ketogenic diet


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Apr 3, 2020
Normally I don't look here in the Watercooler since issues can be contraversial ... including this one! But I am responding because I'm a great believer in a ketogenic diet to heal all kinds of dis-ease. A side effect is that you also lose weight. You don't need a pill though -- more to change eating habits, which is easier said than done. Not only emphasize fats and oils, but to get them in a good form as well (organic, cold-pressed) and realize that heat degrades the benefits of good oil so when cooking -- low and slow. Best way to get good fat/oil, in my opinion, in is to add them to food when its on your plate -- and to veggie smoothies you make in the blender.

[the thread I wrote this to respond to is gone -- it was linking to a pill you can buy ... but I decided to start a new topic about it since my heart hurts from so many friends who've perished because they followed advise from those angling for profit not true healing]

I don't know about the UK, but in America, sadly, much of our food isn't food including lots of veggies that are heavily sprayed to make them toxic. Organic is so important. Not only are they good for you then, but they have a taste.

Here's a good playlist on YouTube for learning about keto:

Human bodies can use 2 types of fuel -- glucose (largely from carbohydrates) or ketones (from fat*) -- healthy cells can use either. Fast-growing cells gobble up glucose -- in fact, a glucose test can be used to find them. Processing fat is more complex and rogue cells can't use it, so they literally get starved.

* called fat if it's solid at room temperature like butter -- or oil if it's a liquid at room temperature

Peas, avacados, and nuts are high in fat. Biggest concern isn't calories so much -- more avoiding carbs and processed junk.

Also in the playlist I linked above is a video with a list of good foods -- link to get the list in the video description

20-30g/day of carbs is higher than my understanding -- best to limit to about FIVE, imo

I've read that it takes about 3 days to put the mechansisms into place to process ketones if body has been running on glucose (preference since it's quick to process) -- however, it's a more complex process to use ketones, which is why fast-growing cells aren't equipped to use it. After those hungry days though, for me it's just one, the hunger disappears since carbs make one more hungry.

Human bodies are, essentially, machines ... and machines need oil. As I'm older now, and my body doesn't have the flexibility it once had, I can more easily discern the effects. For instance, when I'm going to go on a long walk or bike ride, it's highly beneficial to oil my knees before I go. Skin is the largest organ and what you put on it gets absorbed -- so I apply oil to the outside ~ and also, wouldn't put anything on my skin that I wouldn't eat.
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While I agree that excess carbs can be a bad thing, the different kinds of oils - even limited to what is in natural foods - can also be a bad thing. I have a liver condition - probably damage caused by excess carbs during my younger days and just now catching up with me. Oil and fat are ALSO things I have to avoid. Keto diets aren't for everyone. For those who CAN do it - best of luck to you and give it a try.

Lipid sensitivity is no fun. The ketones in natural meat and natural cheeses are not my friends. And let's not talk about pizza, which used to be my favorite treat but now... like that famous M C Hammer song, "Can't Touch This."
As a diabetic, I adopted a diet that has a lot in common with the keto approach. I use no processed sugar. I do use a substitute sweetener in coffee, though. Low carbs, mostly protein and some fruit. The oil thing is the part I can't quite adopt. Very high caloric content, which I don't need.

On balance, you have to pay attention to what your body tells you. If you can't see your belt below your tummy, it's telling you to change your diet.
Just try to avoid getting like the song "FAT" (Weird Al Yankovic) where the "fat" character sings - "If I go to get my shoes shined, I've got to take their word..."
thanks for responding, @The_Doc_Man and @GPGeorge

obviously, we're just expressing opions here... and this is mine

> different kinds of oils ... can also be a bad thing.

Agreed! especially if they're heated past their smoke point (then they're downright bad). If, when you BUY it, it doesn't say "cold-pressed" then you can't know what temperature it may have been heated to process it. 'Cold-pressed' requires temps <= 120°F and then there is no other designation. Therefore, oils could have been heated to high temperatures like 600° to process -- well beyond smoke-point.

> things I have to avoid

says who? rhetorical question ... takes time to overcome brainwashing -- artificial medication often requires cutting out natual healing -- don't mean to offend you -- hopefully you'll take this in the light intended -- not to put anyone down, merely to pass on knowledge I've gained so you can do research and be your own judge.

