Escape " sign in UDF parameter (1 Viewer)


Registered User
Local time
Today, 05:32
Jul 27, 2015
Hi guys,

I am creating a function to convert a position from DMS (Degree, Minute, Second) format to DD (Decimal Degree) format.
I couldn't find anything good on the web, so I'm now making my own version.

The function below is working fine, except for the fact that the DMS parameter normally contains an " sign as the Second indicator.
For example: 5° 40' 23" E

I am now removing this sign manually from the parameter, but is it possible to adjust the function so that it threats the " sign literally?

Function FormatDD(DMS As String) As String

    Dim Part() As String
    Dim strPosNeg As String
    Dim strDecimal As String

    DMS = Replace(DMS, Chr(176), "")  'Remove degree sign (°)
    DMS = Replace(DMS, Chr(39), "")   'Remove minute sign (')
    DMS = Replace(DMS, Chr(34), "")   'Remove second sign (")
    Part = Split(DMS, Chr(32))

    'Determine leading positive or negative sign
    strPosNeg = IIf(Left(Part(0), 1) = "-", "-", "+")

    'Convert DMS to DD
    strDecimal = IIf(InStr("SW", Part(3)), -1, 1) * (Val(Part(0)) + Val(Part(1)) / 60 + Val(Part(2)) / 3600)
    'Remove any leading or trailing spaces
    strDecimal = Trim(strDecimal)
    'Limit the result to a maximum of 7 decimals
    strDecimal = Round(strDecimal, 7)
    'Replace the comma to a period in the result
    strDecimal = Replace(strDecimal, Chr(44), Chr(46))
    'Add a leading zero in
    strDecimal = IIf(Len(Split(strDecimal, Chr(46))(0)) = 1, "0" & strDecimal, strDecimal)

    'Return result
    FormatDD = strPosNeg & strDecimal

End Function

So currently:
?FormatDD("5° 40' 23 E") works and returns +05.6730556
?FormatDD("5° 40' 23" E") Doesnt work, since the function see's a second parameter...

Any idea's?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:32
Jan 23, 2006
This article by Chip Pearson may offer some insight.

Since you are reading the data as a string, you could parse the value and remove characters. You can assign the numeric components to Deg, Mins, Secs or whatever named variables you prefer.
Good luck.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 05:32
Jul 27, 2015
Yes, I am aware of that page.
The conversion is not the problem, it's handling the 'Seconds' indicator when calling the function that's giving me problems


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:32
Jan 23, 2006
Why exactly do you need the seconds character?

Here are some characters to consider.
Sub testAscii()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim z As String
10    For i = 127 To 255
20      If i = 168 Or i = 145 Or i = 146 Or i = 147 Or i = 148 Then
30          Debug.Print i; Chr(i)
40      End If
50    Next i
60   End Sub

Also, re: your function, I'm getting double negative signs on negative values.

eg: FormatDD("-75° 40' 23 E") gives --74.3269444


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Yesterday, 23:32
Oct 17, 2012
When I run your function, it works as expected - it's stripping out the double quote correctly.

Here's the test function I ran:

Dim TestString As String
     TestString = "5" & Chr(176) & " 40' 23" & Chr(34) & " E"
    Debug.Print TestString
    Debug.Print FormatDD(TestString)
End Sub
The FormatDD was just cut and pasted.

Output is:
5° 40' 23" E
As with jdraw, I'm getting double negative signs from negative inputs.


In the original post, it looks like you are trying to submit a string as "5° 40' 23" E" directly. That won't work, but that's not the fault of the function. If you want to enter the values directly, you'll need to use either the method I used in the test function, or a double-double quote ("5° 40' 23"" E"). Access reads regular double-quotes as string starts and stops, and the double is needed to tell Access that the double quote is part of the string instead.
Last edited:


Registered User
Local time
Today, 05:32
Jul 27, 2015
Ok, thank you for the responses.
I was indeed hoping I could somehow pass the double quote directly in the paramater, but if that's not possible, I will just keep removing it from the call. It doesn't make sense to double double quote, then I can just as well remove it.

