Will Joe Biden be the next president? (1 Viewer)

There is a fine point, I'm sure, but basically if Joe is elected and survives to the inauguration, then once Kamala is sworn in, nothing matters. The 25th amendment clarified presidential succession. She is next in line. I have no knowledge of what happens if Joe croaks before the election. A bunch of laws were passed on that subject years ago but there were a lot of scenarios and none of them concerned me at the time.
Some of the scenarios that seem more interesting are the ones that are triggered by a contested election that remains contested for too long
I give it 1 year, possibly 2 before they have to kick him out
Therein lies the problem. The primary races are where each party chooses their candidates for the general election. There are primaries for president, which gets all the attention, and also for House and Senate races as well as all the other offices. In any voting district, if there is more than one candidate for the same position from the same party, the primary picks the one who ends up on the ballot for the general election. Once each party has picked their candidate in the primary, the candidate runs against the other party's candidate and any independents in the general election. So, Kamala ended up with less than 2% support of the Democrats who voted. Bernie was the leader but the Democrat party knew that since he was an avowed Socialist, he had no chance of beating Trump so they talked him into quitting early and none of the other candidates could beat Biden so by default, Biden won the primary. Sadly, if people actually vote for Biden and he gets elected, we will end up with a president that less than 1% of the population voted for (assuming that Democrats and Republicans are roughly 40-40 with 20 undecided.

He said today that he is Kamala's running mate, instead of the other way around.
That really was Biden being funny. While standing in front of a huge sign that said "Kamala", he introduced himself as Jill's husband and Kamala's running mate and then said - "and you think I'm joking". So, he knows what's going on when he's lucid. Biden makes jokes the way that Trump does and this was one of them. Except, that it was something that he actually shouldn't have admitted although it isn't likely that anyone on the left actually picked up on it.
Now that you’re so close to the election, how do you see both sides chances to win the presidency?
The problem is even worse than it was in 2016. Trump supporters do not want to be harassed so they keep their preference to themselves and many do not answer polls truthfully. Trump has an excellent chance of winning which is why the Democrats did their best to put themselves in a position to steal the election by dramatically increasing the mail in vote. Much more susceptible to fraud since they can harvest ballots and make sure that all the dead people actually vote as well as all the people who get multiple ballots because they have moved and the lists have not been cleaned. Not to mention counterfeiting ballots. Most municipalities don't even number the printed ballots so they have no way of identifying duplicates. They also don't keep accurate counts which is how we end up with more ballots cast than there are registered voters.
Trump supporters do not want to be harassed so they keep their preference to themselves and many do not answer polls truthfully
I'm even starting to think it might be a good strategy. If we all banded together in future elections to answer "The Democrat, if you please" to every pollster, it would 1) make everyone's heads explode, and 2) help us win every time
I love it. BT (before Trump), my voting strategy was - if there was someone who I though had actually done what he said he would do, I would vote for him again. However, most elected officials fall quickly into the muck so normally I vote AGAINST the incumbent hoping to impose term limits. Party affiliation is irrelevant. Most are in it for the money and power. Since Trump, I've felt the need to hold nose and just vote for the Republicans on the off chance that they will actually support Trump.
So, you're the reason we are in such a pickle today;)
If only that were true. We would be in pickle if voting actually mattered - it doesn't by your own assertion. Fix the process (which I actually have tried by sending emails and calls to my state's law makers) and I will change my tune.

For the record, I DO vote - if anything to have something to do!
it doesn't by your own assertion.
I don't think I ever asserted that voting didn't matter. It does matter. Otherwise the Dems wouldn't need to cheat. It is the Republicans who have let us down because they hate the evil orange man even more than the Dems do and so refuse to interfere with the Democrat cheating from 2020 and they'll probably let them get away with it again in 2024 but after that the evil orange man won't be a threat. Of course by then, they will have completely killed the Republican party but political parties have died before and the Republicans have outlived their usefulness.
I don't think I ever asserted that voting didn't matter. It does matter.
Allow me to rephrase. Unless I have misunderstood you and others, the voting process is compromised. Compromised = pointless
Unless I have misunderstood you and others, the voting process is compromised. Compromised = pointless
Compromised - yes. Pointless - no. We simply have to light a hot enough fire under the RINOs to convince them that it is in their best interest to stand up for the Constitution and fix the damn problems to stop the cheating!!!!!
Compromised - yes. Pointless - no. We simply have to light a hot enough fire under the RINOs to convince them that it is in their best interest to stand up for the Constitution and fix the damn problems to stop the cheating!!!!!
Agree, but until it is fixed we will just have to agree to disagree on semantics
The legal system has taken so long to come to this conclusion that there will be no time to replace the machines for 2024 so the judge will let them ride and the Dems will cheat again.
The legal system has taken so long to come to this conclusion that there will be no time to replace the machines for 2024 so the judge will let them ride and the Dems will cheat again.

For example in Arizona they tried to do a lot of stuff to bring attention to the fact that in Republican heavy districts the voting machines didn't work very well for the last Governor election. Now the state will say well nobody was disenfranchised because we were able to send them elsewhere to vote anytime the machines didn't work. But that is a totally ridiculous argument. A person budgets just so much time and effort to be able to go vote by the time they stand in line and get through with the whole process and realize they can't, being turned away and told to go to another district is pointless for probably 2/3 of them. That's Republicans were heavily disenfranchised and it's the only reason kari lake lost. The judge is in courts are really biased against anyone who brings it up even though it's pretty obvious to I think anybody even if you're not in the legal profession
Judges are absolutely terrified of having to rule in favor of Trump or any other Republican. They fear reprisals especially if their ruling forces a new election.

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