Select first item in combo box


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Today, 02:02
Oct 23, 2007
Hi everyone,

I have a problem which I assume will have an annoyingly simple solution.

I have a combo box that is populated by an SQL statement, which works ok. What I want to happen is when I open the form that the combo box is on, I would like it to autoselect the first item in the combo box rather than having to click on the arrow and select it.

I have looked around many websites but to no avail. I have tried:
and I have also tried setting the list index.

I have been advised that there is a selectedindex property but I can't find it in VBA to use this.

Any help is much appreciated.

Don't know how you tried using list index, but this works:

Private Sub Form_Load()
 MyCombo.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Hi Gazsharpe,

You were close :

Me.cboName = Me.cboName.Itemdata(0)

does the job for me ;)
Since .Value is the Default Property for comboboxes,

Me.cboName = Me.cboName.Itemdata(0)



are identical statements!
(Note: It looks like this post is old, but still useful for those having this same problem)

Me.cmbxItemsList = Me.cmbxItemsList.ItemData(0)

I wanted to make this happen at Form Load. Therefore, I placed the above code in the form load function. In addition, at combobox change/load I have to load some data into some other fields in that form. I call the following function (previously created) at the bottom of the above code:


And this did the trick for me....
It is always nice to see old posts 'recycled,' and in order for this to happen, it is very important to give your posts a clear title, such as Select first item in combo box, as this one was titled!

Posts with titles such as Help or Access 2007 are totally useless to someone searching for help from old posts.

Also, since I neglected to point this out in my first post on this thread, the critical thing here is that you must set focus to the Combobox


before using

MyCombo.ListIndex = 0


Me.MyCombo = Me.MyCombo.ItemData(0)

to assign a value to it.

Linq ;0)>
Thanks everyone, this solves my problem of our upcoming conversion to 2007 ( I know, I know 2010 is out) and still using Send keys, i.e.
SendKeys "{down}"
SendKeys "{enter}"
Here is what I use with two combo boxes, the second is a function of the first and if there is only one item in the second combo box I do not wish to waste the users time selecting it so it is automatic.
Private Sub cboProjectFilter_AfterUpdate()
'Filter bar - "Project" combobox (cboProjectFilter)
'This requeries the "SubProject" Combo box (cboSubProjectFilter) to reflect only the
'available SubProjects for the selected projects.
Me.cboSubProjectFilter = ""  [COLOR=Green] ' show nothing as criteria has changed.[/COLOR]

Me.cboSubProjectFilter.Requery  [COLOR=Green] 'The criteria of my combobox has changed so requery[/COLOR]


        If Me.cboSubProjectFilter.ListCount = 1 Then  [COLOR=Green]  'Auto Select first (only) item[/COLOR]
                Me.cboSubProjectFilter = Me.cboSubProjectFilter.ItemData(0)
        Else  [COLOR=Green] 'User must make  the selection if there are more than one.[/COLOR]
                Me.cboSubProjectFilter = ""
        End If

End Sub
you must set focus to the Combobox

before using

MyCombo.ListIndex = 0


Me.MyCombo = Me.MyCombo.ItemData(0)

Actually, you never need to set focus to a control to use the Value property or ItemData collection.
Thanks everyone, this solves my problem of our upcoming conversion to 2007 ( I know, I know 2010 is out) and still using Send keys, i.e.
SendKeys "{down}"
SendKeys "{enter}"
Here is what I use with two combo boxes, the second is a function of the first and if there is only one item in the second combo box I do not wish to waste the users time selecting it so it is automatic.
Private Sub cboProjectFilter_AfterUpdate()
'Filter bar - "Project" combobox (cboProjectFilter)
'This requeries the "SubProject" Combo box (cboSubProjectFilter) to reflect only the
'available SubProjects for the selected projects.
Me.cboSubProjectFilter = ""  [COLOR=Green] ' show nothing as criteria has changed.[/COLOR]

Me.cboSubProjectFilter.Requery  [COLOR=Green] 'The criteria of my combobox has changed so requery[/COLOR]


        If Me.cboSubProjectFilter.ListCount = 1 Then  [COLOR=Green]  'Auto Select first (only) item[/COLOR]
                Me.cboSubProjectFilter = Me.cboSubProjectFilter.ItemData(0)
        Else  [COLOR=Green] 'User must make  the selection if there are more than one.[/COLOR]
                Me.cboSubProjectFilter = ""
        End If

End Sub

Thank you!

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