Reports with QR Codes (1 Viewer)


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Yesterday, 20:18
Sep 8, 2020
Is it possible to add QR codes from a stored list when the report is opened?
I had made some product labels for my work and thought it would be nice to also include our system generated QR codes for them but cant fathom how I would tell the report which code to use when it was opened.

In my products table I could add some form of link to which code belongs to it then try and pull that it on open but would that work? I am just brain storming this at the moment and am not actively working on it.
If you already have the QR codes, you can save the file path and add them as image controls.
If you need to generate them, see this thread
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I do already have them but am curious the process I would have to use to get the report to know which to use. I have never messed with images outside of a static company logo that doesnt change.
I do already have them but am curious the process I would have to use to get the report to know which to use. I have never messed with images outside of a static company logo that doesnt change.
You can associate each qr image to their corresponding record by storing the full path to the image in the same table.
You can associate each qr image to their corresponding record by storing the full path to the image in the same table.
I see. I figured it would be something along those lines but wasn't sure. On the reports On Open event I would just set the image to that path then correct?
I have an app that runs on several client locations and each uses a different logo. This is the code that populates the logo control. I set the background of hidden controls to yellow so I can easily find them. The logo uses an unbound image control. If there is no proper path, then the default image is used.

Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

    If Me.LogoPath & "" = "" Then
        Me.imgLogo.Picture = Me.LogoPath
    End If
End Sub
I see. I figured it would be something along those lines but wasn't sure. On the reports On Open event I would just set the image to that path then correct?
If you're using Access 2007 and later, you can just bind the image control to the field used to store the file path.

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