Is it possible to add QR codes from a stored list when the report is opened?
I had made some product labels for my work and thought it would be nice to also include our system generated QR codes for them but cant fathom how I would tell the report which code to use when it was opened.
In my products table I could add some form of link to which code belongs to it then try and pull that it on open but would that work? I am just brain storming this at the moment and am not actively working on it.
I had made some product labels for my work and thought it would be nice to also include our system generated QR codes for them but cant fathom how I would tell the report which code to use when it was opened.
In my products table I could add some form of link to which code belongs to it then try and pull that it on open but would that work? I am just brain storming this at the moment and am not actively working on it.