Great news for me


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 03:45
Mar 30, 2012
When we bought this house 3 years ago, I thought it was 2,400 square feet. But I just learned that I can include the lawn and the garage space in the calculation, so now I own a house that is 8,000 square feet and worth 7 times what I paid for it. I would like to thank the former President for showing me how to create value where none exists.
I believe you forgot to factor in the possible future subdivision of that backyard .
When we bought this house 3 years ago, I thought it was 2,400 square feet. But I just learned that I can include the lawn and the garage space in the calculation, so now I own a house that is 8,000 square feet and worth 7 times what I paid for it. I would like to thank the former President for showing me how to create value where none exists.
You seem to not realize the consequence of this accounting gimmick. Letitia James and Arthur Engoron will soon be requesting your appearance in court. :whistle::whistle:
Trump fights political trial with political answers You can skip the first four minutes.
Alan Dershowit notes that this faux "trial" is nothing more than a third world political hit job to take-out your political opponents.
An abhorrent disgrace to the US judicial system.
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You seem to not realize the consequence of this accounting gimmick. Letitia James and Arthur Engoron will soon be requesting your appearance in court. :whistle::whistle:
Trump fights political trial with political answers You can skip the first four minutes.
Alan Dershowit notes that this faux "trial" is nothing more than a third world political hit job to take-out your political opponents.
An abhorrent disgrace to the US judicial system.
Are you saying that there is no evidence against Trump, that what evidence there is was made up? Not according to the grand juries in the criminal cases against Trump, grand juries made up of regular folk. I include the civil cases against him as well. I thought you were going to get tired of winning all the time. When does that part start.?
And as Dershowitz and others have pointed out, this Kangaroo trial is a political hit job. Dershowitz noted that this an openly hostile judicial process were evidence and law are irrelevant. A show trial. Essentially, interference in an upcoming presidential election to disable the opposition from participating. This is the Democratic party "rigging" an election, not preserving democracy. This is an abomination to the rule of law. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
You have to ask yourself, is there any coincidence that Trump has 4 major lawsuits against him just before an election? And all these are brought by Democrat supporting authorities. Even if you are a Democrat, you have to be particularly naive to think it is just about following the law. Yes, you may want to believe no one is above the law. You may want to believe it is just about the evidence and Trump deserves being prosecuted for all his crimes towards humanity (sidenote: there are none). You may think Mar-a-Lago is only worth $18M. You may think the New York judge and the Trump hating attorney general (who campaigned on getting Trump) is impartial. And if you think that, you have become part of the problem with what is wrong with America today: a newly formed banana republic where politics dominates the judicial system and where a former president can't get a fair trial.

Trump joins the Jews as one of the most persecuted group of people on the planet.
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In Get The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law, Alan Dershowitz—#1 New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s most respected legal scholars—analyses the unremitting efforts by political opponents of Donald Trump to “get” him—to stop him from running in 2024—at any cost. Alan Dershowitz has been called “one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America” by Politico and “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights” by Newsweek. Get Trump makes clear that unconstitutional efforts to stop Trump from retaking the presidency challenge the very foundations of our due process, right to counsel, and free speech. Those who justify these dangerous departures from the rule of law argue that the threat posed by a second Trump presidency is “different” and “immediate,” while the departures from constitutional norms are longer term and more abstract. Dershowitz explains that defenders of Trump’s constitutional rights—even those like him who oppose Trump politically—are sought to be silenced; their free speech rights attacked, their integrity questioned, and their careers threatened. Much of the media substitutes advocacy against Trump for objective reporting, while many in academia petition and propagandize against rights they previously valued—all in the interest of getting Trump. The essence of justice is that it must be equally applicable to all, Dershowitz notes. No one is above the law but digging to find crimes in order to influence an election does not constitute the equal application of the law. In order to assure equal application in comparable situations, he proposes two criteria for indicting a likely candidate of the opposing the Richard Nixon standard and the Hillary Clinton standard—and most recently, the Joe Biden standard. Get Trump warns that regardless of whether this anti-democratic effort to stop Trump from running succeeds or fails, it is likely to create dangerous precedents that will lie around like loaded weapons ready to be deployed against other controversial candidates, officials, or citizens about whom it can be argued that the danger they pose “is different.”
Are you saying that there is no evidence against Trump, that what evidence there is was made up?
How much is your house worth? You think it is worth 2 million dollars because YOUR evaluation is subjective. And now that you realize that part of the value of a property is its location and yes, the grass it sits on and yes, the outbuildings such as garages. So you go to a bank for a loan. If they also think it is worth 2 million dollars, they will give you the loan you are asking for. If they think it is worth less, they will offer you a loan for $500. You can take their offer or leave it. They can give the loan at your valuation or not. They have their own appraisal team. They are under no obligation to accept your appraisal.

