Is it safe to get back to the life you knew? (1 Viewer)

Thankfully, I did not get COVID .... to my knowledge. However, my reaction to the 2nd dose of my Pfizer vaccine was approximately as bad as, let's say, a moderate case of 48 hr COVID, in itself.
I would like to see the stats about the risk of infection and death compared to flu rates in peak season. I never used to worry about going on during flu season. That would give me something to work with regarding assessing the risk to my health and how much risk exposure I would be happy with. Getting those facts rather than relying on media bias gives me something more objective to work with.
I agree with you. Observing and studying the stats would actually help you assess what is best for your health.
Doc, you mentioned storms. Do you ever get tornadoes down your way?

Only about two weeks ago we had an EF0 take a path through an older East Bank neighborhood, then flip through the business district, then finally cross the river into an older West Bank neighborhood. That's the first one I remember in New Orleans in literally decades. Tornadoes are extremely rare for us.
Similar for us in the UK too.
Not exactly the "life we knew" but at least it is a step in the right direction. Our Gov is a real clown but then a lot of them are!

in my area it varies. at the walmarts you can totally ditch the mask at this point, no questions asked. the woker teenie bopper places like chipotle and target, better not, get a lot of "how dare you" looks.

we're over 1/3 fully vaccinated, and cases are near nothing.

i heard texas recently got to the zero cases mark. excellent fodder for babylon bee, given biden's "neanderthals" remark a couple months ago, predicting doom for texas...
Guys, with the rate of people getting the C-vaccination, have you seen any progress on the situation?
Louisiana has ALMOST opened up everything. We have mask requirements at medical facilities and a couple of other places, but the 1 AM curfew at bars has now been lifted. Restaurants have the OPTION on a case-by-case basis to not require masks any more. It is still a bit uncertain, but this year's NFL games in the SuperDome will be full attendance - at worst, with masks.

The only problem we have left is that some restaurants have short staff - probably because of wait staff getting crap for pay, poor tips, and the unemployment / welfare money hasn't stopped yet - so nobody wants to work. My favorite neighborhood steak joint finally had to put up a sign that says "We're exhausted. We are going to close Mondays until the staffing gets better."
And there is this...


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