Sort order:General problem convert to 2003 (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:13
Feb 9, 2012
I created a simple 2010 access database but my business PC with Acess 2007 couldn't open it. " Unrecognized database format "filename ".

I tried to convert it to 2000-2003 format but it cannot do that either
"The specified database sort order , General, is not supported for the target database format".

I go to Options --> General and change the new database sort order but again nothing happens.

What should i do? ':confused::confused::confused::confused:



Super Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 22:13
Jan 23, 2006
Can you open the database with 2010?
If so, then (somewhere--I don't have 2010) will be an option to save or publish as 2007 or 2003...
If you want to use the accdb with 2007, you'll have to save it as 2007....etc.


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:13
Aug 9, 2012
I too am having that problem. If you go to file and look at the options you will see where you can find the general legacy, but it doesn't seem to tell you which option to choose. You can also choose the 2002-2003 format, but as you know it will not hold that option. I also am at a loss as to what to do. :(


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:13
Aug 9, 2012

thank you so much for the very quick response, but, for some reason my save and publish as 2002-2003 still comes up with the message regarding sort order. I have done a bit of looking at 2010 and if you go to the file tab and under options, you are given several options. You can see an option to create default db in 2002-2003 format, but also a general sort order. The New database default sort order is General-Legacy; that is the issue with saving as an MDB file automatically. It will not allow allow any other sort order and therefore will not convert my db to 2002-2003, although I can save the 2002-2003 and I still get the message of "Specified Database sort Order General is not supported for the target Database format". I have tried other sort processes in that general tab, but it is not helpful;

I have compared the options of a 2003 access db format, and within those options it does have default sort order of only General.

Thank you for any help you may be able to give.


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:13
Dec 18, 2013
I know this is an older post, but i had this problem and after searching , I didn't find an answer...

BUT, after messing around with the database for a while, I figured it out

perform a compact and repair... then retry converting it

hope that works for all you googlers


New member
Local time
Today, 03:13
Sep 1, 2021
I know this is an older post, but i had this problem and after searching , I didn't find an answer...

BUT, after messing around with the database for a while, I figured it out

perform a compact and repair... then retry converting it

hope that works for all you googlers
Older post? :ROFLMAO:Worked for me 8 years later. Thanks.


Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 03:13
Sep 12, 2006
If you use processes in a database that weren't available in an earlier access version, then you can't save the database as an earlier version.

eg - I don't think mvf's (multi-value-fields) and calculated fields were available in A2003, so you can't convert a database including them.
Interestingly rich text fields are accomplished by using html tags, so are compatible, but in A2003 will not be presented as formatted text, just as characters.


New member
Local time
Today, 14:13
Sep 18, 2022
I got this error today, specifically this: The specified Database sort order, General, is not supported for the target database format
The reason was that earlier I had accidentally set all my MS Office software (Word, Excel etc) to a Chinese user interface. There is also a similar message with the word 'collating' in the message.
I was trying to deal with Chinese characters in my data conversion but obviously set the whole interface to Chinese by mistake. It was a mission in itself trying to work out how to reset it when I don't read Chinese but I got there. Then when I was saving an Access 2010 database to an earlier version (2002-2003) using 'Save As' I got the above message. Because I deal with legacy software I need to do this conversion often so this is how I was able to relate the issue to my earlier language issue.
So, there is are (possibly) two solutions. The one I didn't try but that may work is to set the sort order to the language it was when the database was created (MS Access/Options/General then 'New database sort order') or re-install MS Office. I reinstalled MS Office as I didn't think of the first option (which may work) until after I had re-installed Office.
So, reinstalling Office is a guaranteed way of fixing the problem.
This is a glitch that Microsoft needs to look at making easier to correct.


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 21:13
Feb 28, 2001
Unfortunately, Microsoft has pretty much made it clear that they have abandoned the older versions each time they release a newer version. I would not hold my breath for MS to do anything for the older versions.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 22:13
Feb 19, 2002
Try uninstalling and reinstalling Office.

PS - Welcome aboard but PLEASE, in the future do not hijack an old thread. Create a new thread and ask your question there. Include a link to the old thread if you think it has useful information:)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:13
Sep 12, 2006

is there any way you can upload a sample of the offending object/data
It's easier for us to try to fix it rather than discuss it generally I think.

What object actually has this "general" sort order?
Where can I see this?

I just tried converting a dbs from current accdb to a 2002/2003 format, and whether the sort option was general or general-legacy it still worked, (although the mdb sizes were slightly different) so maybe there is something that won't convert in your accdb.
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