Should you be accused of a crime because YOUR evaluation of your house is 2 million dollars? Absolutely!!!!!! Off with your head or at least send you to jail for 900 years. You lied about what your house was worth. You tried to cheat the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wish I could buy Mar a lago for 18 million dollars. What a freakin' joke that judge is.
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Maybe the bank should be prosecuted also, after all they didn't file a complaint against Trump for fraud. They did however except all his payments with interest paid in full.
You can't cheat the bank because they always do their due dilligence anyway. In the UK, if you want a mortgage, you get the house valued by a professional. The lender won't give you any money otherwise. The whole trial is just utter nonsense.
But people like some posters here think it is real and the media also pretends it is real that somehow if your political opponent doesn't agree with your opinion of what your property is worth, you must be prosecuted as a criminal. That is a pretty terrifying state of affairs. We have devolved to the point where you can be prosecuted for your opinion and many people take this as actual law. Then we have the anti-Trump NY law that allows people to accuse someone of ra** 50 years ago and without presenting any evidence but just for one year since that's all they need to bring a case against Trump.

All of you men out there still have three weeks of terror lest someone from your past who holds a grudge come forward and accuse you of a crime for which you have no defense. Creating laws to specifically allow prosecuting ones political opponent is why we are now officially a shithole country. If you didn't think so last month, now that we have ignorant, brainwashed, children marching in the street in favor of raping and maiming and killing and kidnapping unarmed citizens because they are Jews, you can be sure we are officially a banana republic. We are no longer a nation of law because the the law is whatever one party says it is. Not what the laws passed by the legislatures say.

I do find it amusing how the mob turned on the White House. The left always eats their own;) I wonder how many of those people will be thrown in jail and will have their lives ruined. None, you say:( You're right. They're all Democrats. If they get prosecuted, who will vote for the zombie next year if criminals can't vote? Oh, you can fix that? Of course, no problem. One of my co-workers, a Canadian, got registered to vote in Connecticut when he renewed his driver's license. Being an honest person, he ran right back out to the DMV and had them fix it. But then he was here legally and so cared about his status.
Trump will probably get convicted in this civil case, then have the conviction overturned on appeal based on prejudicial comments made by the then campaigning democrat DA. She was very sloppy and didn't even try to hide her bias and political ambitions regarding Trump. Innocent until proven guilty :ROFLMAO:
How much is your house worth? You think it is worth 2 million dollars because YOUR evaluation is subjective. And now that you realize that part of the value of a property is its location and yes, the grass it sits on and yes, the outbuildings such as garages. So you go to a bank for a loan. If they also think it is worth 2 million dollars, they will give you the loan you are asking for. If they think it is worth less, they will offer you a loan for $500. You can take their offer or leave it. They can give the loan at your valuation or not. They have their own appraisal team. They are under no obligation to accept your appraisal.

Should you be accused of a crime because YOUR evaluation of your house is 2 million dollars? Absolutely!!!!!! Off with your head or at least send you to jail for 900 years. You lied about what your house was worth. You tried to cheat the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wish I could buy Mar a lago for 18 million dollars. What a freakin' joke that judge is.

Maybe the bank should be prosecuted also, after all they didn't file a complaint against Trump for fraud. They did however except all his payments with interest paid in full.
What about the part where he devalued the property for tax purposes.
yes but commercial property is assessed differently than residential with much of the information provided by the property owner.
It's sounds like you're blaming Trump for a bunch of incompetent, lazy bureaucrats.
Doesn't the county accessor office set those rates?
Maybe not at that level. All I have read is that there were 2 sets of valuations, one for loans and one for taxes. I don't think a county assessor would set the value on holdings like the ones in New York, New Jersey and Florida.
I believe you forgot to factor in the possible future subdivision of that backyard .
You are correct, in fact, I can include the 2 acre retention pone across the street, which I could also sub divide. I am getting fantasy richer by the moment. On top of that, I live here, which would dramatically increase the value because it me living there, and we all know I am worth the increase in value because I can get Mexico to pay for the wall, and thus I will get tired of winning all the time. And, if you don't love me, I hate you, and I will go after you. Other than that I am a peachy guy.

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