Why I hate America (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:15
Jun 2, 2002
If this is addressed to me, please refer to Post 40 in this topic.

Ok thanks for that.

What did you mean by

Churchill laid off Chamberlain with the exception of the sell out of the Czechs at Munich.


Active member
Local time
Today, 16:15
Aug 22, 2004
Churchill saw what Chamberlain was doing which is appeasing the dictators in exchange for time to build up Britain's defences.
Chamberlain hoped he might get up to five years to accomplish this but appeasing bullies is like put gasoline on a fire.
Churchill was not very happy about the appeasement but he was glad to see that Britain's long neglected defences were getting attention. For the most part he did not launch the kind of attacks against Chamberlain that he had made against Stanley Baldwin. The exception was Munich. He felt that France and Britain together were more than a match for Hitler and that threatening war would make Hitler back down. Niether the Brits or the French were prepared to do that at that time.

Shortly thereafter, Churchill was made First Lord of the Admiralty by Chamberlain and as a privy councillor had to keep his opinions to himself (except in cabinet).


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Jul 8, 2013
You're a funny man, Benny Hill.

And your political advice is just about as good as all the funny men in the US.

He may be accused of being "funny", but he is exceptionally accurate in his assessment of American foreign policy, which, simplified, equates to armed intervention, nervous occupation and then followed ( as a result of a weak and malleable population at home ) by an ignominious and humbling withdrawal
made just as soon as it is politically expedient. Election years are generally good
for repatriating their beaten soldiery.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Jul 8, 2013
God dammit Benny! Don't you remember your state school history lessons, surely you must remember that America's intention was always to bring freedom and democracy to its enemies? How you can post such anti-American, unpatriotic rhetoric is, well, just beyond me......................

America's foreign policies are, as is pretty much every other actions taken by the USA driven by the owners of their industrial power base. War equals arms equals expenditure equals fat order books equals PROFIT !

Of course, having then destroyed their enemies capability to resist by bombing their industries and destroying their armed forces, the USA then bids for ( and by dint of bribery and corruption inevitably secures them ) the contracts for rebuilding and restoring the infrastructure of their erstwhile enemies.

All of the above makes even the inevitable oil rights that they will then demand,
almost small beer by comparison !


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 21:15
Feb 22, 2002
America's foreign policies are, as is pretty much every other actions taken by the USA driven by the owners of their industrial power base. War equals arms equals expenditure equals fat order books equals PROFIT !

Of course, having then destroyed their enemies capability to resist by bombing their industries and destroying their armed forces, the USA then bids for ( and by dint of bribery and corruption inevitably secures them ) the contracts for rebuilding and restoring the infrastructure of their erstwhile enemies.

All of the above makes even the inevitable oil rights that they will then demand,
almost small beer by comparison !

And a good example of the above is George Bush Jnr. And the illegal war the yanks started in Iraq. I can't imagine how many billion he and his cronies made out of that presidential tenure.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Jul 8, 2013
If only corruption of this sort were limited to Republicans things wouldn't be so bad, but the Democrats are no less worse. A small example of this is thus :-

One the day President Kennedy was about to sign the legislation imposing severe trade restrictions and embargoes on Cuba, he postponed doing so until he could place and receive
an order for 10,000 of the finest and most expensive Havana cigars. Once the restrictions upon trade with Cuba were applied his cigar stock increased in value tenfold !!!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Jul 8, 2013
Although the following is a simplistic view it does have some legitimacy.

America gains no friends and makes many enemies by its hypocritical policy of opposing the colonisation of other countries by another.

Yet, despite this, driven by its need for oil and it's desire to keep its industries ( particularly those devoted to armaments ) profitable, it constantly seeks to appropriate ( if only by bribery by way of financial aid ) the territories ( or at least the oil rights ) of other countries.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Nov 30, 2010
American politicians consider America to be the exceptional nation and everyone is out to get them yet who ends up being the bully!


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 06:15
Aug 28, 2008
If it wasn't for the Americans in WWII then when I was born in 1948 I would have been under Japanese rule.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Jul 8, 2013
If it wasn't for the Americans in WWII then when I was born in 1948 I would have been under Japanese rule.

Goodness knows I am no fan of Nippon ; au contraire I lost two Uncles to the Japs in Burma. However, it was never the intention of Japan to invade or occupy the US. They merely hoped to invade and occupy enough of the Far East to provide their desired Far Eastern Co - Prosperity Zone aka Japanese Empire.
This would have ensured the supplies of raw materials that they lacked. They believed that the USA would settle for that, given their well known policy of isolationism.

PS. Actually, upon reflection, if you live in , say, the Phillipines, Malaysia, Burma et al, then maybe you would be speaking Japanese !


Local time
Today, 21:15
Jun 2, 2003
Marlin if you can read you will see that he lives in Australia .



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Jul 8, 2013
Marlin if you can read you will see that he lives in Australia .


So he does ! The Japs certainly had designs on Australia largely because Darwin provided a good seaport and airport facilities to threaten their occupied territories to the North. But I have never read of their desire to invade it ; after all, isn't Australia a bit like the fastnesses of Russia inasmuch as it can absorb armies like blotting paper absorbs ink ?


Local time
Today, 21:15
Jun 2, 2003
I don't know if they would have eventually have invaded Oz but they certainly lobbed the odd shell from subs.

I'm not sure that Australia would present the same problems as Russia , I doubt that an army could retreat into the centre and continue to fight, plus both invasions of Russia , French and German, first had to cross Eastern Europe against a scorched earth policy thus having long supply lines whilst fighting on an ever widening front. The narrow inhabited strip around Australia would present a different strategy , but hey I'm no military expert.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:15
Mar 18, 2014
I like how this thread was started by a pretty obvious troll (at least i hope he was, else he should better be a teenager), and has now reached 6 pages without any more input from said troll. The internet is a funny place indeed.
BTT: Death to America (so this thread can make it to a dozend pages) :D

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