Did You Ever... (1 Viewer)


Energy Ebbing
Local time
Today, 07:26
Mar 28, 2003
I turned in my two week notice this morning. I have no prospects of a job nor have I been looking for one. I'm not quite sure what I will do. There's nothing wrong with the job, except for low pay and high pressure. But the people are nice here. I've been thinking about it for some time. I just feel there has to be something else that is out there. Has anyone else been in this spot and did something about it??? I would appreciate any words of wisdom from the Great Forum. Thanks!
I must say I've always had another job prospect lined up when I've quit a place, or had plans to attend school or something. My last job I wasn't sure about, they had low pay and high pressure AND they were nasty to work for. I got along with my immediate supervisor and I've kept in touch with her and a couple of other people, but that's about it. I just waited for them to lay me off after coming back from having my baby. I knew it would happen, and it did. I was just happy to be able to stay home and draw unemployment on their dime. :cool:
Boy, that is a bold move. Kudos for doing what you felt was right for you. Good luck in what ever you decide to do.
Once or twice...but only because the situation at work was so horrible that I couldn't stand the thought of another day. Both times, I was employed within two weeks. All I can say is you are in control of your own destiny. If you truly feel you need to make something happen, you'll find a way.

(boy that sounds a little far on the "bodisathva" side, doesn't it:eek: )

Good Hunting....
Last job I had I was there for six years. And it took a lot to "push" me to move on.
Now I can't believe that I stayed that long, under those conditions. I have a job now with that I get up every morning and want to come to work.

Work on your CV, but depending on how old you are your "life" experience will count for a whole lot more.
I use to work in textiles now it civil engineering. I didn't know anything about roads and dams when I started two years ago, but it’s easy for a geek to fit in I guess.

If its words of encouragement that you are after, these are the best that I have.

“If you are born to shine, you will shine through six layers of shit. If you are shit, you won’t shine no matter how much anyone polishes you.”

Good Luck mate :D
Lister said:
“If you are born to shine, you will shine through six layers of shit. If you are shit, you won’t shine no matter how much anyone polishes you.”

Good Luck mate :D

As I always heard it:

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
You can however make a good sow's ear out of a silk purse.
Back on topic:

Although I am currently self-emplyed (trust me, you'd never work this hard for someone else), I worked for a very large company for almost 30 years and am now drawing their pension.
One of the advantages with large companies is that they have lots of divisions. I worked at 5 different jobs during my time there. I had a good reputation so every time my current job became a pain, I just changed jobs in the same company. Worked great (I lived long enough to get the pension didn't I)
Has anyone seen Fuzzy! I hope they are doing well.

If you're out there, let us know you're ok deary!

Good luck on your new adventure. :D
I took three months, went hiking and walking, lost 30 pounds. Then an old friend saw my spousal unit and asked what I was doing. Upon finding out, the friend said that he wished he had known I was out of work, he had something he would like me to do. Next I get a call from him offering me a position doing something that I've never done before. I have to learn servers, windows 2003 server, and help with the purchase, installation, software loads and maintenance for this project. They'll train me for the job. And I still will have some database work with ACCESS and SQL Server. This sounded interesting so I took the job. So I will be doing systems work and databases. The weight loss made me feel better also.

Thanks for asking Selena. I really appreciate it.
Very often in this life it's not what you know but who you know that secures employment , congrats on finding what appears to be the right move;)

fuzzygeek said:
I turned in my two week notice this morning. I have no prospects of a job nor have I been looking for one. I'm not quite sure what I will do. There's nothing wrong with the job, except for low pay and high pressure. But the people are nice here. I've been thinking about it for some time. I just feel there has to be something else that is out there. Has anyone else been in this spot and did something about it??? I would appreciate any words of wisdom from the Great Forum. Thanks!

I left a 50K/year job just a few weeks prior to your notice in May and spent this past summer...having a ball...literally!

I'm a golf pro out here in Colorado and worked PT for my former company as a higher paid IT Consultant and Business Analyst; if this is a situation you can still develop, I would recommend it while you look for something more permanent...

I played golf all summer running my Pro-Am golf league, even played in a few official pro events in NM, also re-launched my home-based business and have now accepted a very exciting FT opportunity as well as a couple PT Consulting opportunities.

So, I say...good for you! That "something better" is out there. Just don't take too long looking for it because someone else might be doing the same thing!

...If I can help in any way, just let me know!:cool:

P.S. - Knowing someone absolutely helps sometimes but NOTHING BEATS HARD WORK and the tenacity to find something better so don't rely on that old adage!

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