. The odd thing I wasn't expecting is that it appears the results in the Details section of the Continuous Form aren't editable/update-able.

Basically I was thinking the results would act the same as they would on a single form where the record that is displayed can be altered then saved. I was wrong, it would seem.

Are the results displayed in a continuous form designed to be view only? Or, am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.
Could be your query isn't update able. Run the query outside the form and try if you are able to add at new record or edit one.
If yes, then see if you form isn't locked by the form's Allowedit property.
Thanks for the reply.

I did some more digging today, mixed with a little trial and error, and determined the problem was caused by my Query pulling together data from 2 different Tables. Evidently, that affects the update-ability of the query.

Now i'm playing with some work-a-rounds for this, but so far I'm not happy with the solutions. Got it working, nonetheless.

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