What do you eat? (1 Viewer)

Pauldohert said:
Thats a very good idea Rich .
I know it is, that's why I now have two freezers. The bag of frozen sprouts I bought the other day are the tastiest I've ever had, sadly they don't like me anymore:(
Rich said:
The bag of frozen sprouts I bought the other day are the tastiest I've ever had, sadly they don't like me anymore:(
Not American are they?

I don't know that I'd have the time or the space to put down everything I eat! Col can vouch!

It has got slightly less since I went past 30 - before that I could eat as much as I liked, and now, every little bit adds to the weight!!!

I'll have a go a bit later, but you may all fall asleep.
here we go
Breakfast - Toast + cup of tea
Lunch Sandwich (Cheese/Ham) + Pastie
Fruit occasionally and at any time
Dinner -Braised Bacon Rice
Bowl of Grapes
occasional Chocolate Bar

Tea during the day - between 6-8 cups)
Fruit Juice 2 glasses
I've pretty much switched to stir fries as my choice of main meal, which I eat with chopsticks for added fun. I've been trying a lot of new foods of late too, notably quinoa, goji, and acai.
I love stir-fries! Anyone tried salmon with hoi-sin sauce? Someone introduced me to it and it's wonderful.

Never tried goji berries. Heard they're the new super-wonder-food, but you need a bank loan to buy them! Got some quinoa in the cupboard but never tried it. Need some inspiration. What are acai?
Never tried goji berries. Heard they're the new super-wonder-food, but you need a bank loan to buy them!
It was £2.75 for a 70g packet of sundried goji berries in Holland & Barratt and they were quite tasteless. Picked up a litre carton of the juice from Sainsburys for £3 but I've not tasted it yet.

Got some quinoa in the cupboard but never tried it. Need some inspiration.
I had no idea what to do with it either. I thought it would be like cous cous but it actually absorbed all the water in the pot and turned into a strange mush akin to smaller globules of frogspawn. It's was a strange thing to eat - I ust tossed it in a stir fry as a noodle alternative. Never again. Might curry it next time.

What are acai?
As goji are the new Chinese superberries, acai are the new Brazilian superberries.
It was £2.75 for a 70g packet of sundried goji berries in Holland & Barratt and they were quite tasteless. Picked up a litre carton of the juice from Sainsburys for £3 but I've not tasted it yet.

Oh I thought they'd be full of flavour!

I had no idea what to do with it either. I thought it would be like cous cous but it actually absorbed all the water in the pot and turned into a strange mush akin to smaller globules of frogspawn. It's was a strange thing to eat - I ust tossed it in a stir fry as a noodle alternative. Never again. Might curry it next time.

Need to look into that - I bought it after watching "You are what you eat", but you're not filling me with enthusiasm! ;)

As goji are the new Chinese superberries, acai are the new Brazilian superberries.

I see! Tnx
SJ - didn't you used to have the diet from hell and do no exercise - and its now totally the other way?

What made you change?

Yesterday for me -

Muesli, Banana


Home made veggie soup - Broccolli, Parsnip, Sweet Potato, Onion

Cheese sarnie, glass of orange juice

Pork Chop with roasties, stuffing, spinach, apple sauce.

Drinks - around 10 cups of tea, green, black, with milk, without.
SJ - didn't you used to have the diet from hell and do no exercise - and its now totally the other way?

What made you change?

Yes. I was eating fast food a hell of a lot, drinking fizzy stuff, loads of beer, and piles of chocolate. Smoked, too.

I tried a bit of exercise, namely badminton and swimming, but my lifestyle didn't change much around them. Then May last year I tried muay thai (thai boxing) when the pool was closed and loved it. From there I've mixed it with Brazilian Ju-jitsu and a bit of wrestling to my routine and the pounds have fallen off. Because of the energy burned in these sessions I found myself drinking water more often. And, since most of the people in these sports, are six pack packing blokes I decided I want one too (a six pack, not a bloke ;) ) I've slowly changed my diet. It begins to consume you. You don't want to go to the pub, you just want to train some more. It's a good cycle. And it makes you more interested in what you eat: I deliberately tried mange tout for the first time last night.
I still struggle - with beer and cigs! I think I will have to take up a competitive sport to motivate me a bit more.
have given up smoking, cold turkey. will be three weeks on thursday without a smoke. my wife no longer buys junk food so we are eating better, but I still have a craving for fizzy drinks, preferably the fruit flavored ones like Fanta, which I found recently to have a no calorie orange yeah for me.
I still struggle - with beer and cigs! I think I will have to take up a competitive sport to motivate me a bit more.
If there's somewhere near that does muay thai training then find out what nights, go along and give it a shot. There's nothing better than someone hitting you and you deciding to hit them back twice as hard. It gets sort of easier as time goes by, but you push yourself more. And in a group environment you don't want to give up in front of everyone. So you keep on pusihing on.
Today as an example:
6.15 am ish: Muesli (home made) and bran flakes with soya milk
Large cup of rooibos tea - orange and cinnamon flavour (no milk)

7.30 Peppermint tea

8.45 Black coffee and piece of malt loaf and banana

9.30 Another black coffee

10.30 5 x ginger oat biscuits (wonderfully strong and low GI!)

