What should Biden do after he wins? (1 Viewer)


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 11:06
Dec 26, 2002
I've already stated here how I feel about the medical and pharmaceutical system in place in this country. It's BS. They are greedy and too powerful. I wouldn't be surprised if they did hold onto information. That being said, they all said there was no way there would be a vaccine before election day. Only Trump and his administration said otherwise. Did they KNOW they would have one before election day and decided not to tell anyone? Oh my! (Sarcasm)

Honestly, with the money in mind and competition with other countries and companies, they would be foolish to hold onto the information.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:06
Feb 19, 2002
Maybe they didn't want trump to try to claim credit for their work.
A Pfizer press release from July announced that, in agreement with Operation Warp Speed, the U.S. government would receive 100 million doses of the vaccine—subject to FDA approval—for $1.95 billion, with the option to acquire up to 500 million more.

The aim was for these doses to be distributed for free.
You do know that the program that Trump initiated gave BILLIONS of dollars to Pfizer and other vaccine developers so they could fast track a vaccine, don't you? Maybe that was only reported on Fox. So, you are correct that Trump is not a chemist. He doesn't work in a lab developing vaccines so technically he didn't develop the vaccine personally, but it is only because you are completely blinded by hatred that you refuse to give him credit for making this happen this year and Pfizer looks like the leader of the pack. Do you really think we'd have a vaccine this year if Trump didn't create this program and push for it?????? HOW EXACTLY do you know that the companies that are developing vaccines are NOT reporting regularly on their progress to Trump's people? HOW EXACTLY do you think that Trump got the idea that a vaccine could be ready as early as October? Do you think he makes this stuff up or maybe, if you didn't hate him so much, you might think he was letting us know that the vaccine was close because the companies working on them included those estimates in their reports. It is really difficult to see anything positive when you are looking at someone with hatred and rage. It blinds you. Maybe you should see a shrink. Trump is an optimist and a successful businessman. He has a can do attitude because he knows how to get stuff done. He believes we, if we work TOGETHER, can solve difficult problems. And all you want to do is throw stuff at him and smear him. Really?

Just FYI, big pharma also hates Trump and would do anything to discredit him. Why? He has negotiated the ability for Americans to buy drugs at prices that people in other countries pay. In the past, Medicare, in particular, was not allowed to negotiate drug prices so they always paid the highest price in the world. CBS (I think) did a segment on drug prices and they did it by showing piles of pills. Americans got 1 pill, and some countries in the world got hundreds for the same price. Then when Americans got wise and started going to Canada and Mexico to buy drugs, the drug companies started running adds about unsafe drugs being purchased off shore. Of course the drugs they were buying in Canada and Mexico were made in exactly the same factories as those sold at inflated prices to the US market.

Also, anyone who thinks Fox is in the tank for Trump doesn't actually watch Fox. They get their opinions from the talking heads on the other stations which means that they are empty shells and couldn't form their own opinion if their life depended on it. Several Fox hosts such as Neil Cavouto and Chris Wallace are anti-Trump and most of the others criticize Trump when he deserves it and praise him when he does good things.. Most report accurately on his policies unlike the lame stream media which simply ignores Trump's good policies and takes random stabs at Trump's supporters and Melania when they can't think of anything else to say.
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:06
Sep 28, 1999
There were @150,000,000 votes cast. 100,000,000 million of those were early votes. Thats 2/3rds.
So about 1,000,000 votes per State. I thought some of these States were pretty close. Some of those early votes cast could have been close to the election, and also influenced by a positive vaccine announcement.

I haven't applied any weights at all. It might have made a difference, might not. All hypothetical.

Note that I am referring to an announcement of findings, not the availability of the vaccine.


