TRUMP and Project 2025 (1 Viewer)

Space Cowboy

Local time
Today, 03:29
May 19, 2024

(The Conservative PROMISE)

Project 2025 Looks like "The Idiots guide to Forming an authoritarian Government"

Do normal right minded Americans think this is the way forward or the way backwards?

Of course Trump Lies about Knowing anything about this document, even though he disagrees with "some of the things" contained in it.

Yet again Trump Lies, if it is so disgusting that you have to lie about "knowing anything about it" then what are normal regular folk to think?
Anything someone posts on the internet or is shown to you by left wing nuts must be true. Sheeesh
LOL, this sounds ominous. 🍿
This work, Mandate for Leadership 2025: The Conservative Promise, is a collective effort of hundreds of volunteers who have banded together in the spirit of advancing positive change for America.

Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State. The project is built on four pillars.

Pillar I—this volume—puts in one place a consensus view of how major federal agencies must be governed and where disagreement exists brackets out these differences for the next President to choose a path.

Pillar II is a personnel database that allows candidates to build their own professional profiles and our coalition members to review and voice their recommendations. These recommendations will then be collated and shared with the President-elect’s team, greatly streamlining the appointment process.

Pillar III is the Presidential Administration Academy, an online educational system taught by experts from our coalition. For the new comer, this will explain how the government functions and how to function in government. For the experienced, we will host in-person seminars with advanced training and set the bar for what is expected of senior leadership.

In Pillar IV—the Playbook—we are forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President’s utterance of “so help me God.” As Americans living at the approach of our nation’s 250th birthday, we have been given much. As conservatives, we are as much required to steward this precious heritage for the next generation. On behalf of our coalition partners, we thank you and invite you to come join with us at Dans Director, Project 2025

Even more ominous. 🍿
1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

My guess is that Trump will not go along with everything being suggested in the project. Most of it is good, some of it will piss off the left because they love killing humans whenever it suits them and call that living freely. It's time to right the ship and do what is right for the country as a whole and be respected again.

There are definitely some important things being hashed out at HF, this is necessary so everything can move forward as smoothly as possible on day one. The incoming president is not required to do everything exactly as outlined, he's smart enough to do what is right for the people. Yours and others attempts at undermining the good things being done won't work. This is just morons trying to convince other morons why they need to stick with the failed country destroying policies of the democrat party. Good luck with that. You had your chance and failed miserably.
@Space Cowboy: This trope has zero credibility. Democrats have a proven record of gaslighting the gullible public and using anti-democratic policies such as lawfare to implement a Stalinist dictarship.

(The Conservative PROMISE)

Project 2025 Looks like "The Idiots guide to Forming an authoritarian Government"

Do normal right minded Americans think this is the way forward or the way backwards?

Of course Trump Lies about Knowing anything about this document, even though he disagrees with "some of the things" contained in it.

Yet again Trump Lies, if it is so disgusting that you have to lie about "knowing anything about it" then what are normal regular folk to think?

I like about 60% of their content.
Honestly a part of me wanted to type, something more like, 80 or 90%, but I thought I better err on the side of caution because I haven't read it all either - I only read MSNBC's highlights. Judging from that is interesting, because while you might think "but that's just their cherry picked stuff" - Yeah, but they cherry picked the stuff they think is the WORST - and I agreed with even a majority of THAT.

I don't agree with outlawing the abortion "morning after" pill. I think that from the standpoint of legislation and government, we should go ahead and let people make their own decision about whether they want to terminate a few cells the morning after the pregnancy, or the week after. Like Pat, I am looking for balance on the abortion issue (regardless of the moral thing I might think privately).

Outlawing pornography is a great idea, as long as it doesn't create a black market underworld that represents a bigger problem than the previous problem - but then again, that's the excuse to legalize everything, and too often used as an excuse, since we could say that about anything that's illegal and should be
I don't agree with outlawing the abortion "morning after" pill.
The abortion issue is and has always been a point of contention. The problem with that pill, is it makes it easier for anyone to break the law in states that have stricter abortion laws. So I don't agree with an all out ban on it, just in states where the law prohibits abortions. I'm pretty sure Trump is much more on the liberal side of that issue and would never go for an overall ban, that is just political suicide.

I'm looking for other items in the document other than abortion issues, what else does anyone have a problem with? I did not see any of the msnbc highlights of it. I'm just reading the document myself. I'm on the section about reforming the civil service jobs to go back to the merit system and cut down on the large expense of too many civil service jobs that simply are not needed. In other words, go in and strip things down to what is needed like Elon did with twitter when he downsized to only the jobs that were actually needed. Brilliant.
Outlawing pornography is a great idea, as long as it doesn't create a black market underworld that represents a bigger problem than the previous problem
Yeah, like outlawing liquor didn't cause a problem. Pornography is in the eye of the beholder. Who would you trust with that particular judgment? The first Amendment protects speech we hate. What about that is so hard to understand that you think it should have exceptions?
Outlawing pornography is a great idea, as long as it doesn't create a black market underworld that represents a bigger problem than the previous problem - but then again, that's the excuse to legalize everything, and too often used as an excuse, since we could say that about anything that's illegal and should be
LOL, this sounds ominous. 🍿

Even more ominous. 🍿

My guess is that Trump will not go along with everything being suggested in the project. Most of it is good, some of it will piss off the left because they love killing humans whenever it suits them and call that living freely. It's time to right the ship and do what is right for the country as a whole and be respected again.

