What should Trump do after he wins? (1 Viewer)

The rest of the world watches, and if it wasn't so important, laughs.
Hunker down and hope to survive as the country gets overrun by illegal aliens. Maybe move some place like North Dakota. I'm too close to a sanctuary city. There are already homeless encampments in New Haven.

He isn't a genius. He is a pragmatic businessman who understands how to build things and run a company and thinks the government should run more like a business. You know, stupid stuff like a balanced budget and enforcing the law. He was also naive. He never understood the depth of the deep state. He knew it was there but not how entrenched it is. Hopefully, this time he will be ready and he will not be listening to his advisers from the last term who kept him from doing what he wanted to do.

The deep state is the government employees behind the scenes. These are the permanent Washington mid-level managers and "little" people who have job security (due to our stupid allowing of government workers to be unionized) and so have no fear of being fired. They do what they want to do if they want to do anything at all. If they don't like the current direction, they just slow walk everything. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. Why do you think it takes 3 hours in line at the DMV to get a replacement license plate? Or, 4 weeks to get an appointment to renew your license? They still aren't working because of "COVID". The civil service is a joke.

Judges are in theory non-political but since they are usually appointed, they almost always have a political leaning. The difference is that Republican leaning judges are more likely to rule based on the Constitution rather than their political bias.

I can feel the hatred dripping from your words. What did Trump ever do to you that evokes such a personal loathing? Why are his college grades important? These days everyone at Yale gets an A and at Brown they don't even pretend to give grades. Whatever Trump's grades were, he earned them unlike students today who wilt and run for a safe space if they get criticized. A degree today is a participation trophy. It is meaningless. The 4-year college has overplayed its importance and overcharged for too long. Change is in the wind. The anti-semitism and support for Hamas was a bit too far for most Americans. Those college presidents who were forced to resign are just the tip of the iceberg. They got where they were because they checked a couple of the right boxes. It is time to return to merit and excellence in our colleges instead of DIE.
You are wrong asbout the hatred, Think you are the one thats doing all the hating. I really don't hate anyone. I just know that Trump is incompetent as a public servant. I don't post 2,000 word posts.
Think you are the one thats doing all the hating
Please point out why.
I just know that Trump is incompetent as a public servant.
What was incompetent? You don't like criminal justice reforms, lower taxes, fewer regulations, a safer world?
I don't post 2,000 word posts.
That is because you think in sound bytes and headlines. If you never read beyond the click-bait, you never actually get to the facts of a story. It isn't so much that the media lies outright, it is more like burying the truth and obfuscating it so you never bother to read it.
Please feel free to ignore my posts.
Please point out why.

What was incompetent? You don't like criminal justice reforms, lower taxes, fewer regulations, a safer world?

That is because you think in sound bytes and headlines. If you never read beyond the click-bait, you never actually get to the facts of a story. It isn't so much that the media lies outright, it is more like burying the truth and obfuscating it so you never bother to read it.
Please feel free to ignore my posts.
You keep ascribing characteristics to me the are not the case. You assume I think in "sound bites" when you don't even know me. But it fits your picture of a someone that does not agree with you. In addition, what economic class was the real benificary of Trumps Tax cut. after it passeed He walked into a well healed gathering in Florida and said "Now, you are really rich".

Have a nice day , Pat.
You assume I think in "sound bites" when you don't even know me
And yet you find my posts long and so you object to them. You found that you needed to criticize them for something
In addition, what economic class was the real benificary of Trumps Tax cut.
Easy - the tax paying class:ROFLMAO: So, yes, 47% of the people who file income tax returns got no "benefit" because you have to pay taxes to benefit from a tax "cut" duh. Also, since these things are calculated in percentages, the more actual dollars you pay, the more actual dollars you benefit. Here in America where the "American Dream" is still alive, we don't begrudge other people's wealth. We aspire to it. Elon Musk is wealthy because he had a couple of really great ideas and the gumption to bring them to fruition and profit from them. I invest in Tesla, not because of the cars but because of the battery technology, which is going to save us all, and because I like the way Musk runs his business.

Also, as you criticize Trump and blame our taxes on him, you might want to reflect on what part of our government actually writes tax law. The President can suggest and beg until he's blue in the face but in reality his option is to sign or reject the bills placed in front of him.

I would love to see our tax law cancelled and start again from scratch but that isn't going to happen. Why? Because that would immediately put hundreds of thousands of people and businesses out of work. There is a whole infrastructure that has grown up around our Byzantine tax code. No one in Congress could summon the guts to actually dismantle it. Think about those 87,000 new tax agents whose sole purpose is to audit the lower and middle classes. They aren't needed to audit the wealthy. The wealthy have very expensive lawyers and accountants who dot the i's and cross the t's and make sure that they take every tax advantage they paid members of Congress to create for them.

Actual fraud happens much lower down on the income scale and in certain types of businesses that deal with mostly cash. Why do you think the government is so hot to get rid of cash? The McDonald's franchise is probably not cheating but you can bet your last dollar that the mom and pop restaurant is skimming and hiring illegal kitchen help.
What will you do if Trump looses? That could happen. Since he is such a genious, why didn't he see what was coming? He knew the Deep State was there, and all tthe judges and grand juries are part of the Deep State. You think a self proclaimed genious, that won't release his college grades, would have figured all that out.
I don't think he is a genius at all. In fact, most of his general viewpoints and policies about what neeeds to change in the USA are pretty much common sense - requiring no genius.

I hope Nikki Haley wins, but I doubt it - in which case, we'll probably lose again, as Republicans seem to like losing as long as they voted for Trump
I don't think he is a genius at all. In fact, most of his general viewpoints and policies about what neeeds to change in the USA are pretty much common sense - requiring no genius.

I hope Nikki Haley wins, but I doubt it - in which case, we'll probably lose again, as Republicans seem to like losing as long as they voted for Trump
I understand your last line. Voting with Trump has been a loosing proposition. It start with "The Big Red Wave" in 2018. Most incumbents loose seats in the mid terms, but this last mid term Biden gained seats. I used to be a Republican, but to me the party is no longer about conservative values, it's about retribution. There was a decent boarder bill, but Trump wanted it voted down so he could run on lax boader issues. When I was very young, and in grade school there was a phrase that was used to settle arguments: "Flies off me and sticks on you. I'm rubber your glue everything you say sticks to you". I feel I have returned to that school yard.

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