Well, it's kind of an odd animal. Yes we've talked about it and when we have he has been receptive and understanding. And I have to be honest with myself and realize that he has been trying. The problem is it just doesn't feel like the situation is changing, and his efforts just feel so forced. I'm not sure I even know how to talk about it with him anymore. I mean, I don't want him to feel like he's forced to do things he doesn't want to do just to make me happy. And I know relationships are work, but I don't know how to work on how you feel about someone. I feel like what I want from him is for him to want to do different things and to feel differently than he does. But he can't make himself want something or feel a certain way any more than I can make him. So how can I expect him to make any kind of change if I can't even tell him what he can do?Vassago said:Guys always seem to have a hard time communicating true feelings, gay or straight. For a same-sex couple, I'm sure it can be even more so. You say you've discussed this with him before, what were his thoughts? You can usually gather what the outcome of the relationship will be from what you were able to learn from him.
You're exactly right, which is why it's so hard for me to find someone to talk to about this. Everyone I know either would not understand or is friends with both of us so I can't really get a brutally honest opinion. But at the same time, anyone who doesn't know anything beyond what I say only gets the story from my point of view.Vassago said:I am by no means an expert as I'm only newly married myself, but I believe it's hard for us to make a call without knowing his side as well as yours because as they say, there are two sides to EVERY story, even a love story.
I don't expect you guys to come up with all the answers, but just talking about it is really helping me, I think. I hope.
That's it. That's exactly it! That's exactly the question I've been asking myself. And I think your answer makes perfect sense.TessB said:I have thought, will I be angry with myself, if 20 years from now, I feel I have settled for something not quite as wonderful as I'd hoped? Or will I be angry with myself if 20 years from now, I look back and believe I threw away the best thing I could have had in search for something that just didn't exist?
I do agree that love is a choice. In my opinion, a healthy committment does not mean "I promise to stay with you no matter how miserable or incompatible we are just because a promise is a promise". I think it means "I choose to be with you every day. I choose to fight through the tough times because I value those as much as the good times. I choose to be with you even when I'm mad as all hell at you because you make me a better person." Maybe that's a bit melodramatic, but so be it. We poofs can get away with that.

I feel like I've got more to say but nothing's coming. Meh. I've blathered plenty for one post.
Oh and Selena, sweetie: don't worry, I didn't ignore your post I just think everything I would say in response I've already said. If I catch you online, I'll take advantage of your chat offer.