Email approval request with link to approval form (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:42
Feb 13, 2003
Send Email with query data

I've got a database that is tracking work scope variances. There is a tendency to take a while for the engineer to approve the hard copy of the variance (it has to go through interoffice mail etc).

We're wanting to move to an electronic approval process. Weekly the database will send out an email, or some other notification, to all engineers, if they have any variances not yet approved, listing which variances they need to approve. I would like to have a link to the database that when clicked on, would open the approval form, and using their username as the filter would show their "In process" variances. I'm curious if this is possible to do on a weekly basis without having to open the database, so that it is done automatically.

I can do the form filtered by their name. Only sending the email with the proper information and link and on a weekly basis automatically is where I need assistance, for now. If that can't be done then any ideas or thoughts on how to do something like this would be great.

*Edit* I believe I can use a sql query in VBA and insert that string in the email.

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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:42
Feb 13, 2003
Anyone have any ideas automatically sending this?

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