Listbox Row Tooltip (1 Viewer)


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Today, 02:08
Nov 2, 2003
I have found code on an excel forum for creating Tooltips in a Listbox control.. but cant get it to compile in Access ...
Are there any Access/VBA 'gurus' out there that can use this baseline and modify it to work with Access 365 please..?

The code in question is here..
ListBox Row Tooltips

Could be quite helpful for many I am sure...

Thanks in advance.
you cant use: UserForm_Initialize (access don't work that way, it uses tables)

Private Sub lstBox_AfterUpdate()
lstBox.ControlTipText = lstBox
end sub
I'm not sure your understanding of the request. I am trying to add a tooltip to reach row of the listbox. I know Access doesn't work that way.. Hence posting the Api code in the link attached...
I have something different that you should be able to adapt for your needs
Have a look at the code I use in Form5 of my example app at

In that example a different image is displayed as the users moves over a listbox. It isn't even necessary to actually select a row.
You would replace the image with a textbox showing the tooltip (which could be a hidden column in the listbox).
Just tested my idea - it works perfectly

Alternative is to use a subform with an image control and text formatted to look like a list box. Same technique can be used to imitate a combo but a bit more work on displaying the selected result
I have something different that you should be able to adapt for your needs
Have a look at the code I use in Form5 of my example app at

In that example a different image is displayed as the users moves over a listbox. It isn't even necessary to actually select a row.
You would replace the image with a textbox showing the tooltip (which could be a hidden column in the listbox).
@isladogs Just FYI the downloaded zip doesn't contain images.
It isn't even necessary to actually select a row.
but it actually select it?
if the listbox is Bound and you browse to it just to see the ControlTip it will
alter your selection. if you are careless and forget what was the Original
selection, then it's your problem.
it will only work when All the rows of the listbox are visible?
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it will only work when All the rows of the listbox are visible?

Almost correct.
The mouse move part only works for listbox items where no scrolling is involved.
However, item selection will still trigger the correct tooltip even if scrolling is used.

I have a possible solution for that mouse move issue which I'm intending to look into
@isladogs Just FYI the downloaded zip doesn't contain images.
Thanks. It does now!

To avoid that issue in future, i have just updated the example to v7.6 which uses shared images saved in the image gallery

I have also included form 5T with the 'tooltip feature' as used in the video in post #5
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but it actually select it?
if the listbox is Bound and you browse to it just to see the ControlTip it will
alter your selection. if you are careless and forget what was the Original
selection, then it's your problem.
it will only work when All the rows of the listbox are visible?
You changed your post whilst I was replying earlier.

I don't understand what point you are trying to make now.
First of all the listbox is unbound.
Selecting a listbox item has no effect on the functionality of the mouse move event.
If the listbox has many items and a scrollbar then disable the mouse move feature and just use item selection
Attached is an updated version of the listbox 'tooltip' example shown in the video in post #5
The tooltip can be rich text & multi-line if required

Move the mouse over the listbox items to view the associated image & 'tooltip'.
Change the various options such as font name, size etc. It still works


It is ONLY necessary to click the listbox item if you have to scroll the listbox down to view a record due to
e.g. large font size or larger number of items

However I have a cunning plan that I think will fix that as well!


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when All the Items are shown, it will work.
but when only few items are showing, like in this case?
Listbox are not limited to only 10 or 20 items?


It is ONLY necessary to click the listbox item to select it
unfortunately, it does not.
when you make selection (by clicking) and "leave" the listbox, where is your selection now?

this can't be used as Bound control Either.
I think you misunderstand the purpose which is to display a series of 'tooltips' as you move over the list.
For clarity in use, I made a deliberate decision to clear the image & tooltip when the mouse leaves the listbox.

I rarely use listboxes bound to a specific field.
If that was a requirement, perhaps the approach could be adapted?

Do feel free to improve on this example if you wish
I've updated my example app so it now works using mouse move even where the number of listbox rows mean a vertical scrollbar is required.
However, there is no need to physically select a listbox row using a mouse click
As before the row under the mouse cursor is highlighted so the user knows which record is current.

The method used this time does mean there is more noticeable flicker when moving the mouse.
I'm still working on that & will upload the example app when I've (hopefully) reduced the flicker.
In the meantime, see attached video


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