Who Owns the Unites States: Russia or China? (1 Viewer)

This thread is intriguing. Gaining insights from everyone's posts. What does the government do against China's motives?
I'm not political or foreign policy expert, but it seems from my limited view, that the only area there really IS any place to move around is in Trade.

1) Try to negotiate anything we possibly can with other countries to stop trading so much from China, as Trump has done with tariffs by forcing people to look elsewhere
2) Try to export more of the things that China needs
I would believe Trump was against trading with China of his campaign merchandise wasn't made there.

The only reason why China doesn't own the world is because they still have needs from the rest of the world. There no question that we have buried ourselves in deep with or own needs from them. It'll be interesting to see the state of the world in 50 years. Will more countries find ways to reduce China dependency or will they grow even larger than they are now?

Russia is just Russia. They certainly haven't had the growth economically that China has seen. If anything, we will see China benefit more between the two over the coming decades.
I would believe Trump was against trading with China of his campaign merchandise wasn't made there.
Why would you assume that? Has he ever said we should not trade with China? His position is we should not allow China to cheat us. The only negative trade statement I've heard Trump make was that we shouldn't depend on China for our drugs. Once Trump found out that China could simply cut off the supply of certain critical drugs, Trump pushed big Pharma to adjust their supply chains to reduce dependency on China. Granted, the Chinese don't march in the street screaming "Death to America" the way the Iranians do but they have made it very clear in other ways such as their cyber attacks that they are not our friends.
OK. Let me rephrase. He wanted to influence/force American companies to use American companies while utilizing foreign companies himself.
He wanted to influence/force American companies to use American companies while utilizing foreign companies himself.
Facts please? Are you comparing importing labor from abroad with not making our own drugs? How about not making our own ammunition? I'm pretty sure, we have to stay friends with France if we want them to sell us bullets for our guns.

A sovereign nation is foolish to depend on other countries, especially those that are vocally not our friends, for critical material. I don't know about you, but life saving drugs seem pretty critical to me. Bullets, I can do without. If France cuts off our supply of bullets, probably fewer people would die. Not so with the drugs that come ONLY from China.

America's dependency on China for drugs is a major national security issue - Washington Times
U.S. dependence on China for medicine is a major problem | The Seattle Times
OK. Let me rephrase. He wanted to influence/force American companies to use American companies while utilizing foreign companies himself.

You're saying that because he didn't take care to make his (tiny volume of) campaign products other than in China, the idea that we stop making major volume things in China is not worth pushing? Why can't both be true?
Maybe someday you will die because you can't order a tchotchke from China, but I doubt it. That is not the same as drugs that keep people alive. Do you really want someone who considers themselves our enemy to control whether or not you receive some lifesaving drug? Who the hell cares if they make Trumpy Bear and Red MAGA hats?

Trump didn't hollow out the manufacturing areas of the US. It was his predecessors who did that. Trump was trying to turn that around and he actually made some headway. If you can't get goods made in America, I suppose you don't have to buy anything. Hope you don't need a kitchen appliance or car anytime soon. Go to an appliance store and count the number of Made in America products you find. Even furniture seems to be made in China. Trump was trying to get people to bring back manufacturing to the US. That will come to an abrupt halt as his Executive orders are cancelled. In the meantime, are his guests supposed to sit on the floor? Don't buy into this crap. You can't blame Trump for things the feckless members of Congress did.
Trump was trying to get people to bring back manufacturing to the US. That will come to an abrupt halt as his Executive orders are cancelled.
I think it was a bit more complicated. Yes, Trump was trying to bring manufacturing back into the US by using tariffs to make Chinese products a bit more expensive so that US made products would be competitive in terms of price. But I also think it was about encouraging companies to relocate their foreign manufacturing (supply chain) outside of China so that China would not have a stranglehold should they cut us off.

As you note, when China Joe takes over; the tariff strategy will expire. But there may be another unfortunate consequence. China Joe may well sell-out Taiwan in his unjustified desire for "reconciliation" (appeasement) with the rest of the world.
Maybe someday you will die because you can't order a tchotchke from China, but I doubt it. That is not the same as drugs that keep people alive. Do you really want someone who considers themselves our enemy to control whether or not you receive some lifesaving drug? Who the hell cares if they make Trumpy Bear and Red MAGA hats?

Trump didn't hollow out the manufacturing areas of the US. It was his predecessors who did that. Trump was trying to turn that around and he actually made some headway. If you can't get goods made in America, I suppose you don't have to buy anything. Hope you don't need a kitchen appliance or car anytime soon. Go to an appliance store and count the number of Made in America products you find. Even furniture seems to be made in China. Trump was trying to get people to bring back manufacturing to the US. That will come to an abrupt halt as his Executive orders are cancelled. In the meantime, are his guests supposed to sit on the floor? Don't buy into this crap. You can't blame Trump for things the feckless members of Congress did.
I'm not the one who said we shouldn't buy the products. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. They certainly make hats and shirts in America. But of course when your Lord Trump is a hypocrite, it's OK.
I'm not the one who said we shouldn't buy the products. Just pointing out the hypocrisy. They certainly make hats and shirts in America. But of course when your Lord Trump is a hypocrite, it's OK.
Its not all made in china



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