This will oust the corruption of transgender (1 Viewer)

@Isaac, I don't disagree with you on much of what you said, but I think that there ARE folks of the Trans communities who DO feel that they have been born in the wrong body and that a transitional surgery is the only way they will feel right. I've met some of them while working as a musician on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. If EVER there were candidates for "wiring/plumbing" mismatches, Trans folks fall into that group.

I'm not saying there are more genders. (Discounting the "trisexuals" - who will try anything once...) Either you like men or you like women. By romantic roles, I think that's it. I'm saying that the traditional method of male or female assignment and identification may be wrong or at least somewhat incomplete. I.e. you cannot judge the book by its cover.

The brain is the most powerful sex organ. If it says "GO" then you get all hot and bothered over whatever was your brain's point of focus. If your brain says "NO" then you might as well get into a political discussion with Thales750. At least THAT might get you excited about SOMETHING, even if not a fun thing.

To stretch the analogy a bit more, it is analogous to being chastised because you liked Donald Trump more than you liked Joe Biden in the most recent election. Whose fault is that? You like what you like. Sometimes your reasons are logical and simple. Sometimes they are more visceral and emotional. But in the end, you like what you like. And to be chastised because of a private, personal preference is insensitive.

Yeah, I agree. The huge million dollar question (that we already know we don't agree on so I'm not trying to bring it up for debate, really) - is the 'how', i.e. how does it get like that. I still like my Family Tree example, but there I go, bringing it up LOL, I'll stop now.

I'll go a bit further, in an effort to demonstrate just HOW much I DO agree with you (in that there is nothing inherently wrong with your brain's bent toward sexual stimulation when/if you had nothing to do with the making of it) - pedophiles. Let's just clear the air on one thing now. Well ok, 2 things, so I don't get lynched, because you ALWAYS have to say something like this to avoid a lynching. That will be #1. The controversial thing will be #2.

#1. Sex with children is totally and 100% wrong under all circumstances and must never be tolerated by society, etc. etc. etc. etc. We must do our best, within reason, to prevent and protect.

#2. It is irrational and immoral to "hate", abuse, hunt, harass, (etc) - Pedophiles - meaning people who merely have their brain bent in that direction. Why? Because they didn't cause it, in fact it's extremely likely that it was caused by someone doing something to them when little - but regardless of that, they obviously don't wake up in the morning thinking "I'd like to be attracted to children today". They wake up with the thing in their brain that they cannot disabuse themselves of.

It's wrong for them to Act upon it, obviously, but it makes no sense when people, for example, beat up or kill someone because they thought they were a pedophile. Being attracted to someone or something is not in itself a moral wrong, for you have no choice in the matter. Culpability has always been, and will always be (I hope), necessarily linked to CHOICE.

In fact I feel really sorry for those people, having something in their brain which obviously if brought to fruition is terrible and then does deserve punishment. They are not responsible whatsoever for the mere presence of the yearning. They are only responsible for what they do.

I bring all that up since parts of my previous posts alluded to this fact already: There is a big difference between what your brain wants and what you decide to do about it. That difference is why Christians actually CAN say things like "love the sinner, hate the sin".
It is irrational and immoral to "hate", abuse, hunt, harass, (etc) - Pedophiles

Disagree. The analogous discussion is to say that we should not hate, abuse, hunt, harass, (etc) - Murderers - people who have their brain bent in that direction.

Hatred? Don't need that, but not because of any excuses for the perpetrator. Hatred makes you do the wrong things out of uncontrolled emotion, which is as bad as the behavior that triggers the discussion. Abuse? No, abusing perpetrators would be taking the law out of the hands of the court and into your own hands. Probably would count towards assault charges.

But "hunt" & "harass" are methods for showing such people that their activities are not acceptable. The fact that society will hunt you down if you engage in such harmful behavior SHOULD be a deterrent for such people. And if it isn't, then isolating them away from society will be an even better deterrent for others. Having no kids around in prison will make it difficult for them to get their jollies. But the attitude of other prisoners towards child molesters should be a greater deterrent.

