Crystal Reports X - Select Stmt Help (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:51
Feb 6, 2007
I have a report that pulls thousands of transactions. When I come across 2 transactions where every field is the same except STATUS, I want to select the transaction where STATUS = I.

Can someone help me format this Select Statement?




New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:51
Aug 3, 2007
Do you want every transaction in the entire report to have Status = I? Or, do you only want to use it for these two transactions you speak of?


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:51
Feb 6, 2007
Perhaps I explained it incorrectly.

My "contracts" database has thousands of transactions.
Some "contracts" have all the same fields except for their STATUS.

For example, picture the following 7 transactions:
Contract 1234 has a Status of 1
Contract 1234 has a Status of 2
Contract 2323 has a Status of 2
Contract 4545 has a Status of 2
Contract 6767 has a Status of 1
Contract 6767 has a Status of 2
Contract 8989 has a Status of 2

My selection would result in the following:
Contract 1234 has a Status of 1
Contract 2323 has a Status of 2
Contract 4545 has a Status of 2
Contract 6767 has a Status of 1
Contract 8989 has a Status of 2

Thanks for your help.

Krazy (like a fox)


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:51
Aug 3, 2007
I've been thinking about your problem and I may have came up with a start to a solution. Have you tried grouping by Contract and then Status. That would give you something like this, respectively:

Contract 1234
Status 1
Status 2

You can then write a series of suppression statements in the sections expert for the contract group saying something along the lines of: (Remember you don't have to use the word If because it is assumed in the formulas for suppression)

Contract = 1234 and Status = 2. This may be time consuming considering the amount of transactions you have. There is most likely a better way, but this is what I have so far.

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