There's no such thing as an essential carbohydate.

> pizza

what's on top might be ok ... but the foundation below (dough) is usually carbs

> pay attention to what your body tells you.

easier when you're older like us, George

> If you can't see your belt below your tummy, it's telling you to change your diet

absolutely! I know you walk a lot -- the greatest and most natual exercise ... as database developers, we should know that you can't get out what you don't put in

> oil thing is the part I can't quite adopt

Personally, I like organic, cold-pressed coconut oil a lot -- and get it for about 50/gallon from -- sales for 20% off on holidays. I transfer it to a glass container for easy use -- and is my favorite for putting on skin since it goes in so fast. To start getting more oil in, try adding it to food on your plate -- it's like butter.

Castor oil is small chains (molecular composition) and, therefore, more easily absorbed (once it gets past skin), but its consistency is gunky like honey (so one might think otherwise). Heat helps it break past the skin barrier. Search for Castor Oil Pack -- Cayce was a big proponent of using castor oil. Coconut oil has a smaller chain than Olive-- both beneficial, according to what I've read and experienced myself.

The food pyramid was funded by the sugar industry and is not to be believed, imo, since so many products would go bankrupt otherwise.
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hi @The_Doc_Man,

>liver condition

I like to drink beer, which I know isn't good, but I like it! Next day, when my side hurts, first thing I do is squeeze a fresh lemon or lime into a glass of water -- cleans me out and helps me keep my bad habits. Fruit needs to be first though, since its digested quickly. Before it goes into the body, lemon and lime are acidic -- but then they change once inside, from what I've read.
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> things I have to avoid

says who? rhetorical question ...

Says my gastroenterologist, non-rhetorical answer.

> pizza

what's on top might be ok

Nope. It's the oils in the cheese and meats. Particularly pepperoni, which is heavy in fats that come out during cooking. Remember that cheese is a form of fermented milk fat.

I agree with you that you should take the healthiest diet your body can stand, with the understanding that for some of us, there comes a point when our body rebels and won't adapt further. We eat a lot of grilled chicken, beef, pork, or fish (not deep-fat fried, though air friers are nice). We eat boiled or microwaved veggies. We eat whole-grain rice and whole-grain-based pasta. We've cut back on all forms of bread at meals. But there is that point where you just cannot get past. The energy to move comes from carbs or fats. Cut back too far and you become malnourished due to catabolic processes in the body. THEN is when your muscles REALLY ache.
And let's not talk about pizza, which used to be my favorite treat but now... like that famous M C Hammer song, "Can't Touch This."
My coffin will probably be a used pizza box. I love the stuff.
hi @The_Doc_Man, thanks. Lot's of things masquerading as cheese really aren't. Please watch the videos on first link I posted -- Dr Berg is scientific and does more than just tell you -- he shows why. I know you'll get it if you can overcome past ideas. Sadly, a lot of medical education is funded by pharmaceudical companies who want to make a profit.

pepperoni -- totally processed! ... and therefore, something to be avoided, imo.

lol, @Jon -- I do too!
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> microwaved

I personally don't like what microwaves do to food, so don't have one ...preferring heat that raises the temperature normally instead of exciting molecules to spin

@Jon -- tomorrow is often TODAY's planning ... but it may take time to get what you need to implement your desire. A new day is always good. Watching the playlist linked could help give you willpower -- from my experience, taking Ashwaganda (adaptogen) is also good.
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Normally I don't look here in the Watercooler since issues can be contraversial ... including this one! But I am responding because I'm a great believer in a ketogenic diet to heal all kinds of dis-ease
Just reading about ketogenic and I must admit this forum teaches more than Access, most of the diseases humans have can be avoided or managed through the right food intake.
I was on the keto diet for about 30 days. Maybe a little more. Honestly, I was shocked that I lost over 10 lb in that amount of time. It is definitely no joke.

My problem was it was just way too complicated of a life of constantly searching and hunting for foods in such a limited array of things that I could eat. And I took a lot of people's advice, making my own cereal doing all kinds of creative things. It just wasn't enough.

If I had a personal cook that did all of the work for me while I was living my regular life and working, I would totally try it again.

Again for me, it wasn't the work / effort / discipline of eating those specific foods. It was the work of hunting and gathering, preparing and storing them that did me in.

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