Invalid Argument Message (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:18
Nov 21, 2006
I seem to be having some major problems with one of our tables.

Recently a table that has been fine for a long time has developed something corrupt, so it seems.

I found that the LAST entry in the table is nothing but #Error in every single field. When I open the table, I get 'Invalid Entry'. Clicking the 'Help' brings me to a page about 'Invalid Argument (Error 3001)'.

I have tried recreating the table, and copying back ALL the entries except for the #Error one... but the new table ALSO gives me the same message.

Has anyone seen this before? Is it corrupt data? Is it a corrupt table structure? What would be the best course of action to save the remaining data and get this table back to up and running?

Thank you all for your help,

- arm1


"Access- Imagineer that!"
Local time
Today, 09:18
Nov 1, 2006
MAKE A BACKUP of the database before anything else goes wrong. Then Compact and Repair the original to see if that helps. If doing that doesn't help then you might try using the table as the source and running a MAKE TABLE query to recreate a new table. Before Running the actual MAKE TABLE query determine if you can use some criteria to eliminate the corrupt record(s)

Let us know if that helps at all,



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:18
Nov 21, 2006
I was finally able to copy all the other records in the table to a new table... adn then by rearranging the table names... I was able to solve this.

However, this does not give me ANY confidence that whatever caused this error in the first place will not occur again... so... I may find myself here, again, in the near future.

Thank you for your help.


"Access- Imagineer that!"
Local time
Today, 09:18
Nov 1, 2006
Frequent Backups Prevent Hair-loss

In the last few months I, too, have learned the hard way the value of Frequent Backups. I have had to ask IT to restore the Front End of a Database at least 3 times. Luckily the data in the BackEnd is preserved even if the Front End crashes and burns. I, too, have no idea why the Forms/Queries/Reports/Macros/Modules just decided to quit working as they were prior to making some minor changes that should not have caused so much grief. It seems to be the nature of the Beast and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Backup your database daily. or at least establish a regular routine for backups that will help safeguard against total meltdown. I have taken to backingup the database FE before making any changes to the design master, just in case. If I make a change and see that it works then I back it up too before proceeding to the next change. Old backups are deleted after a while.


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