Help! DNS-less connections not working (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:58
Apr 15, 2011
For several years my DNS-less connections have been working smoothly. Suddenly they aren't. Tables are all MySQL tables at host server. Nothing has changed there, and nothing has changed in the vba.
Dim MyConnectionString As String
Dim MyODBCdb As Variant
Dim dbs As Database
   Set dbs = CurrentDb()
MyConnectionString = "ODBC;Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" & _
    "Server=XX.XXX.XXX.XX;Database=" & "xxxxxx_tables" & ";" & _
    "OPTION=4194339;INITSTMT=SET @@wait_timeout=28800;" & _
    "User=" & "MyUsername" & ";" & _
    "Password=" & "MysqlPW" & ";"    
Set MyODBCdb = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("xxxxxx_tables", dbDriverNoPrompt, True, MyConnectionString)

I am about to send out program updates to my users and fear they won't be able to open/run the db. I don't know how to troubleshoot this. I know the driver is an old one but have been laboring under the mantra "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Just wondering if there is a chance the new Windows 10 update may be the problem or the old driver? Am I the only one with this problem? Thanks for any ideas!
Afraid I know nothing on this subject, however, I do know there are a few members here who are very knowledgeable on this matter.

Figured I would respond to "bump" you question a little...

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