For several years my DNS-less connections have been working smoothly. Suddenly they aren't. Tables are all MySQL tables at host server. Nothing has changed there, and nothing has changed in the vba.
I am about to send out program updates to my users and fear they won't be able to open/run the db. I don't know how to troubleshoot this. I know the driver is an old one but have been laboring under the mantra "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Just wondering if there is a chance the new Windows 10 update may be the problem or the old driver? Am I the only one with this problem? Thanks for any ideas!
Dim MyConnectionString As String
Dim MyODBCdb As Variant
Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
MyConnectionString = "ODBC;Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" & _
"Server=XX.XXX.XXX.XX;Database=" & "xxxxxx_tables" & ";" & _
"OPTION=4194339;INITSTMT=SET @@wait_timeout=28800;" & _
"User=" & "MyUsername" & ";" & _
"Password=" & "MysqlPW" & ";"
Set MyODBCdb = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("xxxxxx_tables", dbDriverNoPrompt, True, MyConnectionString)
I am about to send out program updates to my users and fear they won't be able to open/run the db. I don't know how to troubleshoot this. I know the driver is an old one but have been laboring under the mantra "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Just wondering if there is a chance the new Windows 10 update may be the problem or the old driver? Am I the only one with this problem? Thanks for any ideas!