Management By Crisis (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 23:18
Jul 5, 2006
Management By Crisis, an eloquent play on words that makes for a superior sound-bite. This morning on Fox News, I caught the ending of a discussion, where the pundit had referenced the quote "never let a good crises go to waste" as the segue into stating that the progressives are purposely creating "crises" for the purpose of manipulating the public and politicians into implementing certain actions.

Management by Crisis, turns the idea of Crises Management on its head. Theoretically, crisis management seeks to identify potential future roadblocks and design strategies to avoid those roadblocks from materializing. Instead, Management by Crisis intends to make a potential crises into an actual crisis.

Since I only caught the end of that discussion, I didn't hear anything in terms of examples. Below are some brief summaries of Management By Crisis that is occurring today.

Immigration Crisis: Actually not a crises but a planned action by the Biden administration to let unvetted illegal immigrants into this country. Now the Democratic mayors of several cities are complaining that they don't have the resources to take care of the illegal immigrants. As a consequence, they are now demanding federal aid to take care of the illegal immigrants. Currently, the federal government has a spending problem (deficit spending), yet the mayors demand ever more money citing humanitarian concerns. Note, the obvious solution of closing the border and deporting the illegal aliens so that these funds would not be required are not mentioned by the Democrats.
The Debt Ceiling: Both the budgetary process and debt ceiling known processes with known deadlines. Yet for approximately the past 16 years, give or take, neither the Congress nor the Executive Branch have been abiding by those constraints. Basically, they have just arrogantly thumbed their noses at those constraints, yet they are the supposed "adults in the room" and leaders. The Democrats (with some gutless Republicans) recently pushed through the adoption of a massive spending package with massive deficit spending that would bust the debt ceiling. Obviously, the first question, why didn't they pass a spending package that would not bust the debt ceiling? They didn't, but they are now howling in anguish that the debt ceiling must be raised or the US won't be able to pay its bills. This is an affront to fiscal responsibility and an absurdity from those who are supposed to be the responsible adults in the room.
Student Loan Crisis: For many years going to college has been pushed. This really seemed to escalate under the Obama administration, especially with the federal government acquiring all the student loans and making them guaranteed. The result has been massive tuition increases with soaring student debt. Now, the progressive left wants all those debts cancelled citing humanitarian concerns. The issue of personal responsibility has been swept under the rug. Additionally, the responsibility and liability of the lenders and the colleges in creating this mess by the progressive left has been ignored. Yet they continue to demand that the taxpayer pay (who has no obligation) pay for those loans claiming that it is crisis that causes financial hardship to the students.
I'm pretty sure there are some rational Democrats left in the country, I just wish they would come out of hiding. The evil orange man has been gone for two years but he is still living rent free in the heads of members of Congress (Republicans as well as Democrats) and members of the media and I guess that is keeping the rational Democrats from speaking out to stop the madness.

I want to know what happened to the concept of checks and balances. Congress and the Executive branch are out of control and have been trampling the Constitution for years (except for Trump and that was one of the things that made everyone's heads spin). State legislatures are trampling on the Constitution. Why can't the Supreme Court stop them? Why do the Justices not want to protect the Constitution? Have they even read it? It doesn't seem to be required reading for Biden's nominees to the Federal court. Why do the Justices refuse to hear cases where they might have to make a ruling that should stop the madness?

If no one will protect the Constitution, we don't have a Constitution.
Why do the Justices not want to protect the Constitution?
A difficult question. The first bone I'm going to toss out is that of Chief Justice Roberts. With the Affordable Care Act, the US Supreme Court simply punted, refused to make a clear decision. Roberts, I speculate (without substantiation), that fixing the Affordable Care Act belonged to the Legislative branch (Congress). Correctly or incorrectly he may have been hoping that a Republican Congress would take that "hot potato" away from the Supreme Court and fix it. Unfortunately then Senator John McCain sabotaged that because he was infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Add that as a failure to protect the Constitution.

In the 2020 Presidential election, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania made a decision that apparently violated their own State's Constitution. An attempt was made to bring a case to the US Supreme Court. That leads to an interesting legal question, to which I don't have an answer. Should a state violate its own laws, does the US Supreme Court have jurisdiction? One could simply claim that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has the final say on what is legal and what isn't within the State of Pennsylvania, whereas the US Supreme Court is limited to federal laws. An unfortunate adverse interpretation from the Tenth Amendment?

Perhaps the most egregious failure of our legal system is the apparent inability to force Biden to implement immigration laws and/or to remove Biden from office for the failure to enforce federal laws. The Supreme Court on various occasions has attempted to put the brakes on Biden, but Biden simply ignores them by thumbing his nose at the Court. The Supreme Court, as a consequence, is essentially powerless when the Executive Branch just ignores them. The Court does not appear to have any police powers to arrest the President for violating the law. That prerogative belongs to the Legislative Branch. Unfortunately, that will never happen because the Democrats in Congress are rabid partisan hacks who wont, themselves, take on the job of impeaching a Democratic sponsored President for failing to enforce the US Constitutions and other US laws. In fact the rabid partisan Democratic House abused the impeachment process to impeach Trump for no valid reason. The Democrats have no respect of the US Constitution, they are the threat to democracy.

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