XPWin Failed to change Regional Setting (1 Viewer)


DataBase Tinker
Local time
Today, 19:20
Sep 13, 2006
Hi there

This is the 1st time i post OS problems here moving away from direct Access issues though somewhat related, my applications in Access requires the date to be of a certain format eg dd-mm-yy.

Due to some untimely virus or spyware interference, after fixing, the xpwin.sp2 ends up one particular user account had the date format changed and when i tried to change it back, it responsed that an invalid character is entered, even though they are valid. No such problem for all other users in the same PC.

The question is how can i tinker the user account back to normal, i would imagine somewhere in the registry i can do something or it has something to do with unicode. For some reason i would like to keep this account even if i can transfer all user data to another user. Any help appreciated.


DataBase Tinker
Local time
Today, 19:20
Sep 13, 2006
As follow up for sharing:

I check into the registry and found that the following is missing for the problem user. By registering a make up line the problem is resolved.

[HKEY_USERS\(s-1-5-21-..problem user id)\Control Panel\International]

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