Irish Debt Crisis (1 Viewer)


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 16:07
Aug 31, 2006
Heard today that the UK is thinking of giving 80 billion Sterling to the Irish to bail out their banks....

Where the fecking hell has this money come from, and why is it not being spent on our own economy...

If euro nation isn't prepared to give the Irish money without conditions attached, then the Americans should, after all during the 80's the Americans were ploughing money into funding a terrorist faction in the form of the IRA... in Ireland, so let them continue but for a more noble cause.


Local time
Today, 10:07
Sep 6, 2010

I have no idea what to think of this crap that goes on. All I can say is that I'm damn thankful I don't have any kids. If I could do something about this ridiculous behavior of these crazies running our countries, I would.

a portion of the american politics was overthrown during midterms here as of late. Republicans partially swept the house. I don't they are completely right, but I do think the only way to bring the crazies back down to earth is to shut the spending down completely and lock the damn doors. If I was the pres, I would do that immediately.

Would I be hated worldwide? YES. Would my life be in danger for cutting the red and skyrocketing unemployment? YES. Would there be a world war in the future? NO.

The alternative, which is what they're doing right now is going to bring a fricken WW3 in the near future. Stop the bleeding right now and take your losses. Don't prop it up and leave it completely in ruins in the future. But what the hell are they to do!? People expect EVERYTHING NOW, not 2 minutes from now, NOW. So is cutting resources an option? NO. It is if you want to be a target for assassination! Hmmm...I don't think the leaders like that alternative.

IMO, the biggest problem here, and it's worldwide, is that people are too stupid to stand on their own 2 legs. "spoonfeed me, spoonfeed me. take care of me!".

As long as that attitude stands with the people, leaders will continue to carry on this crap. They will continue to protect what they have, and the people 100% tell them the manner in which to do it.


Banned in 13 Countries
Local time
Today, 08:07
Jun 1, 2010
Heard today that the UK is thinking of giving 80 billion Sterling to the Irish to bail out their banks....

Where the fecking hell has this money come from, and why is it not being spent on our own economy...

If euro nation isn't prepared to give the Irish money without conditions attached, then the Americans should, after all during the 80's the Americans were ploughing money into funding a terrorist faction in the form of the IRA... in Ireland, so let them continue but for a more noble cause.

Can I get a paltry 80 million Sterling to bail out my own financial crisis? I may need to devalue my own worth soon without it and it would certainly affect the local economy (VERY local).


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 16:07
Jul 10, 2007
Heard today that the UK is thinking of giving 80 billion Sterling to the Irish to bail out their banks....

Where the fecking hell has this money come from, and why is it not being spent on our own economy...

If euro nation isn't prepared to give the Irish money without conditions attached, then the Americans should, after all during the 80's the Americans were ploughing money into funding a terrorist faction in the form of the IRA... in Ireland, so let them continue but for a more noble cause.
Not quite true. It's not a gift its a loan to one of the UK's largest business partners. If the Irish economy collapses then the knock on effect would be extremely damaging to the UK economy. This means that the loan to Ireland could help the recovery in the UK.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 16:07
Jul 10, 2007
Can I get a paltry 80 million Sterling to bail out my own financial crisis? I may need to devalue my own worth soon without it and it would certainly affect the local economy (VERY local).
NO :D Not unless you promise to buy me a few drinks.
Last edited:

Adam Caramon

Registered User
Local time
Today, 11:07
Jan 23, 2008
If euro nation isn't prepared to give the Irish money without conditions attached, then the Americans should...

Sorry, we're broke. We're worse than broke. You'll have to come back and ask again after we start our next war.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Tomorrow, 01:07
Jan 20, 2009
I think the world economy is a case of "The Emporer's New Credit".

Everone borrows money from everyone else yet the lenders are broke too. Nobody will acknowledge that the the money they are lending to each other is baseless.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 11:07
Dec 20, 2007
658 Trillion, in other words 10 times the annual global output. That is the size of the derivatives market.

A collapse of just 7.68% will render every asset in the world null. Try to get an understanding of that concept before you lock yourself into a box.

A country the size of Ireland; must not be allowed to fail.