There are definitely some important things being hashed out at HF, this is necessary so everything can move forward as smoothly as possible on day one. The incoming president is not required to do everything exactly as outlined, he's smart enough to do what is right for the people. Yours and others attempts at undermining the good things being done won't work. This is just morons trying to convince other morons why they need to stick with the failed country destroying policies of the democrat party. Good luck with that. You had your chance and failed miserably.
What do you call this replacement government? What type woud it be? The government was founded with a separatione of powers, so if that is demolished, what do you call the replacement. It's not a republic, and not a democracy.
Yeah, like outlawing liquor didn't cause a problem. Pornography is in the eye of the beholder. Who would you trust with that particular judgment? The first Amendment protects speech we hate. What about that is so hard to understand that you think it should have exceptions?

Swear that you'll be 100% honest in your reply to me on this one: What do you think the Founders would have thoughts, let's take George Washington, about Brazzers magazine or Playboy? Do you really think free speech encompassed things that were dangerous and actually harmful?
If your speech causes actual, measurable harm to society , it can be regulated. And it should be.

They could easily come up with definitions for porn

But not infinite freedom. Not, for example, the freedom to smoke crack cocaine or let a child gamble at a casino, or a 10 year old buy vape products.

I'm not against all regulation. I'm just against a lot of it.
What do you call this replacement government? What type woud it be? The government was founded with a separatione of powers, so if that is demolished, what do you call the replacement.
It is the Democrats who have destroyed the separation of powers. What President has ever publicly given the Supreme Court the finger and said "you can't stop me" as he tries another tactic to circumvent their decision that even the President doesn't get to give away the people's money by forgiving legal student loan debt in order to buy votes!
Do you really think free speech encompassed things that were dangerous and actually harmful?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! Please reread the 1st Amendment and point out the exceptions for me since I cannot find any.

Even pornography is not inherently harmful or even dangerous. We do our best to protect our children from things they are too young to understand but beyond that, no adult has the right to choose what another adult as access to. You want to see "pornography" right out in plain sight, go to any bookstore or library and read a little of a "romance" novel. Some of it comes close to crossing the line between soft and hard core.

Hate speech is another story. It is emphasized by confirmation bias (look this up if you don't understand the concept and how dangerous it is). "Everybody hates Trump" so I'll do the world a favor and kill him. He is Hitler. Someone should have killed Hitler and saved millions of lives. This is how social media and Google (both inherently evil but no one is talking about stopping them) controls your feeds to give you more of what you "like". I have trained one of my feeds to give me nothing but articles about home decorating:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: When I first discovered this problem about 20 years ago, to prove it to a friend, I trained a news feed to give me only articles about the British Royal Family.

But despite the evil brought into this world by Google and social media companies manipulating how you think, I would still not ban them. I would insist that the filtering criteria be made public and force them to allow you to change the filtering if you didn't like theirs.

Just knowing that you are being manipulated goes a long way toward mitigating the damage. You can force yourself to read other opinions even if the only way to do it is to find reliable conservative posters like Dennis Prager and Dave Rubin. Dennis has always been conservative and he is incredibly wise but Dave joined our ranks when he saw just how downright crazy and evil the progressives had made the Democrat party.
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On the abortion issue, first let me say that my wife and I agreed that IF she got pregnant, we would not abort. It would not have been our choice. I don't have the Tay-Sachs gene (though my genetic heritage would suggest the possibility) so we would not have been faced with that kind of dilemma. But for various reasons we were childless. She had kids from her first marriage so I became a grandpa anyway and couldn't love those grand-stinkers more, even now that they are mostly grown up.

Having said that, you DO realize that abortion has been around for millennia, don't you? It was a well-known thing even in ancient Egypt, with a reference from about 1550 BCE, or 3500 years ago. You can make it illegal. You can force it into a back alley. You can leave it to a guy with a non-sterilized coat hanger (yecch!). But it is going to happen, women will die or become sterile to lose the unwanted fetus, and the world will still turn tomorrow as it has turned countless times before.

Birth control methods fail every day. Accidents happen. My #2 grandson was, in fact, an accident - but he is a beloved accident. Women should have some choice in the matter after the fact, at least early during the pregnancy, but too many folks have swigged down the radical soft-drink of telling women that their opinions and their problems don't count. To me the particularly hateful aspect of current anti-abortion laws is that you can't even grant the woman the option to terminate a pregnancy caused by the RA-word (which gets blanked out by forum filters). The psychological harm to the victim of that RA-word in such rulings is astounding to me - but many states ban ALL abortions for any reason.

OK, you can say "Adoption" - but agencies are already filled to overflowing with kids who DON'T get adopted. It is hard to find a study that clearly shows the effects on a child's upbringing when that child was the result of RA-word actions. But the woman who keeps such a child will surely keep many negative feelings as well, which will affect that child. I grieve for the child who must grow up within such an environment, for it surely was not the child's fault. But I could not blame the mother who would harbor resentment for the child. After all, the mother is human and has emotions just like the rest of us.

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