Solved Function is not available in expressions in table-level validation expression.


Local time
Yesterday, 18:01
Dec 21, 2021
Hello everyone,
"I'm sorry if this is the wrong section to make this thread".

I have a problem where I made a linked .accde file for me to share with my team but they cant open it. They get a popup like attached below.
I honestly have no clue of that this mean or what I need to share here to get the help I need. If you guys can tell me how to or what to look for then I can share the code as requested.

Thanks soooo much guys for any help you can provide in advance


  • F9FE94E6.PNG
    186.1 KB · Views: 111
Just want to add I dont have that problem on my machine but everyone else does
So what table level validation are you using?
I have no idea as to why it might work for you and not them, unless it is a reference issue?
So what table level validation are you using?
I have no idea as to why it might work for you and not them, unless it is a reference issue?
I'm not even sure what table level validation this is. o_O
How do I check that?

Is super Weird. I have restarted and done everything possible to see why I cant generate the same error they all get on their side. I open it is perfect, they open it and they all get that error
Can you post a copy of the accde file?
You need to troubleshoot this issue on your end. Open each object in design view starting with the final one the user sees and trace backwards-- the source of each item. We don't have anywhere near enough information besides just guessing until we get lucky.
Is everyone else using Access runtime version (apart from you)?
Is this a screenshot of the users machine showing the error message or just something that 'looks like'. Your screenshot clearly has opened the app but you are saying they can't open it? Or do you mean it opens and then errors?

try looking in the BE at your table design, looking for validation rules on fields. Starting with the table displayed at the bottom of your screenshot since the first column is displaying #error. Looks like this might be a navigation type form since the same error is displayed at the top as well

and are your users looking at the correct BE?

if they are using a full version of access, try opening your .accdb on their machine - you might get a clearer error message or perhaps the code will stop at the offending line if it is a coding issue.
Generally, that message suggests that you tried to do something that is either a user-defined function or an intrinsic function that implies looking "outside" of the table or to another record or another field in the same table. The ONLY functions you can use in field validations are those intrinsic functions that look at the field itself. Here is an article on field validation from Allen Browne, one of the guys we all tend to recognize as one very tech-savvy individual.

This might help you see what you did that was outside of the normal boundaries.

Here is another hint: If you do data validations in the field definition you are limited because the validations might have to be performed by the SQL engine, which is in another context. If you do data validations in an input form, the sky is the limit because form-based event code can use Domain Aggregate and Domain Lookup functions easily.
Thank you all for your input and tips. I was able to figured it out. The problem was caused by having an Acrobat library selected that others didnt had on their machine.

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