will anyone help me? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:04
Aug 24, 2007
hey guys, i also have another request. i created a program with access and was wondering if anyone would be willing to look at it. i would like to get feedback on:

1. Table/DB design
2. User freindlyness/form design
3. anything else that you might find

I am working with an NGO doing research on health facilities throughout Botswana, africa. we will be conducting surveys (about a 1000 of em). My boss wanted something that would collect all the info in a DB (to clean and normalize the data so that it can be exported to SPSS).
My boss wanted the following features:

1. forms that would ensure data is entered into the tables correctly (prevent user from entering answeres that dont fit the question)
2. store info in tables
3. allow past saved questionaires to be loaded, reviewed, and save changes
4. look at simple trends in responses (using reports)

If anyone is willing to help me, i can send you the database with a more detailed write up on what it is suppose to do. thanks



Active member
Local time
Today, 01:04
Aug 22, 2004
1. Use combo/list boxes on your form. Limit the entries to the supplied list.
2. Saved from from.
3. Save the date the data was entered into the table. You can then select a date range for your reports or for comparisons.
4. see 3

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