Welcome to our new home! (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:53
Sep 28, 1999
After 20 odd years with vBulletin, we have switched to a new fresh software platform, Xenforo. Like with any change, it takes time to get used to a new way of doing things, and no doubt many of you will miss the old board. Even I miss it and have my doubts on switching! Just hang in there until it seeps into your bones like the old board probably did.

Sadly, the previous platform was "end-of-life." It was no longer supported, and there were security vulnerabilities which led to a recent discover of 10 exploits on the previous board. I removed them all but we were exposed. This new software is far more secure, even if it won't stop the hackers from having a go.

There will be aspects of this new software that will be tweaked over the coming weeks. For example, there are performance enhancements to do that will give a little more zip. I want to add a newsletter for top threads, which will be optional. Then there is the possibility of skins with which to change the look of the forum. And so on.

I am 100% open to all ideas, criticisms and suggestions. After all, if you want to spend a lot of time here, I want to make your stay as welcoming as possible.
Well, we knew something like this was going to happen, but it's kind of a bummer to see the vast majority of the 'thanks' not get transferred over to 'likes' and reaction score.

Still, I think I like the new format. Takes some getting used to, but the improvement in speed is really nice.
Don't worry about the Thanks. I think we can transfer them to Likes, but it is a slow manual process. However, it can be done. I've kept a history of how many Thanks each person got. For example, I know you had 472 Thanks. ;)
hey looks good Jon! wow, you really got this place up and running quickly! This looks like the same stuff that Mr. Excel is using....and it looks like everything is running on asynchronous code as well. nice! =)
FWIW both Home links produce
Error establishing a database connection

Also what is the equivalent of 'Your Subscriptions' please.?
@vba_php, I've got lots of bits to do, such as adding the ads back in, Google Analytics, etc.
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@Gasman Thanks for that. Back onto my host again!
Click Forums Tab above each page and then from watched drop down select forum or threads.
Thank you Tera,
Just found it after the post. :( Always the way, look all over, cannot find it, ask, then go looking again, and Voila! :D
Fixed homepage error now.
Apart from subscriptions, don't forget the new bookmarking features here.
Just found it after the post. :( Always the way, look all over, cannot find it, ask, then go looking again, and Voila! :D

Then if it needs to be asked first to be able to find it, then I ask and will go and look again. maybe I can find it.
Where can I set the count of posts per page?
Do we have a new Admin? I noticed a member named Dave who is listed as an Admin...
No. When I did the import, I had to have a different name/email combo else there would be a primary key conflict when importing the data, and we all know about those here. :oops:
Yeah, I've been scanning those. You can also look in there to see who is doing what. I find that interesting, because it might give me an idea of what everybody is up to. It helps me understand behaviourally what is going on here.
Jon, Is there a setting somewhere that the members can set for the number of posts per each page? I couldn't find it in my preferences.
I believe it is fixed, as how they structure their urls includes the page number. If you edit the number of posts, it would have an effect on that.
Beautiful! I've now got loads of trophies as well!

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