Why is Biden president? (1 Viewer)

Did you hear the report that Matt Taibbi was visited by the IRS - in person - on the day he was in DC testifying before Congress about government overreach? You can't make this up. If "they" don't watch out, they will turn him into a Republican or at least independent as they did to Tulsi Gabbard.

The overreach of the current administration is terrifying to all rational people regardless of which side they generally vote for.
Yeah, they want to enforce all their ways of thinking through force, while accusing the other side of doing the same. It's craziness.

The other day I was on another form of media and someone disagreed with my comment, a male, and he resorted to an insulted wherein he wrote a sort of insulting, challenging type of bravado statement - the type of thing that if a man said it to another man in person, it might be a fight-starting type of scenario.

I thought to myself: "How odd. In the same thread they are discussing such "euro-centric" and "caucasio-ethnic" forms of "patriarchy" and "toxic masculinity" (supposedly all the Bad Things being manly or being a strong male leader has done to the world), here this guy is defending it, while doing the exact same thing - bravely insulting me personally while sitting behind a keyboard".

That's one of the most FUNDAMENTAL, basic problems I see with the progressive's new shunning of absolute truth:

When you have no absolute, non-relative moral anchor, you put yourself in the impossible situation of just making everything up.

Which for the best or smartest of us, just is an impossible task. You end up with a bunch of spaghetti nonsense, all jumbled up, frequently contradicting each other, contradicting another tenet of the new dogma, and constantly living out a contradiction of your own terms!

It's impossible, when viewed honestly, to "invent" a completely 100% coherent moral code on your own. It just ends up a mess that can't be reconciled or resolved, ever.

Evidenced by little things you see all the time, like the more "classic" gay community standing up against the more radical transgender activists because all of a sudden the gays are worried that some of the newest stuff will give them a bad name - understandably, because many of them never really WANTED to target children, and they are disgusted by the latest exploratory sexual philosophies which are doing so.

So you have an element of a movement that seemed coherent and consistent in the 90's, (back when everyone was bashing conservatives for their slippery slope arguments), but now seems totally incoherent and self-contradictory.

But take heart. Next month a new Term will be defined which will explain away, rationalize, and justify everything all at once!

And anyone who refuses to pretend it has been an eternal, immutable reality all along, will be bashed over the head with a rock!
The fringes have this curmudgeon view - it's my way or the highway whereas the centrists have a more live and let live approach. Its time for the rational middle to draw some lines in the sand and cut off the fringes. They are entitled to their opinions but they are not entitled to remake the world in their own image.

They stepped over the line when they started insisting that boys were girls and should use the same bathrooms and changing facilities and grooming children to be transvestites. This is from people who accuse you of cultural appropriation if you dare to wear lederhosen if you are not actually German.

Now the mamma bears and poppa bears are all riled up. Get out of the way.
As tempted as I am to say, Now is the time for the more extreme right-wing to take over (tempted only because some days it honestly does appear to me that a rather forceful and extreme approach is the only level of resistance that is enough to match the radical and forceful awfulness from the other side, not because I really want an extreme right wing situation).......... I do sincerely hope that centrists can rule the day and, if, in order to do that, they have to cut off both sides' fringes, then so be it.

Would definitely rather have peace and prosperity. But, if sacrificing peace and prosperity ends up being literally The Only way to avoid a country for my grandchildren where all children are the property of the state and mental sexual molestation is required by law (and that being just one of a dozen required State indoctrination that cannot by law be avoided without punishment), and any objecting parents are imprisoned, then umm.. yeah .. that would be worth dying to avoid. I say that now, hopefully I'd have the courage to say that if it comes down to it, but I have to at least try to think of the potential suffering of my children and my children's children, not myself.

Hopefully all of that is silly as in it won't be needed. Hopefully Western society can see just enough of the painful, dark, confused, crazy consequences of insanity to actually arrest the insanity rather then legislating its growth to the point where no one is capable of recognizing it AS insanity any more. It's the "point of no return" that I think conservatives worry about. We never quite know when it will be, we just see it's obvious we're on a track here, so it's understandably a bit challenging to figure out at what point it's time to get tougher and at what point we can afford more time to try to persuade gently.

Obviously, the idea "peace at all costs", isn't true. The key is in "all"
The US has traditionally been center-right. The hard left has taken over leadership of the Democrat party and since they are currently in office, they are hell-bent on remaking America in their own image. They have torn up the Constitution and the moderates and even the far right have simply stuck their heads in the sand and prayed that no one would call them a racist:( The Republicans in office are feckless pieces of dog doo and the moderate Democrats are no better.

They have a stranglehold at this point and feel they are powerful enough to take political prisoners and we haven't stopped them. Finally, the most visible trespasser of Jan 6 has been released, largely because of the proof of his innocence was made public. Hopefully, he and the others will sue for prosecutorial misconduct or whatever the crime is because the Jan 6 commission flatly refused to consider any real evidence of what went on in the building despite having 40,000 hours of evidence.

It has gotten so bad that we now have leaders of banana republics calling us out for our election interference. AND they are right!

DJT is an existential threat to the status quo. He is NOT a nation builder. He does NOT think we should be occupying foreign countries. He does NOT think we should be the world's policeman. He is hated by the RINOS as well as the Democrats He has seriously upset the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against and they are coming for him as hard as they can. That is why the left is pushing so hard to stop him from running again. Not sure why though, they can just cheat again but maybe they are not confident that they can pull it off twice. This business of the name calling and midnight tweets is just smoke and mirrors for the "great unwashed" because the real reason has to be hidden from them. DJT is even more dangerous this time around because he KNOWS what he is up against. He never expected that the deep state was as powerful as it turned out to be. Generals refusing to follow orders given by the Commander-in-Chief is a court marshalable offence. These generals should be in Leavenworth today and they got off scot free. An honorable military leader would have resigned his commission if he felt he could not follow a direct order. Not these slime-balls. They just shuffled personnel around to make it look like they were complying. DJT will decapitate the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and the Joint Chiefs given a second chance. He has no choice. The FBI was actively undermining him all the while he was President.

Defund the FBI!

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