Most often used data


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:04
Jun 25, 2014
My question is how can i make a query which shows the most used data in a field, i saw how i can show the biggest or smallest but i didn't see how many times is each data used in a field.
My field is for years, and i wanna see each year and how many times it is used.
Is this possible to do?

PS: I am a new access user and I'm sorry if this is too easy or too impossible to do.
Sounds like you may need to use "Count" of a totals query.
In the first one i asked how can i make it show it the table it self, but then they told me it cant be made in the table but in the query, but in the links they gave me i couldn't find what i was actually looking for.
That's why i posted my question in the query section.
Those links provided will show you how to do what you want you would just have to read. Now, if you don't want to read that then you need to ask for additional help. You should also provide the information needed for someone to post an example, like field and table names.

EDIT: I beleive to delete you would have to *edit* your post but now that there are replies other than mine not sure if that can done (or should be done).

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