Solved Windows 11 Slow Opening Forms


Self Taught, Learn from the Forums
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Today, 10:06
Feb 5, 2019
Hi all,

I have just upgraded to Windows 11 at work and now my forms are really slow when I open them. If I close them, and reopen, they are fast.

Has anyone else experienced this at all?

Make sure your trusted locations within Windows are correct.
It can cause issues.
Make sure your trusted locations within Windows are correct.
It can cause issues.
Hi Minty,

Just added them, but no dice. It takes 9 seconds to open the form first time. Less than a second the next time I open it.

It is only on the Windows 11 machine. I use it on Windows 10, perfect.....

I don't have Windows 11, so can't give specific advice but two things to check:
1. If its a split database, check you are using a persistent connection.
2. Also check your cache settings in Access Options
I don't have Windows 11, so can't give specific advice but two things to check:
1. If its a split database, check you are using a persistent connection.
2. Also check your cache settings in Access Options
I have tried all that, nothing works. I have also noticed that some of my combo boxes no longer autofill when I start typing. It is not all of them, but they are all built the same. It is very weird. Windows bloody 11 :(

I had the same issue but only when running Windows 11 via BootCamp on MacBook. If this is the case i think i can help...
Hi All,

I have figured this out. The ODBC driver to Sage Accounts on Windows 11 is worse than ever. When I remove the link to the Sage tables, it is fast again.

I will work on a better method to tie into the crap that is Sage.

Ah, that old chestnut.
It really is the "Worst ODBC connection known to man" as far as I can tell.

I haven't tried this but it did occur to me as a possible workaround.
Using a separate database link the tables in that, then create queries or links in your main db, to those other DB's tables?
You can't link to a link. You can try the method of embedding the table name in the query so you don't need a linked table at all.
You can 'import' a linked table which appears as a link - I do this regularly
I didn't say you can't import the link, I said, you can't link to the link which is what the OP said he wanted to do. Try it, if you select link as the option, you will not see any linked tables. You only see the local tables in the BE. If you select import, you see both local and linked tables.
I don't see any mention by the OP of wanting to link to a link and I'm well aware that you can't do so.
I gave the solution.
Colin, originally I was referring to Minty's comment, not yours.
Using a separate database link the tables in that, then create queries or links in your main db, to those other DB's tables?

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