Je Suis Charlie (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 11:08
Feb 22, 2002
Remember: trolling is not against the rules, and the watercooler is largely an "enter at your own risk" environment. That said, feel free to recognize and ignore people and posts that degrade the value of this space, or who don't make a positive contribution to what is, in essence, your forum.

You are of course quite right. I should really ignore those type of posts, but I was brought up to respond when people talk to me, and was also taught that to ignore them was ignorant and bad mannered.
It may well be normal in Aussie and the USA and its clone Canada. You'd think after 15 years on these forums, I would have recognised that.

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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 11:08
Feb 22, 2002
Hi Colin: hope you are doing well this evening and hope your wife is feeling, well..........a little better.


Thanks for that, sadly, better is not really possible as MS is degenerative. Some days however are less difficult than others.

Your best wishes however are appreciated.



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:08
Oct 17, 2012
You are of course quite right. I should really ignore those type of posts, but I was brought up to respond when people talk to me, and was also taught that to ignore them was ignorant and bad mannered.
It may well be normal in Aussie and the USA and its clone Canada. You'd think after 15 years on these forums, I would have recognised that.


Wow. You are honestly whining because you got ignored. That's just funny. Pathetic, but funny.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 11:08
Feb 22, 2002
Wow. You are honestly whining because you got ignored. That's just funny. Pathetic, but funny.

You are an expert on misreading posts and reading what isn't there.

All I said is that ignoring people (like you do), is ignorant and bad mannered.

If you do deem to reply to any post, please try to read it properly, I realise English is not your first language but I'm sure the poster can help if needed.



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:08
Oct 17, 2012
You are an expert on misreading posts and reading what isn't there.

All I said is that ignoring people (like you do), is ignorant and bad mannered.

If you do deem to reply to any post, please try to read it properly, I realise English is not your first language but I'm sure the poster can help if needed.


Awww, did I hurt your little feelings? It'll be ok.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:08
Feb 11, 2013
So back on topic (sort of), it appears that European agencies are managing to stop other, similar attacks that may well have been happening soon.

Glad to hear they are not sitting on their thumbs, however it remains to be seen what they do about the "no-go"zones in Europe. If they are smart, they will disband them, put police and fire stations in the neighborhood and if needed a swat team. If the women insist of using Sheria law, then they just have to show their faces long enough to be recognized to enter grocery stores, etc. If not detain them. They are not something special by far. If they so much a jay-walk put them in the slammer for 72 hours. I could go on but had better not.

Have a great day



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:08
Oct 17, 2012
The "no-go" zones that have been thoroughly debunked, complete with Fox commentor apology linked to earlier in this very thread? Those non-existant "no-go" zones?

Sorry, we're talking the real world here, not the super-scary fantasy land you inhabit.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:08
Feb 11, 2013
The "no-go" zones that have been thoroughly debunked, complete with Fox commentor apology linked to earlier in this very thread? Those non-existant "no-go" zones?

Sorry, we're talking the real world here, not the super-scary fantasy land you inhabit.

Whatever: As long as they are disbanded and the European people are protected. I don't really care especially at your lame attempts to trash someone of something else when they are dealing with life and death situations. You just cannot get it. Radical Islam is at WAR with you and me and everybody else. That to me is very personal.

Have a good day Mr. Froshingslosh:



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:08
Feb 11, 2013
The "no-go" zones that have been thoroughly debunked, complete with Fox commentor apology linked to earlier in this very thread? Those non-existant "no-go" zones?

Sorry, we're talking the real world here, not the super-scary fantasy land you inhabit.

While Fox news had to apologize, the fellow who started it all did not back down from stating that he had said there were "no-go zones" in France. You believe they were not there. This is OK. your count!

The best thing to come out of all of this is that Europe is waking up to the Radical Islamic terrorist threat. I still believe there were 'no-go zones' before all of this happened and now the countries are denying there was or are any of them now. This is a good thing.NO!

At least Fox News recognized its mistake and did apologize.

[QUOTE = Frothingslosh;1406147] Sorry, we're talking the real world here, not the super-scary fantasy land you inhabit.

My guess is that those people that died in Charlie Hebdo would disagree with you and I do too.



Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 11:08
Jul 10, 2007
My guess is that those people that died in Charlie Hebdo would disagree with you and I do too.

Just curious. Who gave you the authority to speak on behalf of those poor people who died. I think we should be told.

As regards "no-go areas" the available evidence suggests that Fox News is NOT a reliable source on this. Their report on Birmingham was so completely out of touch with reality that it gave a great number of people a really good laugh. In order to justify your remarks about "no-go areas" you will have to produce much better evidence or run the risk of becoming a laughing stock.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:08
Feb 11, 2013
Just curious. Who gave you the authority to speak on behalf of those poor people who died. I think we should be told.

As regards "no-go areas" the available evidence suggests that Fox News is NOT a reliable source on this. Their report on Birmingham was so completely out of touch with reality that it gave a great number of people a really good laugh. In order to justify your remarks about "no-go areas" you will have to produce much better evidence or run the risk of becoming a laughing stock.

Hello Rabbi: it has been a long time, glad to hear that you are alive and well! It seems to be getting a little harder to do that over there these days.

I said: "My guess is that those people that died in Charlie Hebdo would disagree with you and I do too". Is not "MY GUESS", an opinion ??????? Everybody has an opinion, I GUESS (another opinion) mine does not count.