Local time
Today, 11:06
Jan 11, 2013
You do know that the program that Trump initiated gave BILLIONS of dollars to Pfizer and other vaccine developers so they could fast track a vaccine, don't you?
Actually They haven't gotten a dime yet. All they have is an agreement to sell the US @100 million doses. They did not take any upfront money. They also, along with their german partner, have similiar agreements with other countries. So yea that takes alot of the risk out of the equation.
Do you think he makes this stuff up
Is that a serious question? Got a couple days? Read these https://www.factcheck.org/person/donald-trump/
Trump is an optimist and a successful businessman.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 11:06
Feb 19, 2002
Moke, Maybe you're just a dilettante. You just lurk here because you like to respond to technical posts but you don't know anything about software. Maybe you don't know that the software patches that were uploaded in some places the night before the election and not certified, could manipulate the counts. Maybe you don't know that there have already been issues where the software has been proven to switch votes intended for Trump to Biden by the thousands!!! With such small margins, there certainly could be enough bad counts to swing the election. Why were Republication poll workers prevented from being present in certain polling sites? What were the Democrats hiding? Are you not even a little bit curious? The law says that poll watchers from both parties are allowed to watch ALL the vote counting? Why were some poll watchers told that voting was going to stop and resume in the morning? Why did counting resume as soon as the Republicans left the scene? When in modern history has any poll site ever stopped counting and gone home for the night? and THIS YEAR, counting stops mysteriously late in the evening in the six closest states. Aren't you even a little curious? Maybe instead of listening to the people screaming that THERE's NOTHING TO SEE HERE. JUST MOVE ALONG. Trump has no right to question the election!!!! Just concede and shut up!!! Oh, I guess Jill (what's her name) didn't have any right to ask for recounts in 2016 and Gore didn't have any right to contest the 2000 election. Hypocrisy reigns:) and no other president in history has had the right to question a close election. WHY are you so interested in stopping this investigation IMMEDIATELY. Are you remembering Hillary's instruction to Biden to NOT concede no matter what? How about the Governor of Pennsylvania's remarks that Biden was going to win even though at the time Trump was over 600,000 votes ahead? Biden himself made one of the greatest faux pas of all time when he talked about the Democrats creating the most corrupt vote counting systems. I don't remember the quote exactly but it was one of those things that made your head snap back when you heard it. I'm pretty sure he was supposed to include a "not" somewhere in the sentence but maybe he forgot who he was talking to and actually told the truth. I would like to think Joe wasn't actually a party to the ballot stuffing/altering, that it was all done without his knowledge, but maybe he was.

Why did I know you were going to post a link to a "fact check"? Why does no one "fact check" Adam Schiff or Biden? Why aren't you worried that Biden took money from China and Ukraine among other countries? His son was selling access to Biden and we have actual proof of that with Hunter's laptop a well as testimony from Hunter's business partners. How many years can Hunter continue to sell access if his father isn't putting out? Yet we have millions from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, millions from a corrupt Ukrainian company who Joe himself (on tape) forced Ukraine to stop investigating, not to mention 1.5 BILLION from China. Was Hunter actually qualified for any of those jobs? Why do children and siblings of powerful people get these no-show jobs? Because the people who hire them expect something in return. Doesn't this bother you even a little bit?

Why did I know you were going to post a link to something that references a Trump "failure"? Please tell me you have never failed at anything. That you are perfect. Please tell me that NO successful person has ever failed at anything. If you don't try, you can't succeed and sometimes you fail. Successful people learn from their mistakes and get back on the horse.


Local time
Today, 11:06
Jan 11, 2013
Pat I could fact check you all day.
Please check your facts from reputable sources other than trump.

Those cover the majority of your assertions. You can fact check the Hunter stuff yourself.

I do agree trump is entitled to contest anything in the election. He'd just be a little more credible if he had facts to back it up.

And finally


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:06
May 22, 2010
CNN cuts away from the experts heading up "operation warp speed" to Sanjay Gupta. Sanjay Gupta is a partisan hack that has zero knowledge about the internal workings of operation warp speed. CNN does their audience a disservice by not providing the update.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:06
Feb 19, 2002
WHY do you not want multiple machines in multiple places tested? Why are you willing to chalk this up to a "glitch". You know, (I think) that software doesn't "glitch".

I'm with AB, if you cut away from the president and his experts when they are speaking so you can "interpret" for the stupid people who won't bother to think for themselves, then none of those sources are trustworthy.

I say just let the machines be verified. What EXACRLY is your problem with the verification?


Local time
Today, 11:06
Jan 11, 2013
WHY do you not want multiple machines in multiple places tested? Why are you willing to chalk this up to a "glitch". You know, (I think) that software doesn't "glitch".

I'm with AB, if you cut away from the president and his experts when they are speaking so you can "interpret" for the stupid people who won't bother to think for themselves, then none of those sources are trustworthy.

I say just let the machines be verified. What EXACRLY is your problem with the verification?
What are you talking about? Chalk what up to a glitch? I did not drink the kool aid. I do not believe any of the conspiracy theories that trump and co made up.
you alleged a mysterious software update. there wasn't one
you alleged thousands of deleted votes. there were none
Poll watchers. didnt happen
You obviously didnt hear any of the discussions about the red mirage before the election.
You asked about Hunter bidens qualifications. Do you even know his background?

I havent given my opinion on anything. all ive done is posted links to info disputing your assertions.

Why can you not accept that trump lost?


