In ms access query on form filter all (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 19:15
Jan 14, 2025
Please open that MS access file.
I have made filter in form with combox and query running will filter in selection ,but in case i want all item in my filter, how can we do that? for more under please download that file will more clear. Thanks


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change the filter of your query to:


then you can blank the combobox and press the command button on your form.
here test your db.
Hello Amelgp,
Thanks, bro, for that was create, it works fine if do not mind if it's possible, I just noted some user will not understand when its blank it show all records can we add (All record) like first option? any other things you suggest ?
You do need to train your users as to how it works, and/or provide documentation.? :(

You do not just chuck it on their computer and say 'get on with it'. :)
the query now is filter using:

IIf([Forms]![home11]![Text8]="(All records)",[Nationality],[Forms]![home11]![Text8])

i change the Recordsource of the Text8 combobox, check it out.
added Load Event Macro to the form.


Please open that MS access file.
I have made filter in form with combox and query running will filter in selection ,but in case i want all item in my filter, how can we do that? for more under please download that file will more clear. Thanks
This forum is literally to Introduce Yourself. Please make your post in Access Forms.
the query now is filter using:

IIf([Forms]![home11]![Text8]="(All records)",[Nationality],[Forms]![home11]![Text8])

i change the Recordsource of the Text8 combobox, check it out.
added Load Event Macro to the form.
Thanks for you supporting Amelgp. My issues be sovled with your help again thanks

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