Conversion to 2002 (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:21
Oct 1, 2002
Hi Everyone, we are currently converting from Access97 to 2002. When I start a conversion it comes back with a message saying the new file to which I'm converting is in use. For ex. if I'm converting Access97.mdb to Access2002.mdb half way through the process it will come back and say that Access2002.mdb is in use and the process will just hangup. I'm saving the converted version on my LAN. If I go and look at the files through Win explorer I see a Access2002.mdb file but it is in Access 2000 format and not 2002. I'm currently on Win XP.

However if I save the converted file onto my PC's hard drive the process runs without any errors.

Any help is apprieciated.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:21
Feb 19, 2002
The problem with the network may be shortage of work space for Access to use during the conversion, improper access rights to the network directory, dropped connections. I would just do all the conversions locally.

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