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 10:06
Feb 28, 2001
While it is true that software written properly does not glitch, it is also true that software written improperly could very easily appear to be "glitchy." For instance, having an undetected global variable usage lead to a side-effect might appear as glitchy behavior, something that sometimes - but not always - retains a value it should not retain. By the way, "glitch" is Yiddish for slide or glide, implying a smooth movement, something that "slides past." In modern terms, a "slip up."

We also have to remember that to the layman, probably including poll commissioners and TV news readers, the characteristic differences between a hardware glitch and a software error caused by erroneous programming. That, plus the tendency of some folks to listen too much to what otherwise ignorant news readers read over the air, means we really can't point a finger to anything other than that an error was made. Somewhere, but we really can't know where.

That said, the only real way to learn what happened, whether hardware or software or operator error, is to examine the machines before they get wiped and reset for the next election. (Which in Louisiana is a runoff for some officials who only got a plurality in the primary.)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:06
Feb 19, 2002
you alleged a mysterious software update. there wasn't one
There are affidavits saying there was one. Not every site. I don't know how many. We only have the sworn statements made by people who were on-site.
you alleged thousands of deleted votes. there were none
You might have better success searching if you use something like DuckDuckGo or even Bing since they don't exclude items because they don't fit the narrative

People have made sworn statements that these things did happen. If Trump loses, those people know that they will be persecuted by the left so don't just dismiss a sworn statement lightly. These people take the integrity of the voting system seriously enough to risk their future by making a sworn statement. Blocking access to the sites and destroying evidence simply corroborates their statements. Chill. If Gore and Stein and all other candidates before Trump were entitled to recounts. Trump is entitled to a recount. What do you care? His campaign has to pay for the recount, not we the people. We, the people had to pay for the multiple bogus investigations Congress and the FBI ran into "Russia collusion". But Trump is paying for the recount so just let it happen.

As far as Dominion goes, if the software didn't cause the problem, what is wrong with simply verifying that by testing the machines? If there is nothing to find, why is everyone so hysterical about it?


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:06
Sep 28, 1999
some of the issues were human error
There was a lot of human error in getting a FISA warrent to spy on Trump's campaign. What was odd was it was all in one direction. Just sayin'.


Local time
Today, 11:06
Jan 11, 2013
There are affidavits saying there was one. Not every site. I don't know how many. We only have the sworn statements made by people who were on-site.
There was a scheduled update 10/31. Ridley called the company 11/3 about a problem and was told about an overnight update in error.
Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia secretary of state’s office,disputed Ridley’s initial account about the update, telling reporters on Nov. 9 that the log files for the poll books show that the last update to them before the election was made on Oct. 31. “There was nothing that was done to the system after that date,” he said.
These affadavits? https://newsopener.com/uk/donald-trumps-234-pages-of-fraud-affidavits-include-unusual-claims/

Can you show me one?

If Trump loses,
If? 306 is a landslide by trumps own words.

DuckDuckGo gives the same results
Screenshot 2020-11-14 133412.jpg

I have no problem with the machines being tested. In fact I believe they have been doing that.
I cant explain why people are hysterical about it other than they cant believe trump lost.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:06
Sep 28, 1999
You might have better success searching if you use something like DuckDuckGo or even Bing since they don't exclude items because they don't fit the narrative
Hey Pat, I just took you up on your suggestion and entered a search for a controversial topic I was researching earlier today. Obviously, I used Google. But some of the answers dissatisfied me. The entries seemed "sanitised." I just tried DuckDuckGo and the second entry gave me a whole host of entries that didn't seem to fit a certain narrative. I was pleasantly surprised. It has opened my eyes to how much the returned search results actually influence a) what we know, b) what we get to see, which is skewed by the ideology of the search engine creators.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:06
Feb 19, 2002
Moke, Have you seen the more radical elements of the Democrat party discussing "lists" of Trump supporters and how they are going to ruin their lives and keep them from ever working again? ON TELEVISION!!!!! Do you think that people who are lying would actually sign an affidavit that they KNEW could be used to persecute them if Trump doesn't prevail?????

