Will Joe Biden be the next president? (1 Viewer)

When it comes to messaging the Democrats totally outclass Republicans. Furthermore, the electorate, in the US, is very gullible. The Democrats know how to dangle the shiny lure before the electorate to get their votes. I don't know how many in the electorate will react to the type of video you showed and realize that Trump is the better option. I can only hope that the Republicans can message better and that the electorate won't gobble the Democratic lure.
That video is so creepy. The Dems like to say, "Its just Joe being Joe!" He gets accused of sexual assualt and its all due process, but when Kavanaugh gets accused, its we must believe the woman. This was when in the Kavanaugh case, Fords own friends had no recollection of the event while in the Biden case did, multiple people remember the accusations made.

Anyone can see there is something not quite right about what Joe Biden is doing in that video. It makes me uncomfortable watching it. Not the Dems though, they are tickled pink!
@Tera - I understand fully. It looks like we are heading towards another one of "those" elections that make me glad Louisiana has electronic voting machines. That way I can hold my nose with one hand and vote with the other.

Some of Trump's ideas are good for business and business is good for the American people. If they have reasonably good jobs, people have more cash on-hand. More small businesses open up. Service companies open up. The American economic engine, which can be formidable, can start running. But the problem is the corona virus. That is the "monkey wrench" in the gears. And unfortunately, it leads to DJT's tendency to engage his mouth while his brain is not in gear. Since nothing much good is going on, it highlights his antics.

Even as logical as I am, even as good for the economy as he is, I must admit that it is hard for me to say I will vote for him. It appears that this time, as happened last time, I will have to vote AGAINST his opponent, and the absence of a viable 3rd party leaves me with limited choices.

I can't vote for Joe Biden because of the way he and his son Hunter Biden, through their shell companies, essentially raped the Ukraine. At least that is what the Ukrainian Minister of the Treasury said in his interview on the 60 Minutes program. He came within a hair's breadth of actual accusation by name but admitted there was no proof after the President of the Ukraine was "influenced" (bribed, according to some) to remove the prosecutor who was going after Hunter Biden. The minister reported that after the debacle with the Ukrainian oil deal, the treasury of their country of 40 million people had the equivalent of US$8,000 in it. I have searched for that interview but it is strangely absent. Yet I watched it. People have claimed that this whole thing has been debunked, but the inability to easily find a 60 Minutes segment could ALSO look like yet another liberal cover-up. I know what I saw and I know what I know can't find. To say it stinks somehow doesn't completely address the situation.

It is also well known that "Papa Joe" was able to financially benefit from his previous political dealings. He took full advantage of the situation. So did DJT, because money has flowed to his holdings as well. So there, they are about equally bad.

It saddens me to think that there is so little choice in a country that SHOULD be one of the greatest on Earth - but somehow keeps falling short of that ideal society.
I think Trump was on course to win the election, with the economy as one of the main reasons. But Covid came and perhaps history will show that it wrecked his re-election chances. People tend to be reactionary and think short term. Things are currently bad, so lets blame who is in power.

Some may argue Trump has done a bad job with Covid, just like they argued he was xenophobic for wanting to ban people from China at the beginning of February. But how do you know if the Democrats would have done a better job? That is the big unknown. There is no data on it.

They may also blame Trump for the knee on the neck. Then blame him for trying to keep law and order in Portland. For me, the US has gone a little crazy lately. Perhaps Covid has brought out the worst in people, with pent up frustration due to lockdowns that spills out into anger and violence.
What confuses me is how they can run for the presidency. Isn't there any committee or something to check if a candid fits for presidency or not?

President Trump had several accusations (proved and unproved) sexual harassment at the time, but he won the election. Now, this Biden. Why he is allowed to run for presidency? Isn't there any committee to check them?
but when Kavanaugh gets accused, its we must believe the woman.
It's not about believing women or not. It's in front of the camera and right in our eyes. In any country, each one of those scenes will face a child abuse or sexual assault charge. But he is allowed to run for the presidency.
I think its because the Dems turn a blind eye to their own misdemeanours. They are so busy pointing the finger that they cannot see the log in their own eye.
@Tera I agree with you regarding what we have seen on the camera. I am just merely pointing out that the Dems have double standards. One rule for them, and a different rule for the Republicans. If you are confused over why the Dems are ignoring what Joe Biden is doing in these videos, I point you to the example of the sexual allegations cases of Kavanaugh and then Biden. They have looked at both in a completely different way. That may be your answer to why there is no committie about choosing candidates. I think they only care about power at all costs, even if there is something demonstrably wrong with the candidate. In Joe Bidens case, my view is that he has 4 problems: terribly corrupt (see China and Ukraine allegations), very suspect when it comes to interactions with young kids, a credible sexual assualt allegation, and visible cognitive decline. But he will still probably get voted in!

