Democrats Upholding Democracy

Steve R.

Local time
, 23:30
Jul 5, 2006
A Democratic party mantra is that they are the party of democracy. That they are out to save democracy from the "evil" MAGA Republicans who would destroy democracy should they be elected. It is the Democratic party that is undermining democratic principals. Projection at its finest. The Republicans, even-though Trump is way ahead, is still going through an active and open primary process.

Based on the precursors below, it is the Democrats who have been destroying democracy.

The undermining of democracy by the Democrats goes back to at least 2016 (but may go back further) when Hillary Clinton "fixed" her election to be the Democratic party's candidate for president.

Then there are the Democratic party "Super-Delegates" who are unelected by the rank-and-file Democrats but who have the ability to "outvote" the elected convention representatives. This allows "fixing" the election process by denying the elected representatives from actually being the selecting authority.
Then there are the Democratic party "Super-Delegates" who are unelected by the rank-and-file Democrats but who have the ability to "outvote" the elected convention representatives. This allows "fixing" the election process by denying the elected representatives from actually being the selecting authority.
This is what kept Trump from running as a Democrat. He knew they would prevent him from winning the primary.
Then there are the Democratic party "Super-Delegates" who are unelected by the rank-and-file Democrats but who have the ability to "outvote" the elected convention representatives. This allows "fixing" the election process by denying the elected representatives from actually being the selecting authority.
Interesting, didn't know about that.

Oh I know, let's call them "fake electors" and rant on and on about it in our news organizations for the next 2 years! ([takes of Democrat thinking cap])
Apparently even the "Super-Delegates" can't overcome the unpopularity of Biden so the Democrat solution is to simply cancel their Presidential Primary. Why do we not see Democrats demonstrating in the street over this? I guess this is what the Democrats mean when they refer to "our Democracy". In their Democracy, the DNC gets to pick the Presidential candidate for the party because the voters are too stupid to pick their own. This may have backfired with RFK electing to run as an independent. I'm not sure that the Dems can manufacture enough bogus mail-in ballots to overcome the drain that will cause due to RFK's popularity. It would have been better to just let RFK win the primary. It would have been far easier to cheat for a popular candidate than for Biden.
In this interview Will Cain (Fox News) asks Jeff Weaver (Dean Phillips campaign manager and a Democrat) how the supposed party protecting "democracy" can justify using undemocratic methods to shutdown opposition. Weaver does a fair job of avoiding answering the question.
Glad that Cain came-out to explicitly ask this question. To many reporters never ask Democrats how they can justify using undemocratic means to shutdown the opposition.
On the eve of the New Hampshire primary the Associate Press released the article below documenting that Democrats are subverting the very concept of "democracy". Democrats are the threat to democracy.
"For starters, the Democratic National Committee, which has the ultimate say in how its presidential nominee will be picked, says state party officials violated national party rules by scheduling its contest earlier than allowed. As a result, the primary will have zero delegates at stake on Tuesday. Normally, the contest would have determined how the state’s original allotment of 23 pledged delegates to the presidential nominating convention in Chicago this summer would be allocated to the various candidates.

Furthermore, President Joe Biden, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for a second term, decided to skip New Hampshire since their primary violates party rules and will not appear on the ballot. It was Biden’s idea to bump the state from its prized primary calendar slot in favor of South Carolina, which resuscitated his struggling campaign in 2020. That year, Biden placed fourth in the Iowa caucuses and fifth in New Hampshire with only 8% of the vote."
The AP article (purposely?) left out a seemingly important factoid, according to rumors that I have heard "from a friend", ;) Biden was miffed and embarrassed that he placed fourth in the New Hampshire primary in 2020. To avoid that embarrassing drubbing the DNC changed to rule to make the South Carolina primary "first" for the optics of an easy win. I've also heard that this rule change was to enable the blood debt to Clyburn (as king maker) who "fixed" the Democratic nomination process to have Biden crowned as the Democratic nominee in 2020. Anyway, Democrats who have (falsely) claimed to be the party defending democracy, continue to use undemocratic dirty tricks to undermine any opposition.
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I think based on their "super" delegate rules, it doesn't matter who wins what primary. The "super" delegates ultimately decide who the nominee for the Democrat party will be. So, Biden might loose all the primaries and still be the candidate. Isn't that how Hillary got to be the candidate in 2016? It was her turn. She was supposed to be the candidate in 2008 but they screwed her to make Obama the candidate. So, the black box overruled the female box. It's really hard to keep score. The woke rules change to suit the moment.
@Pat Hartman: I fully concur that the Democrats (unelected) "super" delegate determine who actually gets the nomination and not the elected regular delegates. Icing out the results of the New Hampshire primary is a demonstration that the Democratic party is all about the optics (looking good) and that Biden (as the nominal head of the Democratic party) is an evil mean petty vindictive person punishing New Hampshire. What Biden is doing to New Hampshire Democrats is a "milder" version Biden's persecution of Trump.

Have the Democrats Made a Rare Tactical Blunder With the New Hampshire Primary?
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