This will oust the corruption of transgender (2 Viewers)

you ought to see a bunch of female-born tranvestite "men" barging their way into a male sport,

I don't think women would transition to do this because they are too honest and genuine... Like most men in fact!

But if they did the prizes are far greater than in the women's sports arenas! So an unscrupulous woman might transition to tap into this lucrative area!
Passing a law in Congress to prohibit transgender women from using the woman's room is going way too far.

We now seem to be entering the whiplash phase and are attempting to punish the innocent.

Men who dress as woman and present themselves as such in public have always used women's restrooms without incident. Other women wouldn't even notice unless the trans person were hanging out leering at the other women. You go in. Do your business and leave. No one will accost you or raise a ruckus. The problem is when the do-gooders decided that children could decide before puberty to change their sex AND that boys should be able to compete against girls in girls sports AND to use the same changing rooms.

No one wants another human being to suffer unnecessarily. Let's not make this situation worse than it has to be. Just get the boys out of the girl's rooms and sports and call it a win.
The boys playing in girls sports is really getting to be a huge problem. I remember when liberals said it was a solution in search of a problem - like it was so rare anyway - but since that time, about 2 years ago, I've read probably close to 100 stories of men (transgender woman identifying people) take home trophies meant for women. It's a huge deal, and I don't blame women for being upset about it.

Even in department stores like Kohl's, I'm a stickler for following the custom. I try to find an actual "mens dressing room", not an undefined one or a woman's dressing room, although it seems very common nowadays for spouses to go in in addition to the intended gender, not caring that it isn't appropriate. The only exception should be little kids - i.e. if you're a man and you've got your 3 yr old daughter with you, obviously she has to come in with you, but otherwise..
We instinctively know that lbgtq pronouns are wrong. We know that a man cannot be a woman... We know from 1984 that controlling languages is a tool of oppression. That is what we have just witnessed an attempt to take total control!

The origin story of forcing boys to be girls didn't end well!

This doctor performed experiments on living human children, experiments that appear to have psychologically scarred them to the point that they committed suicide in their early 30s. Even limiting the discussion to ethics alone, this kind of treatment is out of bounds because his abuse started when the twins involved were infants - toddlers. There is NO EXCUSE for such an ethics violation. From the legal viewpoint, the guy committed a serious breach of medical malpractice at a minimum, though I would imagine that child molestation might also be leveled at him.

My discussions earlier about what defines gender also would, if followed logically, show that twin Bruce (the victim of the botched circumcision), would NOT have successfully been raised as a female because his brain would still have had a male configuration. Further, his body was born male and would have been more susceptible to male hormone therapy to replace what had been taken from him.

Dr. John Money should have barred from medical practice and his conclusions should have been tossed into the crapper. He was doing experiments on a SINGLE PERSON which is the ultimate betrayal of experimental science. The results of a single experiment can have only one possible finding of significance - which is that it could DISPROVE an absolute assertion. A single-subject experiment could NEVER prove a general rule.
The "ball" continues to roll. Now that Trump is coming into office, corporations are seeing the writing on the wall.

More likely, they are seeing an end to the implied drain on the bottom line that would occur be being forced to carry incompetent workers.
Trans Widows
There's one aspect of transgender which I have just discovered. It adds another level of, well describing it as horror is step too far. Calling it disgust isn't quite the right word.

But what about the transitioning person's family.. I found this profile on Xwitter where trans bereaved families can support each other...

Candace Owen - Explains why a man is a man and a woman is a woman...

Minor attracted people, "paedophiles" believe that they should be allowed to have sex with children! Should you agree and support them in acting on this delusion?

From the strictest of scientific standards, there are two sexes and a few people unfortunate enough to be born physically intersex, about 1.7% if you don't get specific about the various indicators of intersex. However, a larger number of people - also strictly definable using scientific methods - are born with physical brain structures that do not correspond to their sexual anatomy. These latter people are almost always homosexual.

Therefore, when asking how many genders there are, you have to realize that the question is blurred by birth anomalies. You need to specify whether you are talking pure genital anatomy or whether you include brain anatomy in the question. Therefore the problem isn't scientific. Instead, it is semantic.
From the strictest of scientific standards, there are two sexes and a few people unfortunate enough to be born physically intersex, about 1.7% if you don't get specific about the various indicators of intersex. However, a larger number of people - also strictly definable using scientific methods - are born with physical brain structures that do not correspond to their sexual anatomy. These latter people are almost always homosexual.

Therefore, when asking how many genders there are, you have to realize that the question is blurred by birth anomalies. You need to specify whether you are talking pure genital anatomy or whether you include brain anatomy in the question. Therefore the problem isn't scientific. Instead, it is semantic.

This brings up an interesting feel to the discussion, for me. It made me realize something. Digging deeper into my own psyche about my beliefs about these things, I realized there is a difference as follows: With homosexuals, I'm convinced that their brain is truly homosexual (let's leave aside for the moment the 'how' of how it got that way). However with people who identify as transgender, I'm not at all convinced - in fact I feel more likely than not that that is not the case with many of them.

So in order to bring the discussion into a crisper focus, or better said split it in two: Although I concede that gays brains are definitely gay at the time that they are craving or enjoying homosexual sex; Yet, I'm not sure this helps with the 'how many genders are there' only because I'm nowhere near convinced that transgender people have the same biological (brain) basis for it. I think the emergence of a massive increase in T.G. people coinciding with the popularization of it on tiktok and stuff like that--added to the number of people who detransition, even if not a very large number-- is no coincidence and speaks to more of a confusion ---compared to the more certain "oh, I'm definitely gay!" feeling that accompanies homosexuals.

To make it even worse, the transgender community is fighting for very-young people to have the agency and encouragement (or even subsidized payment of!) a 'transition'. That's a huge problem, because right around the time you are going through puberty is NOOOOOOOT the time to make any life-altering-permanent decisions, since it is normal for approximately 100% of people going through puberty to be very, very confused at that point - about none other than their sexuality.
However with people who identify as transgender, I'm not at all convinced

Me neither! It stinks of being a fad.... I can't remember what Jordan Peterson called it, but basically - similar ideas infiltrate the population, on a 10 to 20 years cycle... I think that last notable one was anorexia. Many girls falling foul of this psychologically induced illness...
@Isaac, I don't disagree with you on much of what you said, but I think that there ARE folks of the Trans communities who DO feel that they have been born in the wrong body and that a transitional surgery is the only way they will feel right. I've met some of them while working as a musician on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. If EVER there were candidates for "wiring/plumbing" mismatches, Trans folks fall into that group.

I'm not saying there are more genders. (Discounting the "trisexuals" - who will try anything once...) Either you like men or you like women. By romantic roles, I think that's it. I'm saying that the traditional method of male or female assignment and identification may be wrong or at least somewhat incomplete. I.e. you cannot judge the book by its cover.

The brain is the most powerful sex organ. If it says "GO" then you get all hot and bothered over whatever was your brain's point of focus. If your brain says "NO" then you might as well get into a political discussion with Thales750. At least THAT might get you excited about SOMETHING, even if not a fun thing.

To stretch the analogy a bit more, it is analogous to being chastised because you liked Donald Trump more than you liked Joe Biden in the most recent election. Whose fault is that? You like what you like. Sometimes your reasons are logical and simple. Sometimes they are more visceral and emotional. But in the end, you like what you like. And to be chastised because of a private, personal preference is insensitive.

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