Site outage (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:10
Sep 28, 1999
Just had a 5 minute site outage. Not sure why but it looks like the entire server went down.

Edit: After speaking with host, it could have just been me being blocked.
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My host said this:
Your ip was blocked because a mod_security rule was triggered.

Curious if anybody else couldn't get to the site or if it was just me?
I've been in since 0623 EST (Virginia) with no issues...
Ok, thanks. Must have just been me. I was running a couple of security scans but that never locked me out before. Oh well.
I know all the talk about security and then the site goes think the worse!

I didn't make a note of the dates, but for me the site was down from probably ten days ago - I checked most days- and I checked again last night and it was still not responding. Whether this was Chrome being difficult I don't know but anyway, glad to see my primary resource back!:) Mike
It could be something on the server giving a block. We have tweaked the backend and hopefully these issues will have cleared up.

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