Movies (1 Viewer)

Kraj said:
My only thought on that matter is because such a thing was held in such high contempt when it happened. TV show openings that features the twin towers were re-edited, movies that featured them were redited or scrapped altogether. I guess the idea, then, is to go from "it's an outrage and even crass to even reference the World Trade Center for entertainement" to "let's make a movie just about 9/11" is rather hypocritical.
I remember Spiderman's ending had to be completely remade, because the big fight with the bad guy was originally set on/around the towers.

I also remember some ignorant people saying it was disrespectful for the second Lord Of The Rings film to be called The Two Towers :rolleyes:
(it's a decades-old BOOK, stoopid!)

So there's how many movies about "9/11" now? Not counting documentaries...
World Trade Center
United 93
Any more?
Adeptus, I recall the "Two Towers" issue. I'm waiting for some half-witted jerk to comment on the allegorical references to terrorists, which is one way you could see the story line of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Of course, it was never supposed to be an allegory of terrorism anyway, and second, if it were, it would have been about pre-WW2 Germany, Austria, Poland, and Italy. But some folks will never understand that fact.
Kind of going off on a tangent here...

I remember not long after "9/11", it was announced that the next version of Microsoft Flight Simulator would not include the Twin Towers, "out of respect"...

I would have thought it was "out of accuracy" - a flight sim attempts to duplicate the real world, and in the real world they're not there anymore!
Slow paced, but the premise of the story hooked me. Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis in roles where neither of them are required to be badass, just actors.

Jackie Brown
Tarantino films can be hit-or-miss with me, sometimes they can be really clever and engrossing in the dialogue and just descend into almost implausible violence; Dusk til Dawn being the chief example.
But Jackie Brown retains the story and human element all the way through. There are the usual Tarantino plot forks that cross and converge. The volume knob on the violence is turned down quite a bit and does nothing to harm the enjoyment.

Very clustrophobic look at four people's interwined love-lives. Considering it stars Jude Law, Clive Owen, Natalie Portman and Julia Roberts it could have turned out to be a totally visceral hollywood catwalk for 4 stars to look pretty on but to give it it's due, it gets its hands dirty on the story. Bit of a surprise ...and I managed to stomach Julia Roberts, which is unusual.

Stinkers to avoid...

The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
I fell asleep watching the DVD and felt no desire to go back through the chapter index.
The books are ingenious and really funny, even the old 80's TV series which looked well under-budgetted, did a better job with the off-centre ideas and humour. This film is just what you would expect from a big-budget cinema release in the present climate of film making - rehashed crap.

Final Destination 3
Errr... yeah. The first FD took a novel idea into the teen/horror genre and did a good job with it. Even the second was passable.
This is just tired, predictable and doesn't even bother to consider taking the series anywhere different. Avoid a 'new' accident at the beginning, get killed one by one in over-contrived ways for the next hour...
Adeptus said:
So there's how many movies about "9/11" now? Not counting documentaries...
World Trade Center
United 93
Any more?

Personally I don't care how 'respectful' such films are made or how much anyone believes the story needs to be told, true respect would be to leave any truths to be heard to the realm of documentaries, and keep the box-office takings and studio shareholders out of the equation.

I can only dread how a 9/11 film might end if made by Hollywood with its warped perspectives; if it goes along the sugar-coated and factually wonky lines of Pearl Harbour it would probably end in the capture and trial of Bin Laden ...and everyone lives happily ever after.

Leave it be; making entertainment of it (and you don't go to the cinema not to be entertained) is perverse.
Vassago said:
Yeah, it chokes me up that they would make a movie about such a tragedy. They stand to make billions off of this one! Got to love Hollywood! :D

So will you be buying the comic book just released, on the events of 9/11? :confused:

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