There is something else that I just thought about, regarding double standards you can expect from the Dems. They wanted to impeach Trump for his phone call to the Ukrainian president, where some may argue he leaned a little on him to get Biden investigated. However, you have video evidence of Biden bragging that Ukraine won't get their billion unless they fire the prosecutor that was investigating the company his son was working for, where he was earning millions. You couldn't make it up! There are tens of thousands of businesses in the Ukraine, and Joe Biden does a Quid Pro Quo on only one company, and it happens to be the one his son is earning a fortune on.

But this is the creme of the crop from the Dems. And their last best candidate was Hillary. God help us all! :rolleyes:
I'll watch the video later tonight, although I'm quite sure I know the one you're talking about. It's probably a series of short clips showing Biden getting a little bit beyond socially normally contact with females, including kids, in public situations. Honestly, I think he's just a bit of an idiot in regard to this, unaware at the moment of the perception. That's my honest opinion. If he were truly trying for a gross form of self gratification, while being aware of the perception, he wouldn't have been doing it in public. (period). There was another situation with a US president, at the moment I cannot remember who and can't find the story, but I don't think it was Trump or Biden. It was a few years ago, and they leaned in for something strangely odd, like a shoulder rub, or a kiss on the cheek, a hug - something that at the moment for some inexplicable reason they thought might be a good idea, from Angela Merkel of Germany..... and she pulled back from them like you would a zombie, it was all on camera and pretty funny. Most of us didn't conclude from that, that the US president had a crush on Angela Merkel (!). One could simply tell that they seemed oblivious to the way it appeared.
This is me being fair even though I eagerly hope Biden loses. I've studied these cases of him being overly touchy, and I honestly believe it does not come from a place of evil (whether it makes us uncomfortable or not). Just an idiot who has some area (like we all do) where we act oddly and are seemingly unaware at the time of how stupid - or questionable - we look. Just my guess, of course: Reasonable people can be on both sides of this.
So @Tera , I think the answer to the vetting/checking statement is, (to me), the simple fact that not everyone sees that as necessarily evil, but rather up for interpretation. That has to be the case, since 50% of the country--No, more like 59 at the moment--seem to be OK with it, and I'm quite sure 59% of the country is not OK with pedophilia.
Now as for Tara Reade's accusation, that's different. If anything actually DOES exist, papertrail-wise, on this, it is a big "miss" on the part of the campaign groups that did vet him (and yes, they have people vetting every presidential candidate pretty thoroughly).
Since no one is without sin, the vetting process isn't intended to find someone perfect, just someone with the absence of any issue that can't be overcome in their opinion. Highly subjective and prediction based.

Setting aside the video and that issue, I think there's a good possibility that Trump loses. He has enough time not to lose, but only if he comes up with a new strategy--not something old, something new--and works it hard. The other possibility that might work is if BLM keeps up (and possibly increases) their terrorist / bully tactics, and Biden becomes more closely associated with them. The former is probable, the latter is up in the air--so far, he's been smart enough to keep the organization more or less at arm's length. Then again, he's kept the whole world at arm's length.

Of the current issues that Trump can simply work (and already is), it is the juxtaposition of ever-increasing violence (by both BLM and random gun violence), vs. "defund the police". Normal people will increasingly become uncomfortable with the coexistence of those two things, but they need to be called out as such and clearly in view.

