I'm sorry you don't see it that way.

How would you intepret that statement?

  • I apologize if I hurt your feelings.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • I wish we agreed on the matter.

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
You needn't delete it on my behalf, I'm capable of defending myself
Rich said:
You needn't delete it on my behalf, I'm capable of defending myself
That's fine with me. Are we in agreement on the rest of the contract, so to speak?
Alrighty, let's simplify:

If at any point in the near future, TessB expresses that she would appreciate an apology from you, you will respond by saying, "Tess, I apologize for hurting your feelings." Is that a reasonable request?
Rich said:
You're arguing semantics again

Well spotted! The poll does have a very strong semantic theme. Did you not notice?

Edit: Double post. Sorry about that.
dan-cat said:
Have you ever signed a contract you didn't draft?
Not where I didn't agree with the terms of the contract, no I haven't and I'm suprised one who relies on logic would even expect me to
Well, do you agree with the latest terms I suggested?
I repeat that I'm sorry she didn't understand the point I was trying to make
Rich said:
Not where I didn't agree with the terms of the contract, no I haven't and I'm suprised one who relies on logic would even expect me to

I sign contracts I haven't drafted all the time. I make sure I agree with them though ;)
Rich said:
I repeat that I'm sorry she didn't understand the point I was trying to make
OK, that at least answers my question. I gave you every opportunity to gracefully and honorably offer a simple apology, but you refuse.

Not only is that "apology" extraordinarily condescending since you seem to think Tess would have been just peachy if only she understood your point of view (in otherwords, Tess is the one with the problem), but it also is in no way an apology and either you damn well know it or you're so self absorbed that you think feeling sorry that someone isn't at your intellectual level actually is an apology. I'm not sure which is worse.

No matter how in the right a person thinks they are, any decent human being would at the very least feel bad when they unintentionally hurt someone's feelings and apologize. You may think Tess was being completely unreasonable and your comments were perfectly fine, but that doesn't change the fact that something you said upset her. If you actually had matured beyond the age of 12, you might recognize that. If you weren't so horribly insecure, maybe you'd have the capacity to admit when you do something wrong.

As arrogant as you claim I am, I've demonstrated the ability to apologize even when I think I'm right. As much as you like to think Colin is your brother-in-arms, even he has fessed up to stepping over the line on occasion. Every person in this community has sincerely apologized to someone else at some point. Every person except you. You prefer to rationalize your bad behavior until the bitter end and imagine yourself a victim when others call you out on it.

It's interesting, because I had no emotional investment in this discussion whatsoever. Your behavior was not directed towards me in the slightest and I am not writing out of anger in the slightest. I'm writing out of disgust. You disgust me, and I'm putting you on ignore until the time comes when I can stomache a single pixel of your presence here.

I'm sorry if you don't understand the point I'm trying to make.
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Kraj said:
I'm sorry if you don't understand the point I'm trying to make.
Oh I understand perfectly, you're backing up YOUR opionion by slinging personal insults directly at me, still, nothing new there, the only thing I'm suprised about is the lack of you're an anti American, American hating, blablabla :rolleyes:
OK, I never got a chance to reply to this as I was out of the office until Tuesday and only briefly got to check in from home.

If someone said the words "I'm sorry you don't see it that way" to me, especially after having said something that offended me or hurt my feelings (theoretically, of course) I don't think I would take that as an apology. The person is merely stating that they are sorry that you don't see things their way. The truth of the matter is, maybe I do "see" things their way but I just don't agree with their point of view. If that is the case, then the remark almost becomes condescending to me, in my opinion.

If we are just having a friendly discussion where no feelings have been hurt and nothing nasty has been said, then no biggie. An "I'm sorry you don't see it that way" would just become a way to bow out gracefully, sort of an "agree to disagree" type of thing.

That's my two cents worth, anyway. :cool:
MrsGorilla said:
If that is the case, then the remark almost becomes condescending to me, in my opinion.

Would the remark warrant a dislocated shoulder from an offended primate? :p
dan-cat said:
Would the remark warrant a dislocated shoulder from an offended primate? :p

Probably not for a minor infraction such as that. ;)

Now...if someone called me a name, then possibly. :D

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