11.30 Was really really hungry so had lunch early, which today was leftover homemade prawn risotto then a tin of lentil and veg soup a bit later, well about 12:15.

14:45 Ryvita chewy bar then an apple

Up till 15:30 2x more cups of rooibos tea - this time they were Earl Grey flavour! plus a pomegranate fruit tea with spoonful of honey.

Drink water throughout the day

Tonight will be home-made pesto and pasta (not home made!) followed by either nothing or a soya yogurt, sometimes have a baked apple (with a spot of soya custard). Then another black coffee then one or two more peppermint teas.

Lunch is usually salad with a tin of mackeral and a dollop of egg-free mayo and sometimes some instant cous-cous added, but today had the left-overs!

Try to cook from fresh as much as possible. Am intolerant to cow's milk, eggs, almonds and yeast.

... hence home-made muesli as all bought ones tend to have almonds in, (as well as added sugar and mine tastes much much nicer)!!!
... so am experimenting with other recipes and having to buy yeast free, dairy free, egg free ... it's so hard. Milk, and yeast especially crop up EVERYWHERE!!!

Unfortunately, yeast also covers such things as mushrooms, (which I love), wine (which I love), quorn (which I used to eat heaps of being semi-veggie). Thankfully, as it's not an allergy, I do have a little treat every now and again, like a glass of wine, or a few mushrooms or hot chocolate! I really don't know how I'd cope if I was actually allergic and really feel for those who are.

Have managed to prevent myself going to get a bar of chocolate as there's certain plain one's which don't contain milk. Thankfully, I really like plain choc - would be a catastrophe if I didn't!!!! :D And also prevented going to get crisps (chips - US) which are a big weakness. I do often snack on seeds and berries too but ... ... !!!

I like normal tea, but only like it with milk, so just drink rooibos (commonly sold in UK as Redbush, or TickTock which is a naturally caffeine free Herbal South African drink. Tim and I are strange ... he's the South African who could easily have an IV drip attached to feed him "normal" tea and he can't stand rooibos!!!
If you going to try and change your diet (not dieting- lifestyle change)
you can either do the whole healthy kick not eating anything thats bad for you (which is generally all the nice tasting stuff)

and these generally fade over a course of a couple of weeks - there is only so much brown rice/bread you can eat

I have found - just by eating green veg- fruit and replacing 1 bad food can make a real difference

with my tea I have 1/2 spoon of sugar in the morning then none all day
We whined ourselves off salt 100% (Their is enough salt in average food for most people)
Frying food has almost gone - (not quite cos the occasional fry up - taste fab) - but the sausages will get done in the oven on a rack as will the bacon, mushrooms done in a bit of butter (it is a treat) toast and grilled tomatoes
i try to eat 2 fruit /veg each day and drink a juice - pominganite ? at the mo - considering that the only veg I would eat was pea

now into asparagus (heaven pan fried and slightly steamed)
Courgettes (typo - big word) green beans (raw or cooked) cabbage if its done well - but broccoli - just cannot get a taste for it - eat it just to eat green veg - b-sprouts are the devils food

I can eat all the fruit you can imagine etc Bananans (Liken em cooked but not raw) and dragon fruit - why no taste
everything esel fruit wise - I have it

its taken a couple of years to get to a healthier basis -- red meat is now so rare - I would rather have chicken - (lamb i am afraid is still my weak point)

we are big on fish (Fish finger sandwich !!Heaven ) for the Yanks fish sticks
We fry nothing in animal fat otherwise nothing is forbidden, but we do not over eat, well except on a Sunday
Scallops marinated in Tequila with a gren and pepper salad, crown of Lamb and full roast etc, Franjipane and amoretto tortoni, cheese and biscuits , loads of wine and port to finish, but last night was poached cod loin, large butter beans in a tomato sauce and roast red and yellow peppers, nowt else, except a glass of wine.

I believe that if you avoid additives and over eating, do some moderate exercise you will be ok.

Oh! never touch tobacco.


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