Being attracted to someone or something is not in itself a moral wrong

Don't let George Orwell fans hear you say that. The thought police will start looking for you.

how does it get like that

We haven't identified the genetics of it, and it might not be entirely genetic. There MIGHT be an environmental component. Some authorities have suggested that a flood of the wrong kind of hormones at just the wrong time during gestation - sometime around the 6th-12th weeks of pregnancy - might influence the formation of those structures in the "unusual" direction. Not the "wrong" direction - just the path less traveled. Nobody knows the WHY but there is no doubt of the symptoms of the situation. And the sensitive time is 6-12 weeks because that is when the brain structures are starting to form.
Transgender has become fashionable. It is a way to be "special". Opportunists have adopted the label because they can actually profit by "coming out". This was never the case with being gay. For most gays, coming out was traumatic and for too many, it cost them dearly in broken family relationships.

It is the opportunists and the "white guilt liberals" who push the Trans "cause" that are the problem. We have young boys who get off on being allowed in the girls changing room. They are just plain voyeurs. Typical teenage boys. Being on a girl's sports team also gives them the advantage of qualifying for an athletic scholarship by beating all the girls. They can't beat the other boys. But they can beat the girls.
We haven't identified the genetics of it, and it might not be entirely genetic. There MIGHT be an environmental component. Some authorities have suggested that a flood of the wrong kind of hormones at just the wrong time during gestation - sometime around the 6th-12th weeks of pregnancy - might influence the formation of those structures in the "unusual" direction. Not the "wrong" direction - just the path less traveled. Nobody knows the WHY but there is no doubt of the symptoms of the situation. And the sensitive time is 6-12 weeks because that is when the brain structures are starting to form.
We all appreciate classically beautiful people but individually, we have "types". The liberals want you to believe that children are simply a "type" and therefore no different from preferring blonds. I'm sure they have the same feeling about sexually molesting your children. Pedophilia and molesting your own children or other family members are both in the category of being strongly proscribed by modern society. We frown on marriage of close relatives and some states have laws on the topic. However, in the past, some practices were accepted. Mohammad married a 9 year old girl. Certainly well under would we would consider the age of consent but Muslims to this day still follow the practice. Islam recommends polygamy and "temporary" marriages. Mormons allow polygamy. The Greeks revered love between grown men and boys. The Egyptian royal line married their siblings.

Mores change over time but most of us hold a special horror at involving children in any se*ual activity since they don't have the capacity to consent. Hatred is perhaps too strong a word but it is not far off the mark.
But "hunt" & "harass" are methods for showing such people that their activities are not acceptable
Activities, yes.
Desire that they feel in their brain, no.

You're not getting the distinction I'm making between a desire in your brain that you can't control versus an activity that you can control

You're doing the same thing I predicted you would in my point number one.
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Activities, yes.
Desire that they feel in their brain, no.

You're not getting the distinction I'm making between a desire in your brain that you can't control versus an activity that you can control

I got the distinction. You might have missed my point. If you cannot control yourself well enough to stop yourself from doing bad things, then regardless of jail time or incarceration in a mental hospital, EITHER WAY you need to be off the streets. And that persecution has to figure in to the deterrent factors that decide which way you end up.

This is how I feel with Muslim men who cannot allow a woman out in public unless she is covered up with a burka. If they can't control themselves enough to not molest that woman because she showed a modicum of extra skin, they are nothing more than animals in human disguise.
Just because you find another person attractive, doesn't mean you act on that feeling. In my book, married men are off limits no matter how attractive they are. I can't say that I find children attractive so there would be no issue there but there are certain aspects of society with which I strongly disapprove. Things like beauty pageants for young children. I don't like them for young women either but for different reasons. But se*ualizing 5 year-olds is horrifying to me. And that is what pageants do. Babies are made up and dressed like mini-adults and taught se*ual dance moves and poses. This is a sign of how society has degenerated in our lifetimes.
I got the distinction. You might have missed my point. If you cannot control yourself well enough to stop yourself from doing bad things, then regardless of jail time or incarceration in a mental hospital, EITHER WAY you need to be off the streets. And that persecution has to figure in to the deterrent factors that decide which way you end up.