Thanks for catching the double negative indeed.
Fixed that in the code below.
For reference, I will also provide his little brother here to convert back.
Maybe it will help someone looking for a similar solution.

' Procedure  : FormatDD
' Purpose    : Converts a position from 'Degree Minute Second' format to 'Decimal Degree'
' Input Variables:
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' DMS: 5° 40' 23" E
' Pay attention, the 'Second' indicator (") should be removed from the call.
' Usage Example:
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' Command: FormatDD("5° 40' 23 E")
' Returns: +05.6730556
' Revision History:
' Rev   Date(yyyy/mm/dd)    Description
' **************************************************************************************
' 1     2016-10-19          Initial Release

Function FormatDD(DMS As String) As String

    Dim Part() As String
    Dim strPosNeg As String
    Dim strDecimal As String

    DMS = Replace(DMS, Chr(176), "")  'Remove degree sign (°)
    DMS = Replace(DMS, Chr(39), "")   'Remove minute sign (')
    DMS = Replace(DMS, Chr(34), "")   'Remove second sign (")
    Part = Split(DMS, Chr(32))

    'Determine leading positive or negative sign
    strPosNeg = IIf(Left(Part(0), 1) = "-", "", "+")

    'Convert DMS to DD
    strDecimal = IIf(InStr("SW", Part(3)), -1, 1) * (Val(Part(0)) + Val(Part(1)) / 60 + Val(Part(2)) / 3600)
    'Remove any leading or trailing spaces
    strDecimal = Trim(strDecimal)
    'Limit the result to a maximum of 7 decimals
    strDecimal = Round(strDecimal, 7)
    'Replace the comma to a period in the result
    strDecimal = Replace(strDecimal, Chr(44), Chr(46))
    'Add a leading zero in
    strDecimal = IIf(Len(Split(strDecimal, Chr(46))(0)) = 1, "0" & strDecimal, strDecimal)

    'Return result
    FormatDD = strPosNeg & strDecimal

End Function

And to convert from Decimal to DMS:

' Procedure  : FormatDMS
' Purpose    : Converts a position from 'Decimal Degree' format to 'Degree Minute Second'
' Input Variables:
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' DD: +05.6730556
' Lat: True if Latitude is supplied, False if Longtitude is supplied
' Usage Example:
' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' Command: FormatDMS(+05.6730556,True)
' Returns: 5° 40' 23" N
' Revision History:
' Rev   Date(yyyy/mm/dd)    Description
' **************************************************************************************
' 1     2016-10-19          Initial Release

Function FormatDMS(ByVal DD As Double, Optional Lat As Boolean = True) As String

    Dim NSEW As String

    If Lat Then
        NSEW = IIf(DD < 0, " S", " N")
        NSEW = IIf(DD < 0, " W", " E")
    End If

    DD = Int(DD * 3600 + 0.5) / 3600 '-- rounding to second
    FormatDMS = Int(DD) & Format(DD / 24, "° nn' ss\""") & NSEW

End Function

Not all my code, I've borrowed several bits and pieces from other people and adjusted it to fit my need.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:32
Nov 2, 2015
I was indeed hoping I could somehow pass the double quote directly in the paramater, but if that's not possible

I don't know if it's been made clear here, so..

You can pass a " to a parameter as a string but entering this

s = "5° 40' 23" E"

in the VBA editor is not valid VBA and wont compile.

The value you are trying to pass to the function is data which you would normally get from a field or control.

If you type the value into a textbox and pass it to the function it will work, e.g.

textbox2 = FormatDD(textbox1)


Registered User
Local time
Today, 05:32
Jul 27, 2015
Oh right, that's a good point.

I didnt actually implement it yet, but it will indeed be displayed in textbox.
So if it does work when you reference the textbox it's great.


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