Boxing Ring (1 Viewer)


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 09:44
Jan 14, 2002
Can we just rope this area off and make sort of a special boxing ring here?
This way, we can keep other threads of discussion on track... and instead of turning other threads into political discussions or personal attacks... one could just say, "Let's go settle this in the boxing ring!" where everyone could be free to carry on however they wish.

Hell, it can even be a "Tag Team Wrestling" ring... or a "No holds barred" ring. You could have gang wars here if you want!

Then I would be fairly free to wander blissfully in the other areas of the watercooler... laughing, cajoling, without a care in the world... unconcerned about turning down a friendly street that suddenly turns into a dark, nasty, craphole of an ally where I could be knifed.

Just a thought. I'm sure no one will listen to someone as insignificant as I .... but OH how I long for my old friendly forum. <<sheds tear in loving memory>> A few years ago, I would have come here so excited to share with everyone that I landed a new job a couple weeks ago... (I start on Tuesday) and would have regaled you with the story of how it happened... you would have known WHY I was looking for a job. And you would have been so happy for me. Cheering for me and laughing.... You would have been all up to date on the way my life has been going this year.... the land we're buying, the dreams we have ... what my kids have been challenging me with.... But no one knows me here anymore. Because it just seems so inconsequential what is happening with me with such intense debates about the world at hand.

And... I just want my damn world back! Does everything have to change?!?!?! I don't WANT to find new friends!


likes garlic
Local time
Today, 14:44
May 24, 2002

Good luck with your new job - I still remember you, and I'm sure that some of the other old farts (they know who they are...) will wish you well too (when they can stop moaning about the USA/Bush/Blair etc).



If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 09:44
Jun 2, 2005
Hey Tess,

Thank you for liking my story. Story tellers need someone to tell.

I will be post some thoughts about this boxing ring thread soon.

It is something about which I have continplated for some time now.

Irrational polarization.

When people head down that path, they inevitably descend to a nonintellectual level. It’s alarming to see that it exist elsewhere. People so sure they're right they abandon objectivity, sensitivity, social norms, and even sacrifice relationships in the pursuit of a position.

And even when confronted with evidence that their position is irrational, they become more so. It’s interesting to witness it, but it is nevertheless disturbing.
Last edited:


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 09:44
Jan 14, 2002
Yes, I don't know why anyone would ever watch boxing myself.
It's truly barbaric. "Let's see who can bash someone's brains to bits."

However, I don't want to hijack this thread by denigrating it's purpose.... lol.

Tay, I remember you too. I remember when you married.... I wonder how you are. I think I'll start another thread, "What's happening" so all the old gang, and even the new can share stories of what has been happening in our lives while all this bickering has been going on.


Would love to hear from you. So... let's continue and meet there.



I'm happy you left me
Local time
Today, 21:44
Aug 31, 2005
I know boxing is so barbaric..but I can't help watching our country's contender!


TessB said:
Tay, I remember you too. I remember when you married.... I wonder how you are. I think I'll start another thread, "What's happening" so all the old gang, and even the new can share stories of what has been happening in our lives while all this bickering has been going on.

It's just politics Tess, these type of discussions always get heated, especially when Titans clash.
I blame the Greeks, they started it :D
How's your family by the way, they must be growing away by now? :)
I remember Tay too, hell I nearly had to contend with her dulcet tones :eek: :D


4 strings are enough
Local time
Today, 14:44
Oct 15, 2002
Rich said:
It's just politics Tess, these type of discussions always get heated, especially when Titans clash.

But Rich just sometimes you could take the "an" out of titans - and I'm not thinking anatomically:D

Perhaps we could call Tess' forum Insult Alley and leave the fisticuffs out?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Jun 2, 2002
Rich said:
It's just politics Tess, these type of discussions always get heated,

Usually when one or more of the protagonists abandons the topic to make room for a derogatory judgment of character.

Rich said:
especially when Titans clash.

even in your attempted humor you expose your over-inflated opinion of yourself. :rolleyes:

Ding-ding! Round one! :D


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Jun 2, 2002
jsanders said:
Good Humor dan-cat

Oh by the way, Mr Sanders - could you carry on with the cable installation saga - we is itchin to know what happens next :)


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 09:44
Jun 2, 2005
But I got some real screamers, wanting me to deliver some product. So maybe this afternoon.


dan-cat said:
even in your attempted humor you expose your over-inflated opinion of yourself. :rolleyes:

If you want to start slinging personal insults then you'd better be ready for some real flack.
It's your bosom pal MrSanders who keeps posting opinions and then gets assey when confronted with conflicting figures :rolleyes:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Jun 2, 2002
jsanders said:
But I got some real screamers, wanting me to deliver some product. So maybe this afternoon.

Sheesh - I guess I'll have to go back to my stored procedures then :(

How disappointing :p


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 09:44
Jan 14, 2002

I know it's just politics. And I know things get heated when people don't agree on topics such as politics and religion.....

But for me, I come here to have a nice chat, and suddenly there's a brawl going on. And I'm getting SO tired of it! Personally, I'm quite ashamed to know how we (America) looks to the rest of the world. And you are profoundly correct that it is only we who can do anything to change. But having our faults flung smack in the face every day.... sometimes I just want to scream "OK!!! WE SUCK!!!! Can we please talk about something else????" :(


TessB said:

I know it's just politics. And I know things get heated when people don't agree on topics such as politics and religion.....

But for me, I come here to have a nice chat, and suddenly there's a brawl going on. And I'm getting SO tired of it! Personally, I'm quite ashamed to know how we (America) looks to the rest of the world. And you are profoundly correct that it is only we who can do anything to change. But having our faults flung smack in the face every day.... sometimes I just want to scream "OK!!! WE SUCK!!!! Can we please talk about something else????" :(

How's the weather there then? :D


Plays well with others
Local time
Today, 09:44
Jan 14, 2002

I'll be carrying on polite conversation in my What's happening thread. I'll answer your kind inquiries about my growing children there.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Jun 2, 2002
Rich said:
If you want to start slinging personal insults then you'd better be ready for some real flack.

Oh I've been wanting to do it for ages, it's just no-one has installed a boxing ring in this forum before. Enough with the threats - put your dukes up, you hound!

Rich said:
It's your bosom pal MrSanders who keeps posting opinions and then gets assey when confronted with conflicting figures :rolleyes:

We've only just met but I like him more than you already. I know you really want to be my best buddy but there just isn't enough room at the inn. Sorry :D


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Jun 2, 2002
Rich said:
Only 'cause he keeps waving the flag, yours that is :p

Public Announcement: "During this event jsanders will be taking care of flag waving duties whilst dan-cat will be taking care of opening the big can of whoop-ass. Oh, say, can you see..."


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:44
Jun 2, 2002
TessB said:
And you are profoundly correct that it is only we who can do anything to change.

enough with the compliments - he's going to have enough trouble pushing his head between the ropes as it is :rolleyes:

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