I stated: "The best thing to come out of all of this is that Europe is waking up to the Radical Islamic terrorist threat. I still believe there were 'no-go zones' before all of this happened and now the countries are denying there was or are any of them now. This is a good thing.NO!" "I STILL BELIEVE" that not an opinion as well.????????/

They (12 innocents at Charlie Hebdo) died at the hands of Radical Islamic Terrorist. Where did they (terrorist) come from..Where have all the terrorist throughout Europe (you know the ones the law officers are trying to find, kill and/or arrest) coming from. Either they were already here or your borders are not any better than ours are. How did they hide there for so long? and why did your law not notice them before especially since the French made it clear there were 'sensitive urban zones'. here is a url I think you will find interesting. Pay attention to the date of the article. Is this the proof "produce much better evidence" that you wanted???? I would Guess (there I go again) that there are several articles out there by different people that tell the same story. Where I am from an old saying; 'where there is smoke, there is fire'!

I "Guess" I should quit here, but I won't.

To help alleviate any question of the articles publisher, etc. I have included this for you. I personally do not know anything about them, They could be like FOX NEWS for all I know. but I believe they are Kosher!

I know you got a big laugh at Fox and they rightly deserve it. However, if you are trying to shame me into NOT believing there were 'no-go' zones (i.e. 'sensitive urban zones) PRIOR to the attack on Charlie Hebdo by labeling me the "Laughing Stock of the forum" Well............ Have at it.

I have also included a url of a full blown apology complete with videos of the Fox News transgressors.

Finally this will be all I have to say about the so-called 'sensitive urban zones' (i.e. no-go zones) for fear that I might get laughed at................ Boy Howdy uh.............uh..............uh

Have a good day Rabbi and may all "your guesses and I believe sentences" be counted as opinions.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:08
Oct 17, 2012
Have you actually LOOKED at the site? The Gatestone Institute may as well be the home of online Islamophobia. They may CLAIM to be non-partisan, but the few stances they take outside of pure Islamophobia are extremely right wing - often to the right of the bloody neo-cons. The articles on the front page are all the same type of drivel that Stormfront says about Muslims.

Let me be perfectly clear - there isn't a single shred of proof that your fictional "no-go" zones actually exist, and no matter how much you click your heels together and wish it were otherwise, conspiracy theorists making crap up out of thin air are not considered evidence. There isn't a country in Europe that would allow an insurrection of the sort you and your co-lunatics keep describing, and that is EXACTLY what you are describing.

You really should try to expand your word beyond the unsupported 'word' of far-right propagandists and white supremacists. An excursion to the real world where facts determine reality might do you some good.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:08
Feb 11, 2013
Have you actually LOOKED at the site? The Gatestone Institute may as well be the home of online Islamophobia. They may CLAIM to be non-partisan, but the few stances they take outside of pure Islamophobia are extremely right wing - often to the right of the bloody neo-cons. The articles on the front page are all the same type of drivel that Stormfront says about Muslims.

Let me be perfectly clear - there isn't a single shred of proof that your fictional "no-go" zones actually exist, and no matter how much you click your heels together and wish it were otherwise, conspiracy theorists making crap up out of thin air are not considered evidence. There isn't a country in Europe that would allow an insurrection of the sort you and your co-lunatics keep describing, and that is EXACTLY what you are describing.

You really should try to expand your word beyond the unsupported 'word' of far-right propagandists and white supremacists. An excursion to the real world where facts determine reality might do you some good.

Mr. Froshingslosh,,, you did not disappoint me. Knew what your were going to say. I therefore ask you: what about those french site and a government web site? Now my French is a little rusty and has holes in it here and there but it is enough to know that they site 751 'urban sensitive sites' and even in some cases call them 'no-go zones'. If this is the case, then these 751 sites were accurately reported although the name was changed to 'no-go' zones from 'Urban Sensitive zones'.

I feel sorry for you buddy, that you are so far left you would stand in front of a lion and claim he would not eat you because you did not believe he was hungry. When in fact he would kill you then and eat you later.!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:08
Feb 11, 2013
Have you actually LOOKED at the site? The Gatestone Institute may as well be the home of online Islamophobia. They may CLAIM to be non-partisan, but the few stances they take outside of pure Islamophobia are extremely right wing - often to the right of the bloody neo-cons. The articles on the front page are all the same type of drivel that Stormfront says about Muslims.

Let me be perfectly clear - there isn't a single shred of proof that your fictional "no-go" zones actually exist, and no matter how much you click your heels together and wish it were otherwise, conspiracy theorists making crap up out of thin air are not considered evidence. There isn't a country in Europe that would allow an insurrection of the sort you and your co-lunatics keep describing, and that is EXACTLY what you are describing.

You really should try to expand your word beyond the unsupported 'word' of far-right propagandists and white supremacists. An excursion to the real world where facts determine reality might do you some good.

Oh, there is only one article on the page. The others (ADS) are present day ads. not 2012 ads.

I know as a left wingers like to call other people names etc. that do not agree with them but a little moderation should be tried sometime. A high blood pressure is not good for anyone.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:08
Jun 11, 2004
Mr. Froshingslosh,,, you did not disappoint me. Knew what your were going to say. I therefore ask you: what about those french site and a government web site? Now my French is a little rusty and has holes in it here and there but it is enough to know that they site 751 'urban sensitive sites' and even in some cases call them 'no-go zones'. If this is the case, then these 751 sites were accurately reported although the name was changed to 'no-go' zones from 'Urban Sensitive zones'.

I feel sorry for you buddy, that you are so far left you would stand in front of a lion and claim he would not eat you because you did not believe he was hungry. When in fact he would kill you then and eat you later.!


They seem to be no more than troubled neighbourhoods. Nothing in particular to do with Islam.

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