What is the cheapest way to ship Items from USA?

Never have shipped any previously from any country to India.
Surely Amazon operate in India??
I'd speak to Amazon India if you really want a quantity of them, or someone in China where they are made.
No sorry, but you have the wrong end of the stick - Language differences - If it was me, I would contact Amazon in India.
But it's you - so you need to contact Amazon in India...
I spoke to them. They told that it will take an year or two to launch the new version here...
That seems strange, it there some technology difference that would cause that?
Why don't you purchase from America's Amazon. You can join.
I've purchased a lot of clothes, PC parts, helmet, and even shoes and books from them.
I simply joined as a new member, and used my credit card. They billed a little for international shipping.

They also allow using the same mail address and password as Amazon in your country. (Mine is the same)
Why don't you purchase from America's Amazon. You can join.
I've purchased a lot of clothes, PC parts, helmet, and even shoes and books from them.
I simply joined as a new member, and used my credit card. They billed a little for international shipping.

They also allow using the same mail address and password as Amazon in your country. (Mine is the same)
Not all products listed in the Global shipping category especially Amazon devices like fire tablet and echo studio and all...
@KitaYama Interestingly, it wouldn't let me ship that item to the UK.
So it must have some weird restrictions on it.
Because every country wants to protect its countries local made...
to be honest, I don't know what does it mean. To my knowledge, every country tries to sell its products to others.

Anyhow, you can always ask a friend who lives there to buy and send it to you.
Not sure why you would want to invite Big Brother into your home to spy on you. I think 1984 by George Orwell needs to go back onto the required reading list for high school seniors.

The best thing that happens is that the conversations it overhears are sold to other companies so they can market stuff to you. We'll let the conspiracy theorists talk about the worst possibilities. Just don't talk about presents you intend to buy for the children for their birthday because everyone in the household and your friends too if you use gmail will be getting ads trying to sell you the toys you talked about.
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