Finally, if many people choose to see that issue with Biden as being something "for sure" bad--I'm OK with that, as long as it helps him lose.
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I think they should tell Joe about the social distancing rules and make sure he adheres to them, even after the pandemic. :D
@Isaac I considered that viewpoint too, where perhaps people get fed-up with the chaos caused by BLM and so join the backlash. If you look at what is happening in Portland, it was been over 50 days of protests. At what stage do people get fed up and say enough is enough?
@Isaac I considered that viewpoint too, where perhaps people get fed-up with the chaos caused by BLM and so join the backlash. If you look at what is happening in Portland, it was been over 50 days of protests. At what stage do people get fed up and say enough is enough?
It is truly puzzling, some times, at how much people have been brainwashed to tolerate based on some vague "we have to let them get this out of their system because they've been oppressed" notion, or something like that.
I have a family member who lives in a Portland suburb. He runs a lot of restaurants. One of his stores was burned to the ground about a month ago. He avoids downtown. Apparently right now he says for the most part, Portland downtown is just shut down and boarded up. At the moment the democrats seem to think it's kind of "cute"- all fun and games. I think the answer is that the negative effects of these things will take some time to sink in.
I guess in a way the occupiers are smart--they are choosing places extremely liberal, who instead of arresting them, will come out and give them sandwiches and water and more spray paint and crayons.
Wait until they choose a tourism-centric location that then nobody is interested in visiting for 10 years. Or the 'wrong person' (whoever that may be) finally gets killed (instead of a nameless faceless business owner). Then there might be more backlash.
The "election" in the US is just an illusion of choice and democracy that is forced upon the world to give us the illusion of control. Our votes are useless and wasted.

We have been sold a shit-sandwich and folks line up enthusiastically each cycle to take a bite from whatever side of that sandwich that suits them, not knowing that it is just a side of the same sandwich. Every side of that sandwich tastes like shit but they will swear emphatically that their side tastes better.

Sad, sad state of affairs
Just picturing a bunch of random people I don't know biting out of my sandwich, and then me biting out of it, has already appalled me. Your word picture got me to think! Yuck.
Isn't there any committee or something to check if a candid fits for presidency or not?

This is the sticking point that confuses our non-USA neighbors and friends. The United States Constitution is specifically written so that darned near anyone can be president. This was supposed to be the country of the common man. Therefore, almost anyone can run. The person has to meet the qualifications to be a U.S. Senator and must be a natural-born citizen. There actually isn't even a requirement to have no criminal record.

If there is ANY candidacy check, it is that the big national parties don't want to back someone with a bunch of skeletons in their closet that would easily be exposed. Which means the Clintons must have had one DAMNED good "cleaner" because at the time of Bill Clinton's election, I recall talk of up to 13 bodies turning up as apparent suicides. Even though in a couple of cases the suicides held the gun in their "off" hand. And of course there was the person who took a nap with his neck on a railroad rail. These days it is all about "spin doctors" and seeing who thinks they have a way do deflect the bad deeds.
As opposed to the protesters being from Portland?
I'm not exactly sure what your question means? Do you mean, I was insinuating that the protestors were from out of town? No- not at all, if it came across that way that was not my intent, sorry. I am not suggesting they are from anywhere--I really don't care on that point. Just that the places where the occupations are, are extremely liberal. Seattle, Portland. You won't see successful occupations here in Phoenix. : )
This is the sticking point that confuses our non-USA neighbors and friends. The United States Constitution is specifically written so that darned near anyone can be president. This was supposed to be the country of the common man. Therefore, almost anyone can run. The person has to meet the qualifications to be a U.S. Senator and must be a natural-born citizen. There actually isn't even a requirement to have no criminal record.

If there is ANY candidacy check, it is that the big national parties don't want to back someone with a bunch of skeletons in their closet that would easily be exposed. Which means the Clintons must have had one DAMNED good "cleaner" because at the time of Bill Clinton's election, I recall talk of up to 13 bodies turning up as apparent suicides. Even though in a couple of cases the suicides held the gun in their "off" hand. And of course there was the person who took a nap with his neck on a railroad rail. These days it is all about "spin doctors" and seeing who thinks they have a way do deflect the bad deeds.
Your post, taken as a culmination of this thread as a whole, depressed me. My gosh...are we as a nation really THAT corrupt?
I guess I have gotten "too used" to the fact that all powerful people seem to come with a lot of suspicious/criminal baggage. And here we think we are a lot better than Mexico. Funny when you think about it. Are we really? Or are we just better at sanitizing from view?

Oh, and then there is just the existence of the state of Illinois. LOL. Those poor people can't get the criminals out of their government if they vacuumed it with a Kirby! What is the deal!?

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