This will oust the corruption of transgender (1 Viewer)

Those lines are being blurred as we speak.

Watched a high school wrestling match which a male and female were matched. It didn't go well for the female, she was body slammed immediately and the match was over.
Given the topic title - I wonder how many transgenders play the football and how many serve as the cheerleaders?

Don't know about trans playing football but a couple of teams have allowed young women to be their place-kicker. As to trans cheerleaders, I have a feeling that there aren't a LOT of such people. But I also would bet against the number being zero.
I was just reading that article a few minutes ago. Liberals have tried hard to gaslight us, i.e. "oh the problem with women's sports doesn't really ever happen" [meanwhile I read dozens of articles of transgender people taking trophies], now the same with this issue.

Well of COURSE it's going to happen. People in prison are desperate for sex - which severe level of desperation causes SEVERE problems.

In my opinion we should do what some other countries do, make conjugal visits a normal thing. Trying to enforce abstinence among prisoners is a losing proposition, and far more than lose, it causes severe abuses and crimes to occur.

Of course people are going to claim to 'be' a woman to get into a womens' prison...Sheesh, do they not see this stuff coming, or they just don't care?
Let's hope society doesn't make the same mistake here as it has with other similar things, normalizing absurd behavior until we're numb to it
As a man you can't get into a woman's prison unless you claim to be transgender. These people are criminals, not stupid - although they did get caught.
This should make things interesting for trans women.

As a man you can't get into a woman's prison unless you claim to be transgender. These people are criminals, not stupid - although they did get caught.

As usual, Trump throws yet another curve ball. Or, given the subject, should I say "throws a change-up"?
This should make things interesting for trans women.

As usual, Trump throws yet another curve ball. Or, given the subject, should I say "throws a change-up"?
Doc I have one observation that's been bothering me the last week or so. It's something that I kind of hate to admit and it's hard for me to even make this post because it kind of undermines my fellow conservatives arguments. But in the interest of total HONESTY which is ALWAYS what I strive for I must post it , I feel, to remain honest. I actually am worried about those people facing an increased level of harassment or violence if they get switched back to the prison of their biological gender. Now there may be some way to help that or mitigate it but I'm just saying it is something that worries me.
I actually am worried about those people facing an increased level of harassment or violence if they get switched back to the prison of their biological gender.

I cannot dispute your concern. I have no immediate answer, though. However, surely there have been (non-trans) gays in prisons before and it would not take them long to be "outed." What did they do?
I cannot dispute your concern. I have no immediate answer, though. However, surely there have been (non-trans) gays in prisons before and it would not take them long to be "outed." What did they do?
I am afraid in many cases they just suffered. Perhaps one solution as much as they won't want to hear it is to just stop acting like a different gender. I mean for example if you are a man stop wearing dresses and lipstick. Although I'm sure there's more to it than that when they've been living as if they were another gender for years it's probably hard to undo in an instant. I'm not really sure what they can do other than hope that they are in a good system that protects them. I have visited some prisons that did not seem at all like the wild TV stereotype by any means. I think it all just depends on where you are
I cannot dispute your concern. I have no immediate answer, though. However, surely there have been (non-trans) gays in prisons before and it would not take them long to be "outed." What did they do?
What about cops convicted of a felony? They just don't go in general population or they have a special transgender prison. Real women have been victims of transgenders. What about them?
Part of the problem is that society, for a very long time, refused to acknowledge that a person could legitimately have a problem such as gender dysphoria, so their "embedded institutions" never allowed for such a thing. We now know that it is a real thing with a demonstrable brain structure issue to back it up. However, society - and in particular, the religiously devout part of society - has been slow to face the problem. All sorts of "special cases" keep popping up that complicate imprisonment and we don't have good answers here.
What about cops convicted of a felony?
I think (think, I have no independent knowledge but from what I've heard), the cop is indeed held in a more separate type 'home', whatever that may mean specific to that prison.
Part of the problem is that society, for a very long time, refused to acknowledge that a person could legitimately have a problem such as gender dysphoria, so their "embedded institutions" never allowed for such a thing. We now know that it is a real thing with a demonstrable brain structure issue to back it up. However, society - and in particular, the religiously devout part of society - has been slow to face the problem. All sorts of "special cases" keep popping up that complicate imprisonment and we don't have good answers here.

I have a slightly different tack - well wait, let me first say I think to some extent you are right, but "also" in addition to that, I think the current situation is better reflected by this: "We always knew about this problem due to transvestites, but only recently has it switched from being an abnormal problem to a beautiful and wonderful thing to be embraced/encouraged/funded". That is probably more what the 'religiously devout' part of society (and frankly, probably 70% of the rest of society too) is balking at.

It's not that we didn't know it happens. It's the new (~ past 5 years) way of accepting/encouraging/embracing/funding it.

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