I haven't used Access much in several years now, so I am rusty on how to use it and also never knew the full ins and outs, so I may need a thorough explanation. I am hoping to clean up a 5+ year old database that hasn't been used for a while but they are picking up again. The database is split with the backend on the company network drive and has always had some slowness.
There is a form where the user fills out fields to create a letter, and then they pend it to revisit in 14 days when it shows up in the Pending form. The Pending form is based on the following query and takes 2-3 minutes to load the form. When I run the query separately, it takes some time there too. Just wondering if there is anything I can do differently here to speed this up? Thank you!
There is a form where the user fills out fields to create a letter, and then they pend it to revisit in 14 days when it shows up in the Pending form. The Pending form is based on the following query and takes 2-3 minutes to load the form. When I run the query separately, it takes some time there too. Just wondering if there is anything I can do differently here to speed this up? Thank you!
SELECT tblState2State.ID, tblState2State.CustomerFirstName, tblState2State.CustomerLastName, tblState2State.Customer2FirstName, tblState2State.Customer2LastName, tblState2State.CustomerAddress, tblState2State.CustomerCity, tblState2State.CustomerState, tblState2State.CustomerZip, tblState2State.DMVName, tblState2State.DMVAddress, tblState2State.DMVCity, tblState2State.DMVState, tblState2State.DMVZip, tblState2State.DealerName, tblState2State.DealerAddress, tblState2State.DealerCity, tblState2State.DealerState, tblState2State.DealerZip, tblState2State.VIN, tblState2State.VehicleYear, tblState2State.VehicleMake, tblState2State.VehicleModel, tblState2State.LicensingAgent, tblState2State.DateSent, tblState2State.Sentby, tblState2State.Pend1, tblState2State.Pend1Date, tblState2State.Comments, tblState2State.Completed, DateDiff("d",[Pend1Date],Date()) AS [Days Pended], tblState2State.Pend1By, tblState2State.CompletedDate, tblState2State.CompletedBy, tblState2State.AccountNumber, tblState2State.Pend2, tblState2State.Pend2Date, tblState2State.Pend2By, tblState2State.ATTNDMV, tblState2State.ATTNDealer, tblState2State.InternalComments, tblState2State.CustomerAddress2, tblState2State.DocsRecdCust, tblState2State.DocsRecdCustDate, tblState2State.DocsRecdDMV, tblState2State.DocsRecdDMVDate, tblState2State.DocsRecdDealer, tblState2State.DocsRecdDealerDate, tblState2State.eTitle
FROM tblState2State
WHERE (((tblState2State.Pend1)=True) AND ((tblState2State.Completed)=False) AND ((DateDiff("d",[Pend1Date],Date()))>14) AND ((tblState2State.Pend2)=False) AND ((tblState2State.eTitle)=False));