Solved Concatenate values from related records


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Today, 11:06
May 16, 2020
I have a query named qryAgencyAssigned which identifies all the agencies assigned to a Report in table ReportID.
Each ReportID may have many Agencies, and the query reflects this


Is it possible to Concatenate all of the agency values into a single text box control source on a form or to do it within a query eg

Thanks Ron
BTW Similar capabilities are available in SQL Server if you are using that as a back end.

Easy-to-use dedicated functionality was introduced in 2019 while it can be fudged in earlier versions using JSON capabilities.
Yes I have study this but found it a little complicated for my level of coding
Well I don't think you are going to find anything easier than that.?
You pass in a few parameters (2 at least) and that is it.?
Well I don't think you are going to find anything easier than that.?
You pass in a few parameters (2 at least) and that is it.?
when I look at the code I not quite sure where to put those in
MyConcatenatedControl = ConcatRelated("YourField","YourTable","Field='" & Me.txtControl & "'")
where Me.txtControl is the control holding "2015/16_1"

This is one from a report of mine direct to a control on the report

=ConcatRelated("CrewName","QryCrewStandby","QryCrewStandby.Rank = """ & [Rank] & """ AND QryCrewStandby.On_Date = #" & Format([Dated],"mm/dd/yyyy") & "#","CrewNameRev")
Here I get the Crewnames from a query called QryCrewStandby for a required Rank on a required date and sorted by Surname

and the result is
BTW Similar capabilities are available in SQL Server if you are using that as a back end.

Easy-to-use dedicated functionality was introduced in 2019 while it can be fudged in earlier versions using JSON capabilities.
You're talking about FOR XML PATH I assume? What was the easier, less hacky way recently introduced? I feel I've used it once but cannot remember what it is at the moment.
There's a Blog on my website:-

Display Field Data Horizontally

which covers this topic in detail, including a YouTube video, and a sample database you can download for free HERE:-

Use coupon code:- b0iy3g7


I looked at the video and web page and it certainly simplified my understanding of the process. I copied the SQL statement from my query and inserted it in to the code (=fConcatList()) which I typed out to get a better understanding of. I set the text field (frmReviewReportID!txtfConcatList) data control source to the code (=fConcatList()) and it returned all of the agency names against all ReportID in the query (qryConcatList).

Up to this point it worked as per the video
My form (frmReviewReportID) is filtered by ReportID selected from a combo box. I have set this ReportID as the criteria for the query qryConcatList. I have done this by adding the following to the criteria [Forms]![frmReviewReportID]![ReportID]

If I select ReportID 2020_1in the combo box it displays the records for 2020_1 , I would like it to refresh the query and return only those agencies assigned to that ReportID in the query. Then pass these values to text field (txtfConcatList)

I thought by pasting the new SQL statement into fConCatList() with the WHERE criteria would achieve this but sadly I was mistaken:

SELECT tblReportID.ReportID, tblAgencyAssigned.AgencyName
FROM tblReportID INNER JOIN (tblRecommendations INNER JOIN tblAgencyAssigned ON tblRecommendations.RECID = tblAgencyAssigned.RecID) ON tblReportID.ReportID = tblRecommendations.ReportID
WHERE (((tblReportID.ReportID)=[Forms]![frmReviewReportID]![ReportID]));

Once the WHERE criteria was added the fConCatList() code returned an error



Can you suggest where I have gone wrong and if there is a way around this. My first thoughts were that as the form filters out the ReportID and the selected fields, as the query is not refreshing it causes the error. I am new to VBA so am struggling with this error.
Thanks Ron
Show the VBA code building the statement for strSQL.
You're talking about FOR XML PATH I assume?

I use the FOR JSON PATH variation. Much the same idea. It isn't exactly obvious until you have a good hard look at it and there are a couple of tricks to avoid problems with numbers adding instead of concatenating and associated troubles with Null propagation. It is a bit bewildering when your first attempt comes back with nothing.

I only have SQL 2016 to work with.
Oh, come on Tony, what fun would that be if you actually saw the SQL Statement?

Well sounds like it might refer to a field named "Date" or some other Reserved Word. But I couldn't tell you until I've seen it...

It would be nice to think, and a bit scary, that one day computers will have artificial intelligence that can answer everyone's MS Access questions. The day will come when you will say I need a database that stores this information and Returns these reports and hey presto the Artificial Intelligence build it for you.. But somehow I doubt it.

Google the premier search company, the company that supposed to know everything about you, why on earth would they serve Me Up video adverts on makeup? I think people's fears about artificial intelligence taking over the world are unfounded, well at least for the foreseeable future... Mind you the fact that they serve me up adverts on makeup demonstrates that these artificial intelligence things are going to make some blooming great mistakes!
I use the FOR JSON PATH variation. Much the same idea. It isn't exactly obvious until you have a good hard look at it and there are a couple of tricks to avoid problems with numbers adding instead of concatenating and associated troubles with Null propagation. It is a bit bewildering when your first attempt comes back with nothing.

I only have SQL 2016 to work with.
Ahh, ok. I didn't know about FOR JSON PATH.
Thanks for the info.
Well sounds like it might refer to a field named "Date" or some other Reserved Word. But I couldn't tell you until I've seen it...

It would be nice to think, and a bit scary, that one day computers will have artificial intelligence that can answer everyone's MS Access questions. The day will come when you will say I need a database that stores this information and Returns these reports and hey presto the Artificial Intelligence build it for you.. But somehow I doubt it.

Google the premier search company, the company that supposed to know everything about you, why on earth would they serve Me Up video adverts on makeup? I think people's fears about artificial intelligence taking over the world are unfounded, well at least for the foreseeable future... Mind you the fact that they serve me up adverts on makeup demonstrates that these artificial intelligence things are going to make some blooming great mistakes!
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'Please find the code below

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function fConcatList() As String
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strtext As String

strSQL = "Select FROM tblReportID INNER JOIN (tblRecommendations INNER JOIN tblAgencyAssigned ON tblRecommendations.RECID = tblAgencyAssigned.RecID) ON tblReportID.ReportID = tblRecommendations.ReportID WHERE (((tblReportID.ReportID)=[Forms]![frmReviewReportID]![ReportID]));"

Set DB = CurrentDb
    Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly)

    Do Until RS.EOF
    If strtext = " " Then
         strtext = RS!AgencyName
         strtext = strtext & ", " & RS!AgencyName
     End If
    Set RS = Nothing
    Set DB = Nothing
    Let fConcatList = strtext
    End Function
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