How to recognize early stroke symptoms. (1 Viewer)

Rich said:
I don't have full knowledge Bri, that's why there was a question mark at the end of the remark. I was somewhat puzzled by the statement that there appeared to be a new single cure for strokes

I'm not sure they are cured as such. It is true that if the diagnosis is made quickly enough then treatment can begin quickly before brain damage is done. The difficulty is not so much identifying a stroke, its [which] type of stroke is it? A scan in hospital will assist in this area though.

The treatment then depends on the type of stroke, it can range from Burr holes in the head to relieve pressure to just giving aspirin to thin the blood and try to shift the clot naturally.

BTW - A Neurologist would not perform surgery, that would be done by a Neurosurgeon.

Only thing I really remember is saying 'I not speaching my slur'. Yup, the ambulance drives knew I was either drunk, or somthing badly wrong.
ColinEssex said:
it can range from Burr holes in the head to relieve pressure

The thought of that bit frightens the crap out of me :eek:
I've had a good day today :rolleyes: managing to get hold of the wrong end of the stick with Rich and Joey, still the wireless router I was having trouble with is working now , started behaving as soon as I turned it upside down to read the serial number, pity I had wasted 4 hours and pulled out what bit of hair I had :D


sorry about your mum's :(

I'm quite glad i read this thread! I have been dealing with my gran (who is in a home now) for the past 2 or 3 years and i noticed twice now what i thought may be a baby stroke! not a full one but a small one!

One time i demanded that she be looked at and the Doc said he thought i was right.

Now i might be able to judge for myself instead of some 16yr old care assistant telling me "shes just old" or a doc saying "i think you may be right"

its good we can find information on here as well as share experiance
Brianwarnock said:
I've had a good day today :rolleyes: managing to get hold of the wrong end of the stick with Rich and Joey,
never mind Bri, your PM to me cheered me up:D

lynsey2 said:

sorry about your mum's :(

I'm quite glad i read this thread! I have been dealing with my gran (who is in a home now) for the past 2 or 3 years and i noticed twice now what i thought may be a baby stroke! not a full one but a small one!

One time i demanded that she be looked at and the Doc said he thought i was right.

Now i might be able to judge for myself instead of some 16yr old care assistant telling me "shes just old" or a doc saying "i think you may be right"

its good we can find information on here as well as share experiance

Therein lies the problem with care homes, at the end of the day it's down to the dedication of the staff
Rich said:
Therein lies the problem with care homes, at the end of the day it's down to the dedication of the staff

Having a relative in a care home is worry, but only they can provide the 24hr care that is sometimes required but as Rich says in the end it comes down to individual staff members.

lynsey2 said:
its good we can find information on here as well as share experiance

its surprising what people know, having found out things through experience, people can then become quite knowledgeable on the subject. It does sound if Rich and I have experienced similar things in that respect. I'm glad if anything I wrote helps you Lyns. Good luck to your Gran, I'm sure she looks forward to your visits.

Brianwarnock said:
Having a relative in a care home is worry, but only they can provide the 24hr care that is sometimes required . . . . . .

at huge cost too may I add:mad: I reckon it should be part of the NHS and free.

Thank god that it is free too! I would be soooooooo scr3w3d otherwise!

I actually didn't know that it wasn't free down south!!!!???? that’s crazy stuff.

On that note...

I was reading the newspaper the other day and it was a big thing about reducing benefits!

My initial thought was YEY eventually they are going to spend tax payers money on something good!

HA!:D laugh in the face of my naivety!

To reduce the cost of benefits, they are NOT going to cut the giving to people who are able to work but don’t! They are NOT going to discourage single 15yr old mothers by reducing what’s on offer to them


They are going to make people who receive disability allowance go to the job centre every 2 months or so and have to fill out all this paperwork if they are still not working(grill them basically)


If they don’t go for interviews cut the benefit by X amount every month till it stops!

BUT hey if your an Alcoholic, someone will visit you in your home and bring you food and alcohol (all paid for by tax)

If your a drug addict you get a free prescription and your does of methadone everyday (all paid for by tax)


Is there nothing we can do, i hate coming to my work every day to pay my tax and have the dole'y junkie,alcoholics getting a sleep in till whenever they want.

