Why do women hate the 'C' word?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:14
Oct 12, 2001
The 'C' word was used in one of the jokes in the other thread. One of our female members has taken exception to it's use. Other words have been used which can be considered by some as just as vulgar, but have been used without comment.

What is it about that word that women don't like? You can use other words to describe that particular part of the anatomy without any problem (and I obviously don't mean medical terms). Why is that?
I think only the brave or foolish will prolong this particular thread, judge me as you will folks, but here's my response as I suspect the ladies around here probably won't wish to engage. Perhaps it's because the word is so frequently used as a pejorative and they don't wish to be associated with it.
I agree Barry - its not worth commenting on

Hey, damn it, I'll comment - I was the female poster that was insulted. I think the "C" word is the most vulgar, rude, debasing word ever invented. Period. It is never used in any positive manner, and when it is used, it is to illustrate a woman who has virtually no redeeming qualities. I see no use for it in any conversation, and I don't think it is funny. My boyfriend doesn't even use the word around me anymore, because I can't see any real reason for using it. There's lots of other pejoratives that can be used to more accurately describe someone. That's about it for me.

Becuase my ex use to call me that when mad!!!!
selenau837 said:
The c word i am refering too is c**t. Brat!!
My God, that's disgusting, hate the word myself :eek:
how could anybody call you a cart?
Rich said:
My God, that's disgusting, hate the word myself :eek:
how could anybody call you a cart?

You've misspelled cult. :D
Seriously though, I'm really not very easily offended and I can see the humor in Uncle Gizmo's joke. However, I've never really cared for that word myself because it is always used in such a derogatory fashion. I wasn't really offended by the joke previous to that either, although he did preface it with a word of caution so I was expecting something obscene anyway. :p
It's just as well Peter Cook and Dudley Moore aren't members of this forum. ;)
We all know that word is "****" pronounced as "cant". Period.
Whatever it means in Engish,it may mean another in another Language.However,it sounds very nasty and not even good to read and write about as WE ARE DOING NOW.LOL.
OK, what about d|ck then, would it not be the reverse of the C word appling to men instead? Just interested in other opinions.

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