You should be very afraid of what you've wrought with your mindless hatred of Trump. Biden's Chinese puppet masters are so proud of you. So are the Marxists who are also broadcasting how they will pull Biden's strings. You never see any of these videos. Why? They would tell you what kind of people you voted for. I actually feel sorry for Biden. I give him 3 months after the inauguration should Trump's battle for an honest election be defeated by the deep state. Then Harris will declare herself president. That'll piss off China but maybe they own her also. I think she was mentioned in some of Biden's emails but nothing that implicates her has surfaced so far so please ignore the innuendo. They would off Biden sooner if they could but they can't do it before he takes the oath of office because that would not make Harris president. The second place winner - Trump would be the president. Nobody ever voted for Harris. She was so unpopular she dropped out of the primary before Iowa voted so she is about as unpopular is it is possible to be and yet within a year, she could be our president :sick:

Jon, I've been warning people about that for years. All my fears have come to fruition. Google OWNs everyone because it controls what information they have and therefore what they think. When I first discovered the problem with search engines at least ten years ago, I realized that they were using confirmation bias to feed me what I wanted to see. I proved it to a friend with Yahoo. For a week or so, whenever I opened my email (which is an @att.net address but hosted by Yahoo) I clicked on a couple of items in the feed. But I only clicked on items that mentioned someone from the British Royal family. After a week, the first 20 or more items in the feed were all royal gossip. But Google goes much further than manipulating your feed, they actually lower the priority of articles they don't want you to see. I don't think they exclude them. I think they just make them so low in priority that they are so far down the list that you'd never get to them. Goggle also reads your email if you use gmail or write to anyone with a gmail address and mines it for advertising opportunities. Because of my little experiment with Yahoo, I don't ever "like" anything and I only click on articles that I actually want to read.

Showing me Royal gossip and sending me ads for shoes is annoying but benign. Google and FB and Twitter have gone far beyond that. Now they are fact checking every tweet by Trump and throttling his account. I'm not sure what news you are seeing in the UK about the voting fiasco but the news here is all "THERE IS NO CORRUPTION" "THERE IS NO SOFTWARE PROBLEM" "WE DIDN'T STOP OBSERVERS" "WE DIDN'T FEED BIDEN FAVORIABLE BALLOTS MULTIPLE TIMES", "TRUMP HAS NO RIGHT TO REQUEST A RECOUNT" "HE'S JUST OBSTRUCTING AND WE'RE GOING TO NEED THE ARMY TO EVICT HIM FROM THE WHITEHOUSE", and on and on and on. Typical bats*** crazy reporting. Opinions being thrown around as facts everywhere.

What's the big deal? If there is nothing to find, sit back and smile at all the money the Trump campaign is spending on the recounts.

which is skewed by the ideology of the search engine creators.
They talk about "algorithms" as if they are magic code formed from the ether. No one has ever explained to the public that "algorithms" are written by people and designed by other people both of which could have a bias and they may purposefully or accidentally introduce bias in the code they write. At this point, we all know the bias is purposeful but I think the general public is still in the dark because computers are a mystery to them. Biden even thinks laid off coal miners should become coders which just goes to show you the general knowledge of what we do even for a former senator and VP. You can tell if you listen to any of the hearings on CSPAN where the House and Senate committees are questioning the gods of Silicon Valley. They are so obsequious it is actually nauseating.

Just as now they are talking about "glitches" as if they are accidents. The count errors could be caused by honest bugs but in theory, once the software has been certified and the machine locked, NOTHING can change the software and we all know it just doesn't break but the public doesn't.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:06
Jul 5, 2006
Moke, Have you seen the more radical elements of the Democrat party discussing "lists" of Trump supporters and how they are going to ruin their lives and keep them from ever working again?
AOC, others pushing for apparent blacklist of people who worked with Trump. Supposedly the "Trump Accountability Project" has been shutdown. Bad optics? That may simply be a temporary "goodwill" gesture till after January 20th when the Biden administration (if installed) can take Democratic political control of the government and the legal system. (Democrats have already demonstrated that they will use the power of the State to oppress political opponents.) @moke123; this is a revitalized version of McCarthyism.
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:06
Feb 19, 2002
Gotta ask Pat, do you follow Q?
No. I never even heard of him until recently. I am not on Facebook because I am banned for life after ONE SINGLE POST. I've mentioned that several times. The post was about SS not being an entitlement program and included the words "gunpoint" and IRS in the same sentence and apparently that makes me a threat to society. I am not on Twitter or any other social media platform either. They are all just a bunch of people being rude and calling each other names. This single forum is the extent of my social media. Maybe that's why I am still able to form my own opinions.

This is the ONLY forum where i have ever posted a political opinion and that is because we are all "friends" here and so don't need to resort to name calling when we disagree.

Once your eyes are opened to how you are being manipulated by Google, FB, Twitter, etc. you can't go back. I tell my non-technical friends and they look at me like I'm wearing a tinfoil hat. They can't believe that THEY could be manipulated in this way. But technical people should at least understand the basic concept of Cognitive Bias even if they believe that THEY would never be affected by the manipulation.

There are old videos of the "titans" of Silicon Valley discussing how they deliberately make their software addictive and that's why they send their children to low tech schools and keep them off social media.

I didn't find the video but did find hese:
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