I dont mean to offend anyone, please dont take it like that. It's a sore point because of warrens mum (she has MS and can't see a foot in front of her)
She gets £17.85 a month and is not entitled to dole money because warrens dad died of cancer and they had savings, her savings has to be below a certain amout before she can get help from the government.

she has to use the money her husband worked all his life to save to buy bread and things now and it drives me crazy! how can this possibly be right. she can't work, she can't see well enough.How can joe bloggs who cant be bothered working or made the desission to take drugs get all the benefits under the sun and someone who has no choice doesn't.

:( :( :( :( :(
lynsey2 said:
she has to use the money her husband worked all his life to save to buy bread and things now and it drives me crazy! how can this possibly be right. she can't work, she can't see well enough.How can joe bloggs who cant be bothered working or made the desission to take drugs get all the benefits under the sun and someone who has no choice doesn't.

:( :( :( :( :(
you could become cynical Lyns and realise that honesty no longer pays, and hasn't done so for years :mad:
lynsey2 said:
It's a sore point because of warrens mum (she has MS and can't see a foot in front of her)
She gets £17.85 a month and is not entitled to dole money because warrens dad died of cancer and they had savings, her savings has to be below a certain amout before she can get help from the government.
Hi Lyns,

If Warrens Mum has MS and it has been officially diagnosed by a Neurologist, she will be entitled to Incapacity Benefit (Incap) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) on the higher level (there are 3 levels). She would not be eligible for dole money as she would not be eligible for work.

It takes about a year for the claims to go through and be approved / rejected, thats a year of endless medicals and form filling - you need to be made of strong stuff to do it!!!!

The DLA (higher level) is the one that allows you to get free car tax, the blue disabled badges and reduced fares on public transport or a motability car as well as other minor perks.

Both the DLA and Incap are worth around £75 per week each.

What the government is trying to do, is not penalise people like her, but to stop the abuse of the system where people claim they can't work but hold down various cash-in-hand jobs as well.

ColinEssex said:
What the government is trying to do, is not penalise people like her, but to stop the abuse of the system where people claim they can't work but hold down various cash-in-hand jobs as well.


I worked alongside a guy who'd been off sick with a bad back since 1969 :eek: :rolleyes:
The trouble with all these schemes to get the sick back to work is that they usually hit genuine claimants the hardest :(
I helped her fill out those forms col and she is only suitable to one of them at the lowest or medium range or something, so me being me i appealed nicely! then they were not going to give her anything so i went nuts and they left it!!!!!:mad: :mad:

She has a disability card and everything from the doc but she lives on her own now and they say you only get the higher amount if you cant do things like cook for yourself and stuff... she does cook for her self but has burnt her fringe more times than i can count (she cant see if the gas has lit so puts her head closer!!!!!!!!)

They done medicals on her hearing but not her sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:

They say she is ok hearing but she really isn't (she says 'im fine' but she is forever what - ing at us)

She has goggles to wear to see and everything, cant bus it to our house cos she cant see the numbers on the bus - cant see the handle on the door till she feels it then she can focus and see a different colour but thats it.

It has affected her nerves too.

The government is not doing a very good job then ill tell you that!

I still dont get how we justify giving people who wont work or get a job for a week then quit or get saked all this money but then try and save by cutting money from people who do need it or make it so hard for them to get it ....

how long does it take to sign on the dole?
and as you say it takes a good yr of form filling etc to get the disability stuff.

It's all wrong. So wrong. uuuuurrrrrrghhhhh!

I have to get up every morning and come to work and then even work part time to make my life as good as i possibly can, whilest doing this i pay whacks of tax - i can't get a dentist, doctors dont give two hoots anymore, if there was an accident and i had to go to a+e it would take hours and hours to get delt with, the roads suck and pavements are bad, i still have to pay for water and sewerage on top of it anyway oh and b00dy council tax

remind me again what income tax is for?
Sounds like you guys have some problems over there that are just as frustrating as our problems over here. :(
Do the people that are well off have other means of medical care? Seems a person with a bunch of money could do their own thing(?) Just curious - Please don't bring on the US flames.... :):):)

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