This is how I feel with Muslim men who cannot allow a woman out in public unless she is covered up with a burka. If they can't control themselves enough to not molest that woman because she showed a modicum of extra skin, they are nothing more than animals in human disguise.

Well I completely agree. IF you cannot control yourself.
But that wasn't what I was originally talking about I was talking about the mere presence of the desire, not the activity
You cannot control the desire but you can refuse to act on it.

Exactly! You should not be villified for the existence of the desire alone, but acting on it should bring the strongest imaginable response.

I think Doc and I agree, we just don't agree that we agree.
Things like beauty pageants for young children. I don't like them for young women either but for different reasons. This is a sign of how society has degenerated in our lifetimes.
Why is it that it appears that many young girls in the USA strive to be a cheerleader wearing scanty clothing? Is it because mothers can be proud of their daughters?
We even have a TV programme here (from the USA) about how the cheerleaders are auditioned and selected, its something akin to a cattle market.
Does anybody here have a daughter who is / was a cheerleader?
Why is it that it appears that many young girls in the USA strive to be a cheerleader wearing scanty clothing? Is it because mothers can be proud of their daughters?
We even have a TV programme here (from the USA) about how the cheerleaders are auditioned and selected, its something akin to a cattle market.
Does anybody here have a daughter who is / was a cheerleader?
I also think it's crazy and a bit sick
Why is it that it appears that many young girls in the USA strive to be a cheerleader wearing scanty clothing? Is it because mothers can be proud of their daughters?
We even have a TV programme here (from the USA) about how the cheerleaders are auditioned and selected, its something akin to a cattle market.
Does anybody here have a daughter who is / was a cheerleader?

It is a cultural thing, I guess. Cheerleaders are USUALLY associated with a team of athletic guys, so they are there to balance out the image, maybe. If you have strong-looking young guys doing athletic things then they want the gals to also do athletic things - though more akin to modern dance than to a sport like rugby or USA football. That way, they hope to add a new dimension to the game and increase the television viewership. That's what it all REALLY boils down to ... their share of the broadcast market.

I remember when I was in what we call "middle school" we had a football team and some cheerleaders. Some of them did it because they thought it would make them popular or get them a really athletic boyfriend - what we used to call the "jocks" - and I will not delve into the origin of that name, though it should be obvious.
Don't know what show you're watching but cheerleaders don't wear skimpy costumes. It gets pretty durn chilly cheering at a football game in the snow.
Don't know what show you're watching but cheerleaders don't wear skimpy costumes. It gets pretty durn chilly cheering at a football game in the snow.
Well, the impression given was that to be a cheerleader in America was a teenage girl's right of passage like getting laid at the high school prom dance.
I dont know the name of the programme but dolphins featured I think.
Well, the impression given was that to be a cheerleader in America was a teenage girl's right of passage like getting laid at the high school prom dance.
I dont know the name of the programme but dolphins featured I think.

IF you remember "dolphins" then the show might have been discussing cheerleaders for the Miami Dolphins football team. I found some online references to a series called NFL Cheerleaders Making the Squad: Miami Dolphins, which is available from Amazon. I remember some time ago seeing a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders show, too.
Yes I think that was the programme. I was flicking through the TV channels and stumbled on it. The backbiting and bitching each other was quite funny, but brought to light how seriously they are taking it.
They take it seriously because there is more than minimal prestige and the chance of it being a stepping stone to becoming a spokesperson or model.
The women serving as cheerleaders for professional teams are adults and do it for glory rather than for money. They want to be "discovered". Preferably by a big name football star.
Given the topic title - I wonder how many transgenders play the football and how many serve as the cheerleaders?

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