Good read: What's wrong with VBA (1 Viewer)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:13
Feb 28, 2001
vba_php said:

Adam, I have tried before in private to explain to you that you are your own worst enemy. You have no internal censor. I'll be the first to admit that MajP and I don't ALWAYS see eye to eye but he never deserves that kind of response. Whether HE calls you down or not, I am calling you down for a disrespectful response.

You don't seem to get it despite all of us telling you, publicly or privately, that you are presenting a bad face to the world. And despite your prior PM asking me to not call you down in public, this is one that NEEDS to public.

Just remember, Adam, that politeness is the lubrication of the gears in the machine of human communication. I have tried to be polite but with you it is not working. You say (in another post) you want to be my friend. I am not against that idea, but friendly IS as friendly DOES (to paraphrase that paragon of earthy wisdom, Forrest Gump.) You want to MAKE friends, you have to BE friends (to paraphrase ANOTHER paragon, Will Smith as agent J in Men In Black).

If you don't get this message, you will continue to have folks calling you down and not treating you seriously. Yet I'm sure that you DESIRE to be treated seriously and I even can understand that motive. Asking to NOT be called down in public is a variant on "political correctness" - which is often just an excuse to stifle someone's desire to say what needs to be said.

Think about it. Don't slough it off. You have stated that you think I have some wisdom to share. Well, I just shared some on a specific topic called "relationships." And I don't mean of the database kind.


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 12:13
Apr 27, 2015
I have a few friends I can call names and punch in the shoulder in jest...but these are relationships built after months, sometimes years, of building a level of trust where such actions are allowed.

To assume that level of familiarity without putting in the time to earn it will render the exact opposite effect.

Slow and steady lad, life is long...


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 11:13
Oct 6, 2019
this is one that NEEDS to public.
actually, it was a joke....hence the tongue sticking out. but OK. I get it. I heard you.
friendly IS as friendly DOES (to paraphrase that paragon of earthy wisdom, Forrest Gump.)
speaking of calling someone out....I believe the actual line was: "STUPID is as STUPID does". Spoken many times by Hanks to many different people. :)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:13
Feb 28, 2001
Like I said, paraphrased. Were you thinking of anyone in specific when you corrected me on the specific quote, Adam?

Be warned: My question is in the same exact category as the wife's question to the husband, "Does this dress make me look fat?"

And to MajP, it is your right to be incensed by my intervention, so forgive me - but I had seen enough that it tipped me over an edge. I apologize if I squashed some retort that you might have wished to offer.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 11:13
Oct 6, 2019
Like I said, paraphrased. Were you thinking of anyone in specific when you corrected me on the specific quote, Adam?
not really. I was taking a jab at you and having fun at the same time. Cant we entertain ourselves while we argue over this non sense? I consider myself to be at least *somewhat* funny. If you guys dont take too kindly to it, at least the women do! You guys should take note of this post too. Another miracle has ocurred. I vowed to not post in this world of ours while i was mobile....but here i am writing a response on my phone....

And ill get back to you later regarding the watercooler discussion we have going richard. Im working....


You've got your good things, and you've got mine.
Local time
Today, 12:13
May 21, 2018
but he never deserves that kind of response.
Sure I deserved it. I would expect no less. I enjoy pulling Adam's chain as much as he enjoys pulling everyone else's.

@ The_Doc_Man,
I would never take offense for someone busting Adam's ba@@s:D on mine or anyone else's behalf.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 11:13
Oct 6, 2019
I would never take offense for someone busting Adam's ba@@s:D on mine or anyone else's behalf.
once again adam ends up at the a$$ end of the joke. Heh....


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:13
Feb 28, 2001
A good one, Dave. Sometimes subtlety isn't appropriate.

Seriously, Adam, you were the A$$ end of the joke for one and only one reason. You put yourself in that position.

You don't stop to think whether your comment could be easily misconstrued. And your comment that triggered the storm was a case in point. I cannot tell you now many times I have edited a post before actually posting, because on second reading I realized it was either unkind or exceptionally vague or vulgar. (Not that vulgarity alone would stop me... but I try to avoid "unkind.") I sometimes let stuff slip through because I'm human (or was when last I looked) and can make mistakes. But I try to limit them. If you think I give good advice or set a good example or make a good role model, I'm flattered that you would say it, but if you then ignore the implied advice, the "flattery" becomes "flummery" and results in no long-term improvement. And therein lies the problem.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 11:13
Oct 6, 2019
if you think i give good advice or set a good example or make a good role model, i'm flattered that you would say it, but if you then ignore the implied advice, the "flattery" becomes "flummery" and results in no long-term improvement. And therein lies the problem.


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 11:13
Oct 6, 2019
flummery had to look that one up, good one.

  1. 1.
    empty compliments; nonsense.
    "she hated the flummery of public relations"
  2. 2.
    a sweet dish made with beaten eggs, milk, sugar, and flavorings.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:13
Feb 28, 2001
See? To the point, a good play on words, a half-decent alliteration, and yet polite! How's THAT for a role model?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:13
Apr 5, 2010
Back a little bit back to the topic. I learned a number of languages in college which I never used at jobs. But I have done work with assembly (6502 code). Propriety code (object oriented code for a gaming company). A little bit of PASCAL and VBA. Also some web programming (HTML, ColdFusion, etc.).


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 11:13
Oct 6, 2019
(HTML, ColdFusion, etc.).
ever since i started using dreamweaver 10 or so years ago, i have never understood the reasoning for or the purpose of coldfusion. Ive rarely seen it used. Maybe once or twice. .cfn extensions right?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:13
Apr 5, 2010
We have a number of our local web sites using Cold Fusion. The big advantage that I have seen it is like HTML on steroids. Just makes a lot of HTML coding easier.

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