Will Joe Biden be the next president? (3 Viewers)

It's not my response It's Rudy's, where is Joe's response to making Hunter Biden his personal bagman?
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Very true. I remember the Rodney King incident. Often forgotten was the high-speed chase he led officers on prior to being cornered. Does that excuse their subsequent actions? Absolutely not. Does it perhaps explain them a little? Maybe. I've just been chasing somebody at speeds exceeding 100mph. Once cornered, do I assume they're going to say "okay, you got me", or do I assume for my own protection that they might be armed and intending to fight their way out? If I remember right he also rushed at an officer at one point. I'm guessing a cop gets pretty amped up during that time. They're operating on pure adrenaline at that point. An excuse? No, they should be trained to overcome that and apply only enough force to subdue the person.

My long-winded and poorly-made point is that it wasn't just a bunch of white cops beating up a black man for the heck of it. It was a bad situation that got out of control, and may not even have been racially motivated. It could be that anyone in that car who acted in the same way would have gotten the same result. We'll obviously never know.
and you forgot to add that he was high on pcp, a drug that is very well known to make people behave and act in ways that show a strength far greater than their normal strength. A little bit like methamphetamine but times 100 physically speaking...
When was the last time you lied down on a bed to tuck in your shirt?
Movies out in a couple days. Guess we'll know then.
he wasn't just tucking in his shirt, he was trying to remove a mic from inside his pants. You can't stick your hand down your pockets or your pants while you're bent at a 90° angle.. like you are when you're seated.
Plus, she was 24 years old so ...Who cares?
And it doesn't matter if she was playing a character that was younger in fiction. if you've been alive and watching TV for more than 5 minutes in life, you're well aware that when an actress plays someone who's 15 or 17 or 18, they're typically in their mid-20s by then.

Facts matter.

what doesn't matter is a bizarre attempt to make Rudy look a little bit funny with a 24-year-old girl just because he's the guy who found an actual laptop showing that Joe Biden is more corrupt than a Mafia boss. 😀
Even if it's true, she's still 24..
I just think the whole thing is a ridiculous attempt to distract from Joe Biden's sequential series of events (caught on video) where he obnoxiously and to the visible distress of numerous parents sniffs the hair and neck of like a dozen eight-year-old girls. Russian Disinformation, I'm sure 😀
When was the last time you lied down on a bed to tuck in your shirt?
Movies out in a couple days. Guess we'll know then.
If you need to tuck in your shirt, its easier if you are not bent at 90 degrees as the belt is tight then. Its not rocket science. Was he not already sitting on the bed already? Only the video will show what happened. To say Rudy was doing anything dodgy is just naive in my view.
Update: Just read from BBC News that Rudy confirms he was tucking in his shirt.
Movie drops tommorrow. We'll see for ourselves.
It's free with Prime.
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Movie drops tommorrow. We'll see for ourselves.
It's free with Prime.
Oh brilliant! I hope its good, as the first one was excellent.
from RealClearPolitics. movement is consistently going in Trump's favor.

i've heard pollsters mourn that if Trump wins, their industry is going down the tubes - i.e., people will begin to see them as significantly less valuable.

in my opinion, they just need to start doing a better job of factoring in different things. exactly how I don't know (I'm not a data scientist), but to me it kind of seems like ALL they do is the "how did participants in this 1000-survey person respond" and then they walk away.
they probably need to add in some things in a very calculated manner:
  • what % of participants aren't telling the truth? (shy voter)....there must be some brilliant way of estimating this (but obviously not via standard polling!)
  • what is the polling trajectory, rather than just "what is today's poll"
  • what are the new registration/party tragectories
  • big one: as litigation on polling laws/election agencies' practices continue to develop, what is the projected impact on voter demographics? might be a challenge to quantify this, but would be brilliant to at least try

@Isaac - the trick is that to get a good poll of people, you have to find a neutral demographic area that is nearly perfectly balanced, OR you have to try to find multiple areas each of which covers one facet of the demographics. Polls of that type usually have several percentage points in a margin of error, but worse than that, they ALSO have extreme susceptibility to bias (because bias in a small sample magnifies its effect.)
I like the betting sites in the UK. People don't like to loose money so they're going to bet on what they think will happen. I'm not sure how this type of betting works though. I assume the odds vary constantly with the bets and don't get fixed until the last bet is accepted so your odds might start out at 30-1 and end up at 2-7

I question the registered voter demographic. I am not now, nor have I ever been a Republican but in most states, primaries are closed so you can only vote in one (and I agree with this as it happens) so both my husband and myself were registered Democrats because it was much more important to vote in the Democrat primary than the Republican primary in Connecticut. I only changed to Republican in 2016 so I could vote against Trump in the primary.
Yeah I also tend to question a lot the meaningfulness of voter registrations. I have no idea if what I'm about to say is typical or is more uncommon and unique to me, but I have made many changes to my party affiliation throughout my life that I can barely even remember what my current affiliation is at any given time. and it has to do with several things, not just political preference but also things like how I want to strategize my ability to vote in different states primaries depending on where I live and what that state's rules are as far as who votes in which primary. sometimes I like to vote in my party's primary other times for the enemies . haha.
How is the question presented to the voters, is it slanted or biased in anyway.
My husband always said he voted for the worst candidate but I think that was a losing strategy so I always voted for the one I thought told the fewest lies and made the fewest grandiose promises. I could vote for whomever I wanted in the general but if the Democrat was at least marginally acceptable, we were all better off since everyone was going to vote for the Democrat anyway.

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