We’re still on the verge of a great depression, one far more deadly than the last one.
80% of the world population lives in urban areas. If we fail at this, many people will starve to death.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:07
Feb 22, 2002
Heard today that the UK is thinking of giving 80 billion Sterling to the Irish to bail out their banks....

Where the fecking hell has this money come from,

It's coming from all the savage cuts that we will have to endure over the next few years.

In other words, we suffer just to bail out the Irish.
Oh and don't forget, we give £40million per DAY to the EU as well. PLUS we give millions to these tinpot little countries to feed their starving millions - no sorry, to arm their army to fight rebels - or in some cases give to the rebels to fight the army.



Active member
Local time
Today, 11:07
Aug 22, 2004
If euro nation isn't prepared to give the Irish money without conditions attached, then the Americans should, after all during the 80's the Americans were ploughing money into funding a terrorist faction in the form of the IRA... in Ireland, so let them continue but for a more noble cause.

SOME Americans gave money to the IRA.
I understand some Brits of Irish decent were also on the contribution list.

We won't include those people who thought they were giving money to one cause but it was re-directed to the IRA or the Protestant militias.

Perhaps its me, but it seems every 15 years or so Ireland faces some form of economic crisis. Perhaps those "artists" should start paying tax.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 16:07
Jul 10, 2007
The original post contains significant errors. The Irish rescue package is being put together by the EU. The UK contribution is approx 7 Billion not 80 billion as stated in the OP. IMO this is better than a collapse of the irish economy that would inevitably have serious economic consequences to the UK economy


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:07
Aug 26, 2008
a collapse of the irish economy that would inevitably have serious economic consequences to the UK economy

The UK already has serious economic problems anyway, surely?


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 16:07
Jul 10, 2007
The UK already has serious economic problems anyway, surely?
Agreed. Thats why we can't afford for RBS to have to write off £50 bilion worth of Irish loans.


Win10 Office Pro 2016
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:07
Jul 15, 2008
I can see the sence in avoiding a crisis but we seem to spiralling upwards with the crises getting bigger and the ability to bailout getting harder.

You hear stories of WW1 and WW2 debt still owing and wonder what level of descendants will see the end of this Debt game??

Maybe the World has to rethink Debt and Currency because at the moment it seems to be one big merry go round.

I owe you, you owe him he owes someone else and that other person owes me and doesn't pay so I can't pay you.:eek:

I am looking forward to having a Lifestyle Block and being self sufficient and you can all worry about the escalating food prices while I eat my home grown food and use my solar power. - A dream for now but I am afraid of the direction we are going in.


Something in here
Local time
Today, 08:07
Apr 6, 2004
I can see the sence in avoiding a crisis but we seem to spiralling upwards with the crises getting bigger and the ability to bailout getting harder.

You hear stories of WW1 and WW2 debt still owing and wonder what level of descendants will see the end of this Debt game??

Maybe the World has to rethink Debt and Currency because at the moment it seems to be one big merry go round.

I owe you, you owe him he owes someone else and that other person owes me and doesn't pay so I can't pay you.:eek:

I am looking forward to having a Lifestyle Block and being self sufficient and you can all worry about the escalating food prices while I eat my home grown food and use my solar power. - A dream for now but I am afraid of the direction we are going in.

You think being self sufficient will make you worry less about the availablity of food?
You are dreaming.


Banned in 13 Countries
Local time
Today, 08:07
Jun 1, 2010
What is the capital of Ireland? About 20 Euros...


Something in here
Local time
Today, 08:07
Apr 6, 2004
What is the capital of Ireland? About 20 Euros...


Am I making the same joke as you?

Or if you attend a wedding in Rome - according to the Irish priest its Liverpool. Which confused half the guests no end.

Jacob Mathai

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:07
Sep 6, 2001
I don't understand why Ireland is in financial trouble. I thought it is a very rich country because its capital has been Dublin every year.


Something in here
Local time
Today, 08:07
Apr 6, 2004
I don't understand why Ireland is in financial trouble. I thought it is a very rich country because its capital has been Dublin every year.

Bono has bled the place dry. I look forward to